1. The son which is in the distance, had you heard the holy beckon of the Sitsang`s altiplano.


2. Using above two methods calculate the thermal infrared information in Sitsang to recognize anomaly and receive ideal production.


3. Return to the topic, after chat with Kevin about take a trip yesterday, I have some longing for the time when we are free and go outside together, maybe in Sitsang or in Tianshan mountain, anyway, it's must be a pure and beautiful place we are glad.


4. In order to fully exploit the potential of the Flare plate solar collector and the low temperature water source pump in Sitsang, the simulation model of Solar assisted heat of low temperature water source pump system is developed in this paper. Using this simulation procedure, the designer can predict the dynamic characteristic of the system at the design phase.


5. I was thinking of Mekka, thinking of Sitsang, thinking of the people who was clumping the WuTai mountain, which one of them was the real Christians then?


6. Sitsang的翻译

6. Choosing the 100kWp stand-alone photovoltaic power system which was built at Sitsang Anduo county as the research object, and using the methods which are used in analyzing the normal power system, we determined that the problems which happened when the load was launched into the system could be classified as the transient stability problem of power system.


7. And we have the mysterious Sitsang. The supernatural way had send the warm to the frontier. So the mountain is not high and the the way is not long. Chinese daughters and sons forgather together.


8. Because of the ability of Sitsang, it can process 5-frame images of 160 by 120 in a second.


9. The Research of Application of Sitsang/PXA255 Evaluation Platform


10. Combined Tourism Resources Exploitation within Gansu, Qinghai, Sitsang



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