一、新建一个vb vuser,不写任何代码,也会报错,错误信息如下:
Warning: Invalid parameter detected in function.
Warning: Invalid parameter detected in function.
Warning: Extension vbascriptext.dll reports error -25277 on call to function ExtPerThreadInitialize
Error: Vuser failed to initialize extension vbascriptext.dll.


Replay Error with VB Vuser Scripts

If you are getting error number -25210 when trying to replay a VB Vuser

script, you may have a problem with some of your DLL files.


1 、Open the c:"Program Files"Common Files"Microsoft Shared"vba"vba6


2 、Locate the VBE6.dll and VBE6EXT.OLB files.

3 、Right click the files and click properties to see the version of each file.

4 、If either the VBE6.dll or the VBE6EXT.OLB file versions are between

6.04.9972 and 6.05.1024, they both must be replaced. If neither file

version is in this range, contact HP software support.

5 、Replace the VBE6.dll file with version 6.04.9972 or 6.05.1024.

6、 Replace the VBE6EXT.OLB file with version 6.04.9969 or 6.05.1024.



Unable to format message id [-25001]
Unable to format message id [-25001]
Unable to format message id [-25001]
Unable to format message id [-25001]
Unable to format message id [-25001]
Warning: Extension vbascriptext.dll reports error -25240 on call to function ExtPerThreadInitialize
Error: Vuser failed to initialize extension vbascriptext.dll.

四、因为我装的loadrunner9.5版本,估计loadrunner文档还没有更新,loadrunner9.5相对应的VBE6.dll,VBE6EXT.OLB版本估计不是这个,不妨把那二个文件删除了,再装tools下的VBA 安装程序,VBE6.dll,VBE6EXT.OLB版本分别是6.00.8714,6.00.8667.再回放脚本成功.

Virtual User Script started

Starting action vuser_init.

Ending action vuser_init.

Running Vuser...

Starting iteration 1.

Starting action Action.

Ending action Action.

Ending iteration 1.

Ending Vuser...

Starting action vuser_end.

Ending action vuser_end.

Vuser Terminated.

五、当我打开office 2007准备记录整个过程时,office2007需要修复.

六、我再运行loadrunner回放脚本,结果报错.我马上去看二个文件的版本,都是6.05.1020. 我再次把这二个文件删除(关闭word后),再安装VBA,回放脚本依然成功.


使用loadrunner的vb vuser写脚本 运行报错:vbascriptext.dll -25277 -25240相关推荐

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