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One of the most popular feature of nmap is its Operating System detection from network packets values. To get reliable detection result at least one port of the target should be open.

nmap最受欢迎的功能之一是从网络数据包值中检测操作系统。 为了获得可靠的检测结果,至少应打开目标的一个端口。

启用操作系统检测 (Enable Operating System Detection)

Operating system (OS) detection can be enable with -O . On the other side -A parameter also provides operating system information. To use operating system detection nmap command should be run with root privileges because lower layer network manipulation will be done by nmap.

可以使用-O启用操作系统(OS)检测 另一方面, -A参数还提供操作系统信息。 要使用操作系统检测,nmap命令应以root特权运行,因为较低层的网络操作将由nmap完成。

$ sudo nmap -O localhost

Enable Operating System Detection

As we see in the example nmap successfully detected the operating system as Linux and the kernel version is 3 or 4 which is correct.


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LEARN MORE  How To Get Mac Addresses Of Hosts With Nmap?

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翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/nmap-operating-system-detection/



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