1)Python del函数 (1) Python del function)

del is nothing but "delete". del is a keyword which basically goes on the position given by the user in del(position) and deletes that element and also changes the positions of all the other elements as it is now not the part of the list.

del只是“删除”而已。 del是一个关键字,它基本上位于用户在del(position)中给定的位置上,并删除该元素,并更改所有其他元素的位置,因为它现在不在列表中。

One import thing in delete is that it takes the argument in it is id i.e. not the whole data which is to be deleted only the location of the data.


2)Python移除功能 (2) Python remove function)

remove is nothing only the searching of the first occurrence of the element and removes that element.


Note: "remove" is slower than the "del" as it has to search the element which makes it slow.

注意: “删除”“ del”要慢,因为它必须搜索使其变慢的元素。

3)Python pop函数 (3) Python pop function)

The pop() only takes the single argument i.e the index and removes the element from there without affecting any others position. If we pass the index which was not in the range of the given list then it through the error i.e. "IndexError: pop index out of range".

pop()仅采用单个参数,即索引,并从那里删除元素,而不会影响其他位置。 如果我们传递的索引不在给定列表的范围内,则它会通过错误即“ IndexError:pop index out of range”出现错误。

It is not necessary to pass the argument in the pop function if not passed it takes it -1 by itself and remove the element from the last and delete that location from the list.


列表中del,remove和pop函数的Python示例 (Python example for del, remove and pop functions in the list)

l=[1,2,3,4,6,5,6,7,8,6] #list
# del deletes the 4th position element i.e 6
#new list after deletion
print('After deletion:',l)
#removes the value 6 from list
# new list after removing
print('After removing:',l)
#pop of the element at location 1
# new list after pop
print('After pop:',l)
#pop of the element from the last of the list
# new list after pop
print('After pop:',l)
#pop of the elements from the
# new list after pop
print('After pop:',l)



After deletion: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6]
After removing: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6]
After pop: [1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 6]
After pop: [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6]
After pop: [1, 3, 4, 5, 8]

Explanation of the code:


    In the above code,
deletes the 4th position element  i.e. 6 of the list,
and also change the position/location of all other further elements.
Removes the element 6 from the list.
And, while using pop in list
Pops off  the first element of the list .
Pops off the 3rd element from the last
that means negative value means from last
l.pop( )
If not given any argument by default take that -1.

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/difference-between-del-remove-and-pop-functions-of-a-list-in-python.aspx


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