




涉及到的知识点:(参见《Python基础教程 第2版》)







Welcome to World Wide Spam, Inc.

These are the corporate web pages of World Wide Spam, Inc. We hope

you find your stay enjoyable, and that you will sample many of our


A short history of the company

World Wide Spam was started in the summer of 2000. The business

concept was to ride the dot-com wave and to make money both through

bulk email and by selling canned meat online.

After receiving several complaints from customers who weren’t

satisfied by their bulk email, World Wide Spam altered their profile,

and focused 100% on canned goods. Today, they rank as the world’s

13,892nd online supplier of SPAM.


From this page you may visit several of our interesting web pages:

How to get in touch with us

You can get in touch with us in many ways: By phone (555-1234), by

email (wwspam@wwspam.fu) or by visiting our customer feedback page



def lines(file):

for line in file:yield line

yield '\n'

def blocks(file):


for line in lines(file):

if line.strip():


elif block:

yield ''.join(block).strip()



import sys

import re

from util import *

print '



for block in blocks(sys.stdin):


if title:

print '


print block

print ''


print '


print block

print '


print ''


python simple_markup.py text_output.html



Welcome to World Wide Spam, Inc.

These are the corporate web pages of World Wide Spam, Inc. We hope

you find your stay enjoyable, and that you will sample many of our


A short history of the company

World Wide Spam was started in the summer of 2000. The business

concept was to ride the dot-com wave and to make money both through

bulk email and by selling canned meat online.

After receiving several complaints from customers who weren't

satisfied by their bulk email, World Wide Spam altered their profile,

and focused 100% on canned goods. Today, they rank as the world's

13,892nd online supplier of SPAM.


From this page you may visit several of our interesting web pages:

- What is SPAM? (http://wwspam.fu/whatisspam)

- How do they make it? (http://wwspam.fu/howtomakeit)

- Why should I eat it? (http://wwspam.fu/whyeatit)

How to get in touch with us

You can get in touch with us in many ways: By phone (555-1234), by

email (wwspam@wwspam.fu) or by visiting our customer feedback page



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