
GROUP BY gives us a way to combine rows and aggregate data.

GROUP BY为我们提供了一种合并行和汇总数据的方法。

The data used is from the campaign contributions data we’ve been using in some of these guides.


The following SQL statement is answering the question: “which candidates received the largest total contributions in 2016 BUT only those that had more than $20 Million USD?”


Ordering this data set in a descending (DESC) order places the candidates with the largest total contributions at the top of the list.


SELECT Candidate, Election_year, sum(Total_$), count(*)
FROM combined_party_data
WHERE Election_year = 2016
GROUP BY Candidate, Election_year -- this tells the DBMS to summarize by these two columns
HAVING sum(Total_$) > 20000000  -- limits the rows presented from the summary of money ($20 Million USD)
ORDER BY sum(Total_$) DESC; -- orders the presented rows with the largest ones first.
| Candidate                                        | Election_year | sum(Total_$)      | count(*) |
| CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM & KAINE, TIMOTHY M (TIM) |          2016 | 568135094.4400003 |      126 |
| TRUMP, DONALD J & PENCE, MICHAEL R (MIKE)        |          2016 | 366853142.7899999 |      114 |
| SANDERS, BERNARD (BERNIE)                        |          2016 |      258562022.17 |      122 |
| CRUZ, RAFAEL EDWARD (TED)                        |          2016 | 93430700.29000005 |      104 |
| CARSON, BENJAMIN S (BEN)                         |          2016 | 62202411.12999996 |       93 |
| RUBIO, MARCO ANTONIO                             |          2016 |        44384313.9 |      106 |
| BUSH, JOHN ELLIS (JEB)                           |          2016 |       34606731.78 |       97 |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

As with all of these SQL things there is MUCH MORE to them than what’s in this introductory guide.


I hope this at least gives you enough to get started.


Please see the manual for your database manager and have fun trying different options yourself.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-sql-group-by-statement-explained-with-example-syntax/


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