java define

长类解码()方法 (Long class decode() method)

  • decode() method is available in java.lang package.

    在java.lang包中提供了define ()方法

  • decode() method is used to decode the given String value into a Long value.


  • decode() method is a static method, it is accessible with the class name too and if we try to access the method with the class object then also we will not get an error.


  • decode() method may throw a NumberFormatException at the time of decoding a String to a Long.

    在将String解码为Long时, decode()方法可能会引发NumberFormatException。

    NumberFormatException: In this exception, if the given string parameter does not have a parsable integer.




    public static Long decode(String str);



  • String str – represents the String to decode.

    字符串str –表示要解码的字符串。

Return value:


The return type of this method is long, it returns the Long holding a long value represented by the argument of String type.

该方法的返回类型为long ,它返回Long,其中Long持有一个用String类型的参数表示的long值。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of decode(String str) method of Long class
public class DecodeOfLongClass {public static void main(String[] args) {// Variables initialization
long l = 100;
String str = "20";
// Long object initialized with "long" value
Long ob1 = new Long(l);
// Display ob1 result
System.out.println("ob1: " + ob1);
// It returns an Long object holding the long value
// denoted by the given String argument by calling
// ob1.decode(str)
Long result = ob1.decode(str);
// Display result
System.out.println("ob1.decode(str) :" + result);



ob1: 100
ob1.decode(str) :20


java define

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