1. 接口[多态]




1.1 接口概念




​ 接口是Go语言整个类型系统的基石,其他语言的接口是不同组件之间的契约的存在,对契约的实现是强制性的,必须显式声明实现了该接口,这类接口称之为“侵入式接口”。而Go语言的接口是隐式存在,只要实现了该接口的所有函数则代表已经实现了该接口,并不需要显式的接口声明

  • 接口的比喻

​ 你的电脑上只有一个USB接口。这个USB接口可以接MP3,数码相机,摄像头,鼠标,键盘等。。。所有的上述硬件都可以公用这个接口,有很好的扩展性,该USB接口定义了一种规范,只要实现了该规范,就可以将不同的设备接入电脑,而设备的改变并不会对电脑本身有什么影响(低耦合)

  • 面向接口编程



​ 当其他设计者调用了接口后,就不能再随意更改接口的定义,否则项目开发者事先的约定就失去了意义。但是可以在类中修改相应的代码,完成需要改动的内容。

1.2 非侵入式接口


type File struct{//类的属性
func (f *File) Read(buf []byte) (n int,err error)
func (f *File) Write(buf []byte) (n int,err error)
func (f *File) Seek(off int64,whence int) (pos int64,err error)
func (f *File) Close() error
type IFile interface{Read(buf []byte) (n int,err error)Write(buf []byte) (n int,err error)Seek(off int64,whence int) (pos int64,err error)Close() error
type IReader interface{Read(buf []byte) (n int,err error)
var file1 IFile = new(File)
var file2 IReader = new(File)

1.3 接口赋值



type IUSB interface{//定义IUSB的接口方法
type MP3 struct{//实现IUSB的接口,具体实现方式是MP3的方法
type Mouse struct{//实现IUSB的接口,具体实现方式是Mouse的方法
var usb IUSB =new(MP3)
var usb IUSB =new(Mouse)


  1. 只要两个接口拥有相同的方法列表(与次序无关),即是两个相同的接口,可以相互赋值
  2. 接口赋值只需要接口A的方法列表是接口B的子集(即假设接口A中定义的所有方法,都在接口B中有定义),那么B接口的实例可以赋值给A的对象。反之不成立,即子接口B包含了父接口A,因此可以将子接口的实例赋值给父接口。
  3. 即子接口实例实现了子接口的所有方法,而父接口的方法列表是子接口的子集,则子接口实例自然实现了父接口的所有方法,因此可以将子接口实例赋值给父接口。
type Writer interface{    //父接口Write(buf []byte) (n int,err error)
type ReadWriter interface{    //子接口Read(buf []byte) (n int,err error)Write(buf []byte) (n int,err error)
var file1 ReadWriter=new(File)   //子接口实例
var file2 Writer=file1           //子接口实例赋值给父接口

1.4 接口查询

若要在 switch 外判断一个接口类型是否实现了某个接口,可以使用“逗号 ok ”。

value, ok := Interfacevariable.(implementType)

其中 Interfacevariable 是接口变量(接口值),implementType 为实现此接口的类型,value 返回接口变量实际类型变量的值,如果该类型实现了此接口返回 true。

var file1 Writer=...
if file5,ok:=file1.(File);ok{  ...

1.5 接口类型查询

在 Go 中,要判断传递给接口值的变量类型,可以在使用 type switch 得到。(type)只能在 switch 中使用。

// 另一个实现了 I 接口的 R 类型
type R struct { i int }
func (p *R) Get() int { return p.i }
func (p *R) Put(v int) { p.i = v }func f(p I) {switch t := p.(type) { // 判断传递给 p 的实际类型case *S: // 指向 S 的指针类型case *R: // 指向 R 的指针类型case S:  // S 类型case R:  // R 类型default: //实现了 I 接口的其他类型}

1.6 接口组合

type ReadWriter interface{  //接口组合,避免代码重复Reader      //接口ReaderWriter      //接口Writer

1.7 Any类型[空接口]


var v1 interface{}=struct{X int}{1}
var v2 interface{}="abc"func DoSomething(v interface{}) {   //该函数可以接收任何类型的参数,因为任何类型都实现了空接口// ...

1.8 接口的代码示例

type Animal interface {Speak() string
type Dog struct {
}func (d Dog) Speak() string {return "Woof!"
type Cat struct {
}func (c Cat) Speak() string {return "Meow!"
type Llama struct {
}func (l Llama) Speak() string {return "?????"
type JavaProgrammer struct {
}func (j JavaProgrammer) Speak() string {return "Design patterns!"
func main() {animals := []Animal{Dog{}, Cat{}, Llama{}, JavaProgrammer{}}  //利用接口实现多态for _, animal := range animals {fmt.Println(animal.Speak())  //打印不同实现该接口的类的方法返回值}

2. client-go中接口的使用分析


2.1 接口设计与定义

2.1.1 接口组合

// PodsGetter has a method to return a PodInterface.
// A group's client should implement this interface.
type PodsGetter interface {Pods(namespace string) PodInterface

