Human: what’s meaning about crossbar in computer?
AI: In computer architecture, a crossbar is a type of switching device that can be used to connect multiple components together. A crossbar is composed of vertical and horizontal lines that intersect at points called “crosspoints”. Crossbars are often used as an interface between memory and processor elements, allowing the components to communicate with each other.
Human: why crossbar has such meaning?

AI: The name ‘crossbar’ comes from the fact that the intersecting lines form a grid-like structure, much like a traditional door or window crossbar. This structure enables it to work as a switching device, with each crosspoint serving as a connection point between two components. By connecting multiple components to a single crossbar, it can provide efficient communication between components.
Human: any history of crossbar for this?
AI: The concept of a crossbar was first introduced in the late 1930s, by Bell Laboratories scientist Claude Shannon. The original crossbar used vacuum tubes and was called a “switching matrix”. Since then, the technology has evolved to incorporate larger numbers of crosspoints and various types of materials, including transistors, integrated circuits and optical fibers.
Human: why call club as bar?
AI: Bars and clubs are often called “bars” because they both typically involve the sale and consumption of alcoholic drinks. The term “bar” can also refer to the counter or area where these drinks are served. In addition, many bars and clubs also provide entertainment and a place for people to socialize, which is why they are often referred to as “bars”.

cross 就是交叉,跨,十字架,


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