ASP.NET Core 轻量化开源论坛项目,ASP.NET Core Light forum NETCoreBBS

采用 ASP.NET Core + EF Core Sqlite + Bootstrap 开发。



  1. git clone

  2. 使用 Visual Studio 2017 打开 NetCoreBBS.sln

  3. 点击 调试->开始调试 即可运行起来,或者直接点击工具栏上的NetCoreBBS即可。

注意:默认为80端口,可能会和本地端口冲突,可以到Program.cs 中更改 .UseUrls("http://*:80"),然后更改启动URL既可。


  1. 节点功能

  2. 主题发布

  3. 主题回复

  4. 主题筛选

  5. 用户登录注册

  6. 主题置顶

  7. 后台管理

  8. 个人中心


架构 Clean Architecture

1. Areas


            app.UseMvc(routes =>{routes.MapRoute(name: "areaRoute",template: "{area:exists}/{controller}/{action}",defaults: new { action = "Index" });routes.MapRoute(name: "default",template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");});

增加一个 areaRoute ,然后添加对应的Areas 文件夹,然后Areas里的控制器里加上  [Area("Admin")] 。

2. ViewComponents

在项目里的ViewComponents 文件夹,注意对应视图在 Views\Shared\Components 文件夹里。

3. Middleware

RequestIPMiddleware 记录ip及相关信息的中间件

    public class RequestIPMiddleware{         private readonly RequestDelegate _next;         private readonly ILogger _logger;         public RequestIPMiddleware(RequestDelegate next){_next = next;_logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();}       

        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){                 var url = httpContext.Request.Path.ToString();             if (!(url.Contains("/css") || url.Contains("/js") || url.Contains("/images") || url.Contains("/lib"))){_logger.Info($"Url:{url} IP:{httpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString()} 时间:{DateTime.Now}");}            await _next(httpContext);}}  

   public static class RequestIPMiddlewareExtensions{              public static IApplicationBuilder UseRequestIPMiddleware(this IApplicationBuilder builder){               return builder.UseMiddleware<RequestIPMiddleware>();}}

4. Identity

集成Identity ,扩展User表,自定义用户表。


            services.AddAuthorization(options =>{options.AddPolicy(                    "Admin",authBuilder =>{authBuilder.RequireClaim("Admin", "Allowed");});});


            services.AddIdentity<User, IdentityRole>(options =>{options.Password = new PasswordOptions() {RequireNonAlphanumeric = false,RequireUppercase=false};}).AddEntityFrameworkStores<DataContext>().AddDefaultTokenProviders();

5. EF Core

EF Core 采用Sqlite 数据库。


services.AddDbContext<DataContext>(options => options.UseSqlite(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")));


        private void InitializeNetCoreBBSDatabase(IServiceProvider serviceProvider){                   using (var serviceScope = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()){                      var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<DataContext>();db.Database.Migrate();                if (db.TopicNodes.Count() == 0){db.TopicNodes.AddRange(GetTopicNodes());db.SaveChanges();}}}

项目分层 DataContext 在 Infrastructure,使用dotnet  ef 命令注意事项

dotnet ef migrations add InitMigration --startup-project ../NetCoreBBS/NetCoreBBS.csproj


        public IActionResult EditSave(Topic topic){_context.Attach(topic);_context.Entry(topic).Property(r => r.Title).IsModified = true;_context.Entry(topic).Property(r => r.Content).IsModified = true;_context.SaveChanges();            return RedirectToAction("Index");}

6. Configuration

读取链接字符串 Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")

7. Partial Views

_LoginPartial.cshtml 头部登录部分分布视图

_PagerPartial.cshtml 分页分布视图

@{    var pageindex = Convert.ToInt32(ViewBag.PageIndex);    var pagecount = Convert.ToInt32(ViewBag.PageCount);pagecount = pagecount == 0 ? 1 : pagecount;pageindex = pageindex > pagecount ? pagecount : pageindex;    

var path = Context.Request.Path.Value;     var query = string.Empty;    var querys = Context.Request.Query;     foreach (var item in querys){         if (!item.Key.Equals("page")){query += $"{item.Key}={item.Value}&";}}query = query == string.Empty ? "?" : "?" + query;path += query;     var pagestart = pageindex - 2 > 0 ? pageindex - 2 : 1;    var pageend = pagestart + 5 >= pagecount ? pagecount : pagestart + 5;
}<ul class="pagination"><li class="prev previous_page @(pageindex == 1 ? "disabled" : "")"><a href="@(pageindex==1?"#":$"{path}page={pageindex - 1}")">&#8592; 上一页</a></li><li @(pageindex == 1 ? "class=active" : "")><a rel="start" href="@(path)page=1">1</a></li>@if (pagestart > 2){        <li class="disabled"><a href="#">&hellip;</a></li>}@for (int i = pagestart; i < pageend; i++){        if (i > 1){            <li @(pageindex == i ? "class=active" : "")><a rel="next" href="@(path)page=@i">@i</a></li>}}@if (pageend < pagecount){         <li class="disabled"><a href="#">&hellip;</a></li>}@if (pagecount > 1){        <li @(pageindex == pagecount ? "class=active" : "")><a rel="end" href="@(path)page=@pagecount">@pagecount</a></li>}    <li class="next next_page @(pageindex==pagecount?"disabled":"")"><a rel="next" href="@(pageindex==pagecount?"#":$"{path}page={pageindex + 1}")">下一页 &#8594;</a></li>


8. Injecting Services Into Views

@inject SignInManager<User> SignInManager

@inject 关键字

9. Dependency Injection and Controllers

public IActionResult Index([FromServices]IUserServices user)

FromServices 在指定Action注入,也可以使用构造函数注入。

private ITopicRepository _topic;       private IRepository<TopicNode> _node;         public UserManager<User> UserManager { get; }       public HomeController(ITopicRepository topic, IRepository<TopicNode> node, UserManager<User> userManager){_topic = topic;_node = node;UserManager = userManager;}


之前写过对应的发布文章 ASP.NET Core 发布至Linux生产环境 Ubuntu 系统

由于project.json 改成csproj,发布有所变动。

默认发布还是相同 dotnet publish,自带运行时发布时更改csproj。

编辑 NetCoreBBS.csproj


后续同样是 dotnet publish -r ubuntu.14.04-x64




NETCoreBBS 在RC2 的时候就已经开始了,有很多人应该已经看过这个项目,这篇文章是让大家更清楚的了解这个项目。



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