2.1.2 接口定义

// PodInterface has methods to work with Pod resources.
type PodInterface interface {Create(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)Update(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)UpdateStatus(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)Delete(name string, options *meta_v1.DeleteOptions) errorDeleteCollection(options *meta_v1.DeleteOptions, listOptions meta_v1.ListOptions) errorGet(name string, options meta_v1.GetOptions) (*v1.Pod, error)List(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (*v1.PodList, error)Watch(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, subresources ...string) (result *v1.Pod, err error)PodExpansion

PodInterface接口定义了pod对象所使用的方法,一般为增删改查等。其他kubernetes资源对象的接口定义类似,区别在于入参和出参与对象相关。例如Create(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)方法定义的入参出参为*v1.Pod。如果要实现该接口,即实现该接口的所有方法。

2.2 接口的实现

2.2.1 结构体的定义

// pods implements PodInterface
type pods struct {client rest.Interfacens     string

2.2.2 new函数[构造函数]

// newPods returns a Pods
func newPods(c *CoreV1Client, namespace string) *pods {return &pods{client: c.RESTClient(),ns:     namespace,}

2.2.3 方法的实现


// Get takes name of the pod, and returns the corresponding pod object, and an error if there is any.
func (c *pods) Get(name string, options meta_v1.GetOptions) (result *v1.Pod, err error) {result = &v1.Pod{}err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(name).VersionedParams(&options, scheme.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)return


// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of Pods that match those selectors.
func (c *pods) List(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (result *v1.PodList, err error) {result = &v1.PodList{}err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").VersionedParams(&opts, scheme.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)return


// Create takes the representation of a pod and creates it.  Returns the server's representation of the pod, and an error, if there is any.
func (c *pods) Create(pod *v1.Pod) (result *v1.Pod, err error) {result = &v1.Pod{}err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Body(pod).Do().Into(result)return


// Update takes the representation of a pod and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the pod, and an error, if there is any.
func (c *pods) Update(pod *v1.Pod) (result *v1.Pod, err error) {result = &v1.Pod{}err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(pod.Name).Body(pod).Do().Into(result)return


// Delete takes name of the pod and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
func (c *pods) Delete(name string, options *meta_v1.DeleteOptions) error {return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()

2.3 接口的调用


// 创建clientset实例
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
// 具体的调用
pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(metav1.ListOptions{})



// CoreV1 retrieves the CoreV1Client
func (c *Clientset) CoreV1() corev1.CoreV1Interface {return c.coreV1




type CoreV1Interface interface {RESTClient() rest.InterfaceComponentStatusesGetterConfigMapsGetterEndpointsGetterEventsGetterLimitRangesGetterNamespacesGetterNodesGetterPersistentVolumesGetterPersistentVolumeClaimsGetterPodsGetterPodTemplatesGetterReplicationControllersGetterResourceQuotasGetterSecretsGetterServicesGetterServiceAccountsGetter



func (c *CoreV1Client) Pods(namespace string) PodInterface {return newPods(c, namespace)



pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(metav1.ListOptions{})


3. 通用接口设计

3.1 接口定义

// ProjectManager manage life cycle of Deployment and Resources
type PodInterface interface {Create(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)Update(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)UpdateStatus(*v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)Delete(name string, options *meta_v1.DeleteOptions) errorDeleteCollection(options *meta_v1.DeleteOptions, listOptions meta_v1.ListOptions) errorGet(name string, options meta_v1.GetOptions) (*v1.Pod, error)List(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (*v1.PodList, error)Watch(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, subresources ...string) (result *v1.Pod, err error)PodExpansion

3.2 结构体定义

// pods implements PodInterface
type pods struct {client rest.Interfacens     string

3.3 构造函数

// newPods returns a Pods
func newPods(c *CoreV1Client, namespace string) *pods {return &pods{client: c.RESTClient(),ns:     namespace,}

3.4 结构体实现


// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of Pods that match those selectors.
func (c *pods) List(opts meta_v1.ListOptions) (result *v1.PodList, err error) {result = &v1.PodList{}err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").VersionedParams(&opts, scheme.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)return

3.5 接口调用

pods, err := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("").List(metav1.ListOptions{})

3.6 其他接口设计示例

type XxxManager interface {Create(args argsType) (*XxxStruct, error)Get(args argsType) (**XxxStruct, error)Update(args argsType) (*XxxStruct, error)Delete(name string, options *DeleleOptions) error
}type XxxManagerImpl struct {Name stringNamespace stringkubeCli *kubernetes.Clientset
}func NewXxxManagerImpl (namespace, name string, kubeCli *kubernetes.Clientset) XxxManager {return &XxxManagerImpl{Name name,Namespace namespace,kubeCli: kubeCli,}
}func (xm *XxxManagerImpl) Create(args argsType) (*XxxStruct, error) {//具体的方法实现


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