
Whether you need to focus on a project or just relax, background noise can help with either of those things. Here are the best websites and sources for background and ambient noise.

无论您是需要专注于项目还是只是放松休息,背景噪声都可以帮助解决这些问题。 这是有关背景和环境噪声的最佳网站和资源。

诺斯利 (Noisli)

If you’re looking for a small, simple collection of background noises, Noisli is perhaps the best site for that.

如果您正在寻找一个小的,简单的背景噪声集合, 那么Noisli也许是最佳的选择。

It has a super simple and easy-to-use interface where you just click on an icon to play its specific background noise, and then adjust the volume with the slider right below the icon.


The best feature, though, is the ability to play multiple sounds at once. So you can listen to just rain sounds, but if you want to throw in some thunder, just click on the thunder icon to add it in. This is also where the volume sliders are great because then you can adjust the volume of one sound over another in case it’s a bit too overbearing compared to the other sounds you’re playing.

不过,最好的功能是能够一次播放多种声音。 因此,您可以只听雨声,但如果您想扔下雷声,只需单击雷声图标即可将其添加。这也是音量滑块很棒的地方,因为您可以在其中调整一种声音的音量另一种情况是,与您正在播放的其他声音相比,这有点太过分了。

If you create an account, you can also do things like save certain sound combinations, as well as create timers to have the sounds turn off after a certain amount of time. There’s even a built-in Markdown-compatible text editor for distraction-free writing.

如果您创建了一个帐户,还可以执行一些操作,例如保存某些声音组合,以及创建计时器以在一定时间后关闭声音。 甚至还内置了Markdown兼容的文本编辑器,可进行无干扰的书写。

Spotify (Spotify)

While not quite technically a website, Spotify is a great source of background noise, specifically music (duh).


You can find traditional background and ambient noise, like what Noisli offers, but Spotify is really meant for music, And depending on what kind of music makes you feel productive or relaxed, you can find pretty much whatever you’re looking for.


For example, I tend to enjoy listening to instrumental music when I need to stay focused, which usually ends up being some kind of classical music. And when I need to relax, I aim for the slower and calmer songs, instrumental or not.

例如,当我需要保持专注时,我倾向于喜欢听器乐,通常最终会变成某种古典音乐。 当我需要放松时,我的目标是慢节奏和沉稳的歌曲,无论有没有乐器。

Whatever it is you’re after, though, there’s usually a playlist for it that other Spotify users have put together.

不过,无论您要追求的是什么, 通常都会有其他Spotify用户放在一起的播放列表 。

myNoise (myNoise)

myNoise has all sorts of different background noise machines that you can listen to, but one feature that I like the most about myNoise is its white noise EQ machine.

myNoise具有各种不同的背景噪声机器,您可以听,但是我最喜欢myNoise的一个功能是其白噪声EQ机器 。

I originally discovered this tool as a smartphone app, but there’s a web player as well. The coolest part about it is that you can adjust the sliders to change the tone of the noise and make it either white noise, pink noise, or brown noise. And the sliders let you finely adjust it to your liking.

我最初将此工具作为智能手机应用程序发现,但是也有一个网络播放器 。 关于它的最酷的部分是,您可以调整滑块以更改噪音的色调,并使之成为白色噪音,粉红色噪音或棕色噪音。 滑块使您可以根据自己的喜好对其进行微调。

You can set a timer to have it shut off after a certain amount of time, and there are even dedicated volume buttons to adjust the levels so that you can keep your computer’s volume where it’s at.


的YouTube (YouTube)

Believe it or not, YouTube is a great source for all kinds of background noise, but one particular niche that has taken off on YouTube recently is ASMR sounds.


ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, and it’s described as a calming, relaxing, pleasant feeling you get when you hear certain sounds, like brushing hair, gentle finger tapping on a hard surface or just soft whispering. Bob Ross is a great example of this—not only does he have a calming voice, but the movement of his paintbrushes on the canvas can elicit a pleasant feeling, which can be either emotional, physical, or even both.

ASMR代表自主感觉子午线React,它被描述为当您听到某些声音(例如梳理头发,在坚硬的表面上轻柔地敲打手指或轻柔的耳语)时所获得的镇定,放松,愉悦的感觉。 鲍勃·罗斯(Bob Ross)就是一个很好的例子-他不仅声音平和,而且画笔在画布上的移动可以引起愉悦的感觉,既可以是情感上的,身体上的,或者甚至是两者。

You can do a simple search on YouTube for “ASMR” and get thousands of results, but a few ASMR YouTube channels I enjoy are Gentle Whispering, ASMRrequests, Bar Times, and Tingting. Of course, though, there are many other ASMR channels that you’ll likely discover and enjoy as well.

您可以在YouTube上简单搜索“ ASMR”并获得成千上万个结果,但是我喜欢的一些ASMR YouTube频道是“ 轻声 细语” , “ ASMRrequests” ,“ Bar Times”和“ Tingting” 。 当然,尽管如此,您还可能会发现并享受许多其他ASMR渠道。

Of course, ASMR is not the only time of ambient noise you can find on YouTube. Try searching for “ambient noise,” and you’ll see all kinds of great stuff. You can find stuff like ten hours of rain and thunder, coffee shop background noise, and even eight hours of Star Trek bridge background ambiance.

当然,ASMR并不是您在YouTube上能找到的唯一的外界噪音。 尝试搜索“环境噪音”,您会看到各种各样的好东西。 您会发现诸如十个小时的降雨和雷声 , 咖啡店的背景噪音 ,甚至八小时的《星际迷航》桥梁背景氛围之类的东西 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367476/the-best-sites-for-background-or-ambient-noise/



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