reflector 插件

Hopefully if you've been coding .NET for a while, someone has shown you Reflector, Lutz Roeder's .NET Object Browser and you have basked in its glory.

希望如果您已经编写了.NET一段时间,那么有人会向您展示Reflector ,Lutz Roeder的.NET对象浏览器,并且您已经沉迷于它的辉煌。

Surprisingly (to me at least) not everyone knows about Reflector's plugin model. There is a vibrant and active community of plugin writers out there, and you won't realize the full power of Reflector until you download some of these are start messing around. Seriously, if you thought that Reflector was useful today, just wait until you've tried some of these add-ins.

令人惊讶的是(至少对我而言),并非所有人都知道Reflector的插件模型。 那里有一个充满活力且活跃的插件编写者社区,只有下载了其中一些内容之后,您才能意识到Reflector的全部功能。 认真地说,如果您认为Reflector在今天很有用,请耐心等待,直到您尝试了其中一些插件。

PowerShell语言加载项 (PowerShell Language Add-In)

The one I've been messing with for the last few weeks is the PowerShell Language Add-in. Reflector can "decompile" (not the correct word) the IL within an assembly and show you the "intent" of that IL in any number of languages like C#, VB, Delphi, etc. Daniel "kzu" Cazzulino has created a PowerShell Language Add-in that, for the most part, shows you what the code would look like in PowerShell.

最近几周我一直在搞的一个是PowerShell语言加载项。 Reflector可以在程序集中的IL中“反编译”(不是正确的词),并以C#,VB,Delphi等多种语言向您显示该IL的“意图” 。Daniel“ kzu” Cazzulino创建了PowerShell语言大部分该外接程序向您展示PowerShell中代码的外观。

Now of course, it's important to note a few things. PowerShell is not (yet) a language that you can use to author .NET assemblies with. It is, however, an incredibly powerful scripting and automation environment. Sometimes the Powershell language (it is a language, by the way, with a formal grammar - here's a link (PDF)) can be a little confusing to learn, so the PowerShell Language Add-in is a really cool way to learn more about PowerShell within an environment you're already comfortable in.

当然,现在注意一些重要的事情。 PowerShell尚不是可用于编写.NET程序集的语言。 但是,它是一个功能强大的脚本和自动化环境。 有时,Powershell语言(顺便说一句,它是一种具有正式语法的语言-这是一个链接(PDF) ),可能会使您学习起来有些困惑,因此,PowerShell语言加载项是一种非常酷的方法,可了解更多信息在您已经习惯的环境中使用PowerShell。

反射镜插件 (Reflector Add-Ins )

Here's a reformatted snapshot of what's currently available.


CodeMetrics: Analyses .NET assemblies and shows design quality metrics. Download

Review: Allows editing and managing annotations during code reviews. Download

Diff: This add-in shows differences between two versions of the same assembly. Download

FileDisassembler: This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.

SQL2005Browser: This add-in allows to browse .NET assemblies stored in SQL Server 2005 databases.

FileGenerator: This add-in can be used to dump the disassembler output to files for any Reflector supported language.

Deblector: This add-in allows to debug processes from within Reflector.

Doubler: A code generator for unit tests, stubs and wrappers.

Graph: This add-in draws assembly dependency graphs and IL graphs. Please read the install instructions here.

DependencyStructureMatrix: Allows you to create and browser dependency structure matrices.

CodeSearch: This add-in allows searching for strings and regular expressions in disassembled code. Download

SequenceViz: This add-in draws sequence diagrams.

PowerShellLanguage: Renders output as Windows PowerShell script.

DelphiLanguage: The Delphi view that is used inside .NET Reflector provided as a language add-in.

CppCliLanguage: This add-in extends Reflector with a C++/CLI language rendering module.

Hawkeye: A tool that allows you to debug the UI tree of Windows Forms applications.

ClassView: Shows class definitions as plain text with color coding.

CodeModelViewer: This add-in shows the underlying code model objects for selected items.

: This add-in shows differences between two versions of the same assembly. Download

ComLoader: Lists COM components for browsing and converts them into managed interop assemblies. Download This Visual Studio add-in can navigate to any code element inside Reflector with a single click.

BizTalkDisassembler: Allows you to list all BizTalk artifacts contained in an assembly and extract them. Download

ComLoader: Lists COM components for browsing and converts them into managed interop assemblies. Download

AutoDiagrammer: This add-in draws class diagrams.

CodeMetrics :分析.NET程序集并显示设计质量指标。 下载

审阅:允许在代码审阅期间编辑和管理注释。 下载

DIFF :此加载同一程序集的两个版本之间的差异显示。 下载

FileDisassembler :此加载项可用于将反汇编器输出转储为任何Reflector支持的语言的文件。

SQL2005Browser :此加载项允许浏览存储在SQL Server 2005数据库中的.NET程序集。

FileGenerator :此加载项可用于将反汇编程序输出转储到任何Reflector支持的语言的文件中。

Deblector :此加载项允许从Reflector内部调试过程。

Doubler :用于单元测试,存根和包装的代码生成器。

Graph :此加载项绘制程序集依赖关系图和IL图。 请在此处阅读安装说明。

DependencyStructureMatrix :允许您创建和浏览器依赖结构矩阵。

CodeSearch :此加载项允许在反汇编的代码中搜索字符串和正则表达式。 下载

SequenceViz :此外接程序绘制序列图。

PowerShellLanguage :将输出呈现为Windows PowerShell脚本。

DelphiLanguage :在.NET Reflector中用作语言加载项提供的Delphi视图。

CppCliLanguage :此加载项使用C ++ / CLI语言渲染模块扩展了Reflector。

Hawkeye :一种工具,可用于调试Windows Forms应用程序的UI树。

ClassView :将类定义显示为带有颜色编码的纯文本。

CodeModelViewer :此加载项显示所选项目的基础代码模型对象。

DIFF :此加载同一程序集的两个版本之间的差异显示。 下载

ComLoader :列出要浏览的COM组件,并将其转换为托管互操作程序集。 下载 :此Visual Studio加载项可以单击以导航到Reflector内部的任何代码元素。

BizTalkDisassembler :允许您列出程序集中包含的所有BizTalk工件并提取它们。 下载

ComLoader :列出要浏览的COM组件,并将其转换为托管互操作程序集。 下载

AutoDiagrammer :此外接程序绘制类图。


reflector 插件

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