
To niche or not to niche?


Let me get straight to it and say that you don't have to niche down your web design and development services to be successful in freelancing.


But, I do believe it's more beneficial to work in a niche and this article will explain why.


The old man with the hammer:


One fine, sunny day, the owner of a large million-dollar ship found out that the engine is not working.


He called every engineer on board and the surrounding towns, but no one could fix it.


Then they brought in an old man who specializes in fixing ship engines. He immediately got to work and inspected the engine from top to bottom.

然后,他们请来了一位专门修理船舶发动机的老人。 他立即开始工作,并从头到尾检查了发动机。

The owner was watching as the old man reached into his bag, took out a small hammer, tapped something with the hammer, and the engine was instantly brought to life.


A week later, the owner received an invoice from the old man for $10,000.


The ship owner didn’t want to pay for it and said, “He hardly did anything!” So he requested for an itemized bill.

船东不想付钱,说:“他几乎什么也没做!” 因此,他要求提供详细的帐单。

This is what the old man sent:


A lifetime of experience made him an expert at fixing ship engines and he had every right to charge like one.


The subject of niching down is very much tied to the subject of expertise and why experts are able to charge more than the average developer.


It’s simple:


Niching down positions you as an expert in a specific industry, allowing you to charge more and become more in demand.


I'm going to be discussing why niching down is the best thing you can do as a web designer and developer to earn more, become respected for your expertise and work with better clients.


Here's what to expect:


  • Niching Down - What is it?小憩-什么?
  • A Niche Increases Your Perceived Expertise利基市场可以提高您的专业知识
  • Niching Down Lets You Personalize Your Messaging顺其自然让您个性化您的消息传递
  • How to Find a Web Design Niche如何找到一个网页设计利基
  • Getting Started in Your Niche利基入门
  • The All-in-One Niche Approach一体利基方法

陷-这是什么? (Niching Down – What Is It?)

A “niche” is defined as “a specialized market”.


It’s a specific field or an industry such as law, healthcare, photography, videography, fashion, financial services and more.


When a web designer niches down their services, they simply choose ONE industry to create websites for businesses within that niche.


So if I choose to niche down to photography, I will only make websites for photographers. Not bakers, not hairstylists, just photographers.

因此,如果我选择只关注摄影,我只会为摄影师建立网站。 不是面包师,不是发型师,而是摄影师。

Now you may be asking, “Why would I do that?”


You're saying no to 99% of other businesses out there...


And you'd be right...


Why am I telling you that turning away clients and making your services exclusive to an industry is a smart move?

我为什么要告诉您, 拒绝客户并使您的服务独占行业是明智之举?

Let’s go back to the story of the old ship repairman.


Do you think that if he spent his life spreading himself too thinly by repairing any machinery, he would gain the expertise that he needed to “know where to tap”?


If he was a generalist who repairs all kinds of engines, he wouldn’t be the only person in the city who knew how to solve that ship’s problem.


And that’s the principle of niching down:


Specializing in a niche gives you a higher chance at becoming a recognized expert and it places you in a better position to charge more for your services.


Specializing lets you:


  • Spend less time looking for clients. Instead, they come to you.花更少的时间寻找客户。 相反,他们来找你。
  • Demand higher prices than generalists.要求比通才更高的价格。
  • Free up your time to actually start enjoying your life.腾出时间真正开始享受生活。

These benefits are really just a direct result of these primary advantages of niching down:


  1. Niching down increases your perceived expertise.精打细算可以提高您的专业知识。
  2. Niching down lets you personalize your messaging.向下倾斜可以使您的消息个性化。

利基市场可以提高您的专业知识 (A Niche Increases Your Perceived Expertise)

Everywhere you look, you’ll see scenarios where this principle is working.


Specialization demands a premium price.


That’s why people are willing to pay more for a pair of Nike shoes than an unbranded pair.


Or why people who need a brain surgery do so with a Neurosurgeon and not a General Practitioner.


When you specialize in a specific niche, it portrays credibility and it shows perspective clients that you know what you’re doing and you’re the perfect person to help them achieve their business goals.

当您专注于特定的利基市场时, 它会体现信誉,并向有远见的客户表明您知道自己在做什么,并且是帮助他们实现业务目标的完美人选。

Practical test:


Let’s say you’re a lawyer and you're looking around for someone or an agency to create a website for your law firm.


In your search, you come across these websites:






Which of the two websites do you think is the best option to help you get more clients as a lawyer?







If you didn't say option 2, I'd be surprised.


Now let's take this a step further:


This is their (hypothetical) pricing for a law firm website:


OPTION 1:  $5,000

选项1:$ 5,000

OPTION 2:  $12,000

选项2:$ 12,000

Which option is best now?







Again, if you didn't say option 2, I'd be surprised.




You’re paying for their expertise in your niche. You are NOT paying for them just to create a 'website'.

