
Everyone likes to know who’s calling before they actually pick up the phone, and the easiest way to achieve that is with custom ringtones for specific callers. That way, when your phone starts blasting “Cherry Pie,” you know it’s your wife. Or when it’s “Roll Out (My Business),” you know it’s your boss. Fortunately, this is a simple process in Android. Here’s how to do it.

每个人都喜欢在实际接听电话之前先知道谁在打电话,而最简单的方法是使用针对特定呼叫者的自定义铃声。 这样,当您的手机开始播放“樱桃派”时,您就知道是您的妻子。 或者当它是“淘汰(我的业务)”时,您知道这是您的老板。 幸运的是,这是Android中的一个简单过程。 这是操作方法。

Before we get started, you should be aware that the process may vary slightly between manufacturers and their respective custom skins. There’s no possible way we can show how to do it on every phone out there, but I’ll show how to do it on stock Android, Samsung, and LG devices—you should be able to at least get the idea from there.

在我们开始之前,您应该意识到,制造商及其各自的定制外观之间的过程可能会略有不同。 我们不可能展示出如何在现有的每部手机上做到这一点,但我将展示如何在现有的Android,三星和LG设备上做到这一点-您至少应该能够从那里得到灵感。

So, let’s get started.


如何在股票(或接近股票)Android上设置联系人铃声 (How to Set Contact Ringtones on Stock (or Near-Stock) Android)

You can do this from either the Phone or Contacts apps—since Contacts is essentially an extension of the dialer, they both ultimately end up in the same place anyway.


The first thing you’ll want to do is open either of the above-mentioned apps and find the contact you’d like to set a custom ringtone for. In this case, I’ll be setting a tone for my good friend Barack Obama. We go way back.

您要做的第一件事是打开上述两个应用程序,然后找到您想要为其设置自定义铃声的联系人。 在这种情况下,我将为我的好朋友巴拉克·奥巴马定调。 我们往回走。

Just tap the little pencil icon to open the “Edit contact” menu. From there, tap on the three-dot overflow menu in the top right corner.

只需点击铅笔小图标即可打开“编辑联系人”菜单。 从那里,点击右上角的三点溢出菜单。

You see the option that reads “Set ringtone”? Yeah, that’s the one we’re looking for. Give it a tap.

您看到显示“设置铃声”的选项吗? 是的,这就是我们正在寻找的那个。 给它一个水龙头。

This will open the Ringtones menu, where you can choose whichever tone you’d like for that contact. I happen to know for a fact that Barack is a huge metalhead, so I’m going to use In Flames’ “Through Oblivion” for his tone. He’ll love that.

这将打开“铃声”菜单,您可以在其中选择想要给该联系人的铃声。 我碰巧知道一个事实,那就是巴拉克是个巨大的金属头,所以我将使用In Flames的“直觉”作为他的语气。 他会喜欢的。

After that, just hit the check mark next to the overflow menu.


And we’re done. Can’t wait for the next call I get from good ol’ B-rock.

我们完成了。 等不及我从B摇滚那里接到的下一个电话了。

如何在三星Galaxy设备上设置联系人铃声 (How to Set Contact Ringtones on Samsung Galaxy Devices)

On Samsung phones, you can use either the Phone or Contacts app to get the job done. Open the one of your choosing (I’m using Phone because that just makes sense) and navigate to your contact. I’ve been meaning to set a custom tone for my girl Katy Perry for a while now, so I might as well do it now. She blows my phone up like you wouldn’t believe.

在三星手机上,您可以使用“手机”或“通讯录”应用来完成工作。 打开您选择的一项(我使用电话是因为这很有意义)并导航至您的联系人。 我一直想为我的女孩凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)设定一种自定义的语气,所以我现在也应该这样做。 她炸毁了我的电话,就像你不相信一样。

Once you’ve opened the Phone (or Contacts) app, navigate to your contact, tap the “Edit” button in the top right.


From there, hit the “More” button, then scroll all the way to the bottom.


Tap the “Ringtone” option. I think I’ll assign Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” to Katy, because that just seems like the right thing to do here.

点击“铃声”选项。 我想我将Taylor Swift的“ Bad Blood”分配给Katy,因为这似乎是正确的选择。

Once you’ve selected your ringtone, tap the “Save” option at the top.


And that’s that. Too bad Katy will never hear her ringtone when she calls me.

就是这样。 太糟糕了,凯蒂打电话给我时再也听不到她的铃声。

如何在LG设备上设置联系人铃声 (How to Set Contact Ringtones on LG Devices)

I’m using an LG V10 here, but it should be pretty much the same process (if not identical) on all other modern LG devices, too. And guess what? You can do this from the Phone or Contacts app on LG phones, just like all the others. Seeing a pattern here?

我在这里使用的是LG V10,但在所有其他现代LG设备上也应该使用几乎相同的过程(如果不相同)。 你猜怎么着? 您可以像其他所有手机一样,通过LG手机上的“手机”或“通讯录”应用程序执行此操作。 在这里看到模式吗?

This time, I’ll be hooking my buddy Michael Jordan up with a custom ringtone. I’m a pretty busy guy, so I want to know when it’s MJ giving me a ring.

这次,我将使用自定义的铃声来吸引我的好友Michael Jordan。 我是一个很忙的人,所以我想知道MJ何时给我打电话。

Once you’ve opened the Phone or Contacts app and navigated to the contact you want to edit, hit the little pencil icon in the top right to open up the “Edit contact” menu.


Scroll all the way down. At the bottom of this page, there are two options: Ringtone and Notification sound. You can all sorts of custom action here.

一直向下滚动。 在此页面的底部,有两个选项:铃声和通知声音。 您可以在此处进行各种自定义操作。

My boy MJ rocked the 23 on his chest for many years, so it’s only fair to set his ringtone accordingly—23 from Mike Will Made-It seems to fit the bill perfectly.

我的男孩MJ多年来一直将23放在他的胸前,所以相应地设置他的铃声是很公平的-来自Mike Will Made的23似乎很合适。

When you’re finished, hit “OK.” Then hit “Save.”

完成后,点击“确定”。 然后点击“保存”。

That’s it. Done and done.

而已。 做完了。

Setting custom ringtones in Android is a pretty straightforward and simple process. And once you’ve mastered the art of creating ringtones from your favorite songs, the possibilities are endless. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to create a few more contacts for people I pretend to know.

在Android中设置自定义铃声是一个非常简单明了的过程。 一旦您掌握了从喜欢的歌曲中创建铃声的艺术,其无限的可能性就将源源不断。 现在,如果您能原谅我,我必须为我假装认识的人再建立一些联系。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252852/how-to-set-custom-ringtones-for-specific-contacts-in-android/



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