
“Sit up straight!” my mom used to yell at me when I am fixated on my laptop for too long.

“坐直了!” 当我将笔记本电脑注视时间过长时,我妈妈曾经对我大喊大叫。

Ten years later, when I am writing code instead of playing video games, my poor posture has come back to bite me.


Therefore, I decided to take the matter into my own hands. I could watch some YouTube videos and do some posture exercises. But I am a coder, so I will code my problem.

因此,我决定亲自处理此事。 我可以看一些YouTube视频并做一些姿势练习。 但是我是一名编码人员,所以我将为我的问题编码。

That’s how Healthy Spine was born. It watches your posture and reminds you when you slouch— just like my mom back in the day.

这就是健康脊柱的诞生。 它可以观察您的姿势并在您不便时提醒您-就像我一天中的妈妈一样。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScriptHTML,CSS和JavaScript的基本知识
  • Access to a Chrome Web Store developer account访问Chrome Web Store开发人员帐户

This is a summarized version of what I learned from creating my first Chrome extension. If you need a full step-by-step tutorial, watch Chrome’s Getting Started tutorial.

这是我从创建第一个Chrome扩展程序中学到的摘要。 如果您需要完整的分步教程,请观看Chrome的入门教程 。

Chrome扩展程序与Chrome应用程序 (Chrome Extension vs. Chrome App)

Chrome apps are a more powerful version of Chrome extensions.


However, Google has decided to sunset Chrome apps altogether this year.


Chromium blog post, January 15, 2020 Chromium博客文章,2020年1月15日

However, in their documentation, they still have the Chrome Apps API, which will give you false hope that you could still build a Chrome app.

但是,在他们的文档中,他们仍然拥有Chrome Apps API,这会给您错误的希望,您仍然可以构建Chrome应用程序。

Make sure that you look at the extension APIs for Chrome extension documentation.


典型的Chrome扩展程序的结构 (The Structure of a Typical Chrome Extension)

The image folder is a place to store all your icons.


options files are ways for you to define how a user can customize the Chrome extension once they download it.


However, as of now (2020/8/9), the options are hidden deep within the settings. I doubt any user will realize that they’re even there.

但是,截至目前(2020/8/9),选项已隐藏在设置的深处。 我怀疑任何用户都不会意识到他们在那里。

For other parts of the code, it’s broken down into four parts:


  1. Background背景
  2. Popup弹出
  3. Content (not in the Getting Started project folder)内容(不在“入门”项目文件夹中)
  4. Setting设置

后台脚本 (Background Script)

As the name suggests, it runs in the background when the user installs the Chrome extension.


To see the debug console for the background script, you can click on “Inspect views background page” in chrome://extensions.

要查看后台脚本的调试控制台,您可以点击chrome:// extensions中的“检查视图背景页面”。

What kind of code should you put in the background script?


For some functionalities, like notification, you might want to trigger it in the background script. Or you might want a timer to run in the background.

对于某些功能,例如通知,您可能希望在后台脚本中触发它。 或者,您可能希望计时器在后台运行。

The most important code to be written in background.js is chrome.runtime.


运行时事件 (Events for runtime)



chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {  // Code to execute once the extension is installed});



chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(function() {// Code to execute once Google Chrome is opened});

For background to communicate with the popup or content scripts, you need to use onMessage and to receive messages.


In background.js, you would listen to the messages as in the code below.

background.js ,您将按照以下代码收听消息。

var runtimePort;
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(function(port) {runtimePort = port;runtimePort.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {// Events from either popup or content script});

In the popup or content scripts, you can connect with:


const runtimePort = chrome.runtime.connect({name: location.href.replace(/\/|:|#|\?|\$|\^|%|\.|`|~|!|\+|@|\[|\||]|\|*. /g, '').split('\n').join('').split('\r').join('')});

To send an event (message), do postMessage:


runtimePort.postMessage({  message: ''});

弹出脚本 (Popup Script)

Popup is the menu that shows up when you click on the extension’s icon.


It doesn’t have to be a menu. You can adjust the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to be anything you want.

它不必是菜单。 您可以将HTML,CSS和JavaScript调整为所需的任何值。

Therefore, the popup is just like a website. You can use any framework or no frameworks.

因此,弹出窗口就像一个网站。 您可以使用任何框架,也可以不使用任何框架。

Here’s an example of popup.html:


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>button {height: 30px;width: 30px;outline: none;}</style>
</head><body><button id="changeColor"></button><script src="popup.js"></script></body>

See? It looks just like an ordinary website’s HTML.

看到? 它看起来就像普通网站HTML。

Below is an example of popup.js code:


'use strict';let changeColor = document.getElementById('changeColor');
// can be accessed in all scripts(background, content, popup)'color', function(data) { = data.color;changeColor.setAttribute('value', data.color);
changeColor.onclick = function(element) {let color =;// chrome.tabs let you access a specific tabchrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true},        function(tabs) {chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[0].id,{code: ' = "' + color +'";'});});

In Healthy Spine, I used p5js and ML5js in order to achieve posture detection.

在Healthy Spine中,我使用了p5js和ML5js来实现姿势检测。

内容脚本 (Content Script)

The content script lets you manipulate the webpage that the user is currently using.


For example, that AdBlocker extension probably uses a content script to detect ad-related popups and prevent them from executing in JavaScript.


Similar to a popup script, the content script contains HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


However, in manifest.json remember to add in your file paths.


{"name": "My extension",..."content_scripts": [{"matches": ["http://**"],"exclude_globs": ["*science*"],"js": ["contentScript.js"]}],...

matchesand exlude_globs will specify which URL your content script executes. For the list of all the patterns, see Chrome’s Match Patterns documentation.

matchesexlude_globs将指定您的内容脚本执行哪个URL。 有关所有模式的列表,请参阅Chrome的“ 匹配模式”文档 。

设定值 (Settings)

All the important settings are in the manifest.json.


It does a few things:


  1. It tells Chrome Web Store what your application is and what it does.它告诉Chrome Web Store您的应用程序是什么以及它做什么。
  2. It defines where to look for the background, popup, or content script, etc.它定义了在哪里寻找背景,弹出窗口或内容脚本等。
  3. It defines what the icon for the extension is.它定义了扩展程序的图标。
  4. It defines what permission you need from users.它定义了您需要来自用户的权限。

It also has other rules as well, but those will depend on the individual extension’s use case.


Note that the manifest.json file below doesn’t have a content script because my extension did not need to access the user’s webpage.


注意 (Note)

One thing that tripped me up was the difference between page_action and browser_action.


If you specify your popup in page_action, your extension icon will only show up when a user opens a link.

如果您在page_action指定弹出page_action ,则扩展图标仅在用户打开链接时显示。

Using browser_action, the icon will show up when Chrome is opened, which was the action I wanted.

使用browser_action ,打开Chrome时将显示该图标,这是我想要的操作。

提交到Chrome网上应用店 (Submit to Chrome Web Store)

First, you need to pay $5 to register for a Chrome Web Store developer account. (I wonder if Google really needs my $5?)

首先,您需要支付5美元才能注册Chrome Web Store开发者帐户。 (我想知道Google是否真的需要我的5美元?)

After you register, you need to use zip to bundle your extension’s files and upload them to their dashboard.


It will ask you to fill in some information about your extension, and it adds some marketing images.


One important thing is to make sure you only request for the permission that you use in the extension.


My app was rejected three times because I thought using local storage required the permission “store.”


结论 (Conclusion)

Chrome extensions are a great way to build something practical to improve how you work or how other people work.


Thanks for reading!





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