您需要为他们在利基市场上的专业知识付出代价。 您不只是为创建“网站”而为他们付费。

Obviously the psychology of pricing a website has a big influence here, but in short, option 2 can charge more because they've worked with hundreds of laywers before and they have a proven track record.


On top of that, the value of just one new client in the life-time of the law-firm's website could pay for the additional fee that option 2 charges.


Niching down works and Derek Hart of Get the Gigs is a testament to this.

紧紧抓住工作, Get the Gigs的 Derek Hart证明了这一点。

When he started his web development career, he was a generalist and competed with thousands other generalists.


He chose to focus on the coaches and speakers niche and spent way less time looking for clients, proving himself to clients, negotiating the price and scope and got to focus on what’s important: making the websites and making a good income.

他选择专注于教练和演讲者的利基市场,并花费更少的时间寻找客户,向客户证明自己,谈判价格和范围,并专注于重要的事情: 制作网站并赚取丰厚的收入。

Word spreads around fast in a niche. The more successful projects you complete, the more buzz you’re creating about your business.

词在利基市场中Swift传播开来。 您完成的项目越成功,关于您的业务就越嗡嗡作响。

Here’s the thing about referrals:


A reputation precedes you, so even before you talk to a client, they already have an opinion about you and that opinion is good.


This is why getting referrals is often the best way to get new clients.


顺其自然让您个性化您的消息传递 (Niching Down Lets You Personalize Your Messaging)

Communicating your offer to potential clients is so powerful that it can make or break a business.


Your brand messaging is how you communicate what you can do for clients, how you can improve their lives and why they should work with you.

您的品牌讯息是您交流如何为客户做的事情 ,如何改善他们的生活以及为什么他们应该与您合作。

Don't be like so many people I see out there and think that just because they're a pro at XYZ programming language, it means they're going to land good clients and earn a good income.


That's NOT how this works...


In fact, my knowledge is pretty simple when it comes to programming, but that's only because I know it doesn't result in $$$.


Practical test:


Let’s say you’re a chiropractor and you want a website to acquire new patients, so you start looking for web design services online and you come across this company:


Get “a variety of professional web design services” for “your business”.


Sounds good because that’s what you need, right?


But then you come across this website:


You're immediately hit with the tailored messaging that jumps out and speaks to you because it addresses you as a chiropractor, not just any business.


The messaging is direct and specific and they get what you really want to achieve – to get more patients through your website.


At this point, you’ll start thinking, “These guys get me! I should get in touch.”

此时,您将开始思考:“这些家伙救了我! 我应该保持联系。”

That’s one more lead for this chiropractic web design service.


The more specific and personalized your messaging is to your target audience, the more compelling your marketing is.


Specializing in a specific niche lets you craft stronger messages that resonate with the specific needs and wants of your audience.


To recap: A niche allows you to establish yourself as an expert and you can craft more personalized branding messages, which both result in higher income, more freedom and more vacation.

回顾 :利基市场可以让您确立自己的专家地位,还可以制作更多个性化的品牌信息,从而带来更高的收入,更多的自由和更多的假期。

如何找到一个网页设计利基 (How to Find a Web Design Niche)

At this point, I hope you’re seeing the huge benefits of niching down your web design services and you’re starting to visualize how it can drastically improve your freelancing career.


The first thing you need to do once you’re ready to specialize is to look for your niche.


I believe that there are only two things you need to look for in a niche:


  1. It’s something you enjoy.这是你喜欢的东西。
  2. It has a high income potential.它有很高的收入潜力。

If you’ve worked on a few projects before: List all of your projects.


Open Excel and list down all the projects you’ve worked on in the past.


Note the following:


  • Industry行业
  • How much you made你赚了多少
  • How you felt about the project/client您对项目/客户的看法

If you haven’t worked on any projects yet:


Reflect on your past experiences in school or at work and think about what industries you enjoyed working in or would love to explore more.


Once you have an initial list of industries you like or you think you'd like working in, you need to know how much you can potentially earn in each.


All you have to do is head over to Google, find out how much an individual in a given industry earns in a year and divide it by 10.


This is the rough estimate of their yearly marketing budget.


Actionable examples:




Their annual pay is around $43,000 according to PayScale.com. That means they can only afford to pay around $4,300 per year (or $350pm) on marketing.

根据PayScale.com的数据,他们的年薪约为43,000美元。 这意味着他们每年只能负担大约$ 4,300(或$ 350pm)的营销费用。



Their annual pay is around $400,000 according to PayScale.com. That means they can afford to pay around $40,000 per year (or $3,300pm) on marketing.

根据PayScale.com的数据,他们的年薪约为40万美元。 这意味着他们可以负担得起每年约40,000美元(或$ 3,300pm)的营销费用。

If you specialize in helping neurosurgeons, you can charge higher prices because their marketing budget is higher than that of nutritionists.


For example, if you charge $1000 per month to neurosurgeons for a monthly digital marketing service, they’d probably say yes because they can afford it. But if you charge that to a nutritionist, it would probably be too expensive.

例如,如果您每月向神经外科医师收取每月1000美元的数字营销服务费用 ,那么他们可能会说“是”,因为他们负担得起。 但是,如果您向营养学家收费,那可能太昂贵了。

So your niche directly correlates with your income potential.


Again, it should be a balance of enjoyment and earning potential.


If you need more inspiration in finding a niche, check out this extensive list with examples of potential web design niches.


Once you have a niche and you’re 100% into it, it’s time to convert that into $$$.


利基入门 (Getting Started in Your Niche)

Your ultimate goal at this point is to establish yourself as an expert so that clients will actually come to you and trust you with their business.


There are 3 main things you need to do:


1 - Research as much info as you can about your new niche.


Before you think about getting clients, you need to understand their niche and all that’s in it – the culture, lingo, people’s online behavior, common points of discussion, pain points when it comes to having a website or getting new clients and more.


The key is to stay focused and don’t be afraid to spend as much time as you need.

关键是要保持专注 ,不要害怕花费所需的时间。

Read all the books and resources you can get your hands/eyes on and stay updated with industry news.


2 - Feature your portfolio.


Your portfolio should clearly show your past experience in your niche, what the client’s problem was, what you did to solve it and the end result.


If you haven’t worked with clients in your niche before, you can offer to do free and use those for your portfolio.


3 - With your industry knowledge and portfolio ready, start marketing your niche web design agency.


Before I discuss marketing strategies, let’s be clear about your marketing goal:


It’s not about getting clients. It’s not even about getting traffic to your portfolio website.

这不是要获得客户。 这甚至与吸引访问您的投资组合网站无关。

It’s all about establishing yourself as an expert.

这完全是要建立自己的专家水平 。

This goal should inform every marketing tactic you use and should make you think twice about how each piece of content and advertisement is establishing you as an expert.


With that, marketing is broken up into these time-frame strategies:


Long-term strategy: SEO and Social Media.

长期战略 :SEO和社交媒体。

Short-term strategy: Google Ads and Online Advertisements.

短期策略 :Google Ads和在线广告。

If you want to see better results, you need to implement these strategies side-by-side.


SEO and social media both work well in building brand awarenessand getting constant leads but tend to take time in getting results - around 3-6 months.


Because you need to eat while waiting for the results of your long-term marketing strategy, you can run paid ads using Google Ads and other online advertisement platforms like Facebook.

因为您需要在等待长期营销策略结果的同时进餐,所以您可以使用Google Ads和其他在线广告平台(如Facebook)投放付费广告。

Here are other effective ways to market yourself as an expert:


  • Volunteer as a guest on podcasts that your target audience is listening to and share what you know about designing websites in your niche.在目标受众正在收听的播客中以客人的身份自愿参加,并分享您在利基市场中设计网站的知识。
  • Create a Facebook group, add potential clients (ex: if you’re in the chiropractic niche, add chiropractors), add value to them by sharing useful content and decide how you want to sell your services to them.创建一个Facebook小组,添加潜在客户(例如:如果您在脊椎治疗的利基市场,请添加脊椎治疗师),通过共享有用的内容来增加价值,并决定如何向他们出售服务。
  • Write a book. This is by far the simplest way to increase your credibility. Sell it on Amazon or provide it for free on your agency website. The important thing is for clients to see that you have a book in their niche because people tend to assume that if you have written a book, then you must be an expert.写一本书。 到目前为止,这是提高信誉的最简单方法。 在亚马逊上出售或在您的代理商网站上免费提供。 重要的是让客户看到您在他们的利基市场中有一本书,因为人们倾向于认为如果您写过一本书,那么您必须是专家。

If you want more tips on how to market and grow your niche web design agency, I'll plug my freelancing bundle here as I do go into this in a lot of detail.

如果您想了解更多有关如何营销和发展利基Web设计代理的提示,我将在此处插入我的自由职业捆绑包 ,因为我会对此进行详细介绍。

一体利基方法 (The All-in-One Niche Approach)

If you’re so worried about spending all your good years in one niche only and worried you might get bored, know that you don’t need to spend your entire life on one niche.


I personally own two niche-focused agencies and I’ve also found other web design agencies that own several niche-focused sub-agencies and offer them separately on different websites or webpages.


Nifty Marketing does this particularly well.

Nifty Marketing在这方面做得特别好。

On their homepage, they lead with a statement that they serve different sorts of businesses:


They then give a link to the webpages focused on a specific industry, like the law niche:


And the pest control:


They have 20+ staff members, so I'm sure they're not doing too bad with this strategy... :)

他们有20多名员工,所以我敢肯定他们在这个策略上做得还不错... :)



That’s it!


I hope you can see how a niche can powerfully impact your web design business.


If you think you’re ready to specialize but need more help or you have other questions, connect with me on Twitter and I'll be happy to help :)


Until next time,




翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/web-design-niche/



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