广告创意设计课程 博客

When you need to write regular posts for your business or personal blog, it can be challenging to come up with new ideas for content. When this happens, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut and stick to churning out the same kinds of posts week after week. So, if you have a touch of writers’ block or need help finding a wider variety of things to give to your readers, here are some great ideas.

当您需要为企业或个人博客撰写常规文章时,提出新的内容创意可能会很困难。 发生这种情况时,很容易陷入麻烦,坚持一周又一周地编写相同类型的帖子。 因此,如果您对作家的想法有所了解或需要帮助,以寻找更多可以提供给读者的东西,那么这里有一些不错的主意。

1. Write an ‘A Day in the Life’ account of your business


It doesn’t matter if you’re a lone blogger or a multinational, readers love to find out about people and places. Satisfy their curiosity with a post that shows them around your workspace and gives the story of a typical day. Keep your camera handy.

不管您是单身博客还是跨国公司,读者都喜欢了解人和地方,这无关紧要。 通过发布贴文来满足他们的好奇心,该贴文向他们展示您的工作空间,并讲述典型一天的故事。 随身携带相机。

2. Tell the story of how you started up


Explaining how and why you started your blog or business can be both interesting and inspirational. It’s also really good for getting the message across about your brand values and getting new customers on board.

解释如何以及为何创办博客或企业既有趣又鼓舞人心。 这对于传达有关您的品牌价值的信息并吸引新客户也非常有用。

3. Feature some of your successful clients


If you have a successful customer who has benefited from the work you have done, celebrate the fact in a blog post. It’s good publicity for both of you. Don’t write it up as a case study, though: case studies are too formal for blogs.

如果您有一个成功的客户,并且从您所做的工作中受益,请在博客文章中庆祝这一事实。 对你们俩都是很好的宣传。 但是,请勿将其写为案例研究:案例研究对于博客而言过于正式。

4. Write a how-to article


How-to articles are one of the most frequently used content marketing techniques. Visitors read them because they are genuinely helpful and this establishes you as an expert in your field. You’ll get more email subscribers and increased customer loyalty if you have a collection of these.

操作方法文章是最常用的内容营销技术之一。 访客阅读它们是因为它们确实有帮助,这使您成为该领域的专家。 如果您有很多这样的电子邮件订阅者,那么您将获得更多的电子邮件订阅者并提高其客户忠诚度。

5. Solve your readers’ problems


Another content marketing staple is the problem-solving article. What are the problems your customers face and what can they do to eradicate them? Of course, the solution should be to buy your products and services. ‘Soggy Yorkshire puddings? By ‘eck, here’s how t’ get ’em right’.

内容营销的另一项主要内容是解决问题的文章。 您的客户面临哪些问题,他们该如何消除? 当然,解决方案应该是购买您的产品和服务。 潮湿的约克郡布丁? 靠“ eck,这就是t”获得“正确 ”的方式。

6. Send out a teaser about an upcoming event


You can use your blog to create ‘trailer posts’ that create a pre-launch buzz about new products, services, sales or other important events. These are great for sharing on social media, too.

您可以使用博客创建“预告片”,这些预告片会在发布前就新产品,服务,销售或其他重要事件发出嗡嗡声。 这些也非常适合在社交媒体上分享。

7. Give something away 


Everyone loves a freebie, so writing a post about a competition, product giveaway or even offering a special deal is bound to attract attention. In return, you can ask visitors to sign up for emails or like you on Facebook.

每个人都喜欢免费赠品,因此写一篇有关比赛,产品赠品甚至提供特别优惠的文章势必会引起人们的注意。 作为回报,您可以要求访问者注册电子邮件或在Facebook上像您一样。

8. Interview an influencer or expert


Get in touch with an expert or influencer in your field (it could be someone in your company) and ask if you can interview them for your blog. Usually, you just need to email them the questions and they’ll email back the answers. Make sure you ask things your readers would be interested in. Remember to ask for a photo as well.

与您所在领域的专家或影响者联系(可能是您公司中的某人),并询问是否可以为他们的博客采访他们。 通常,您只需要通过电子邮件将问题发送给他们,他们就会通过电子邮件将答案发送回。 确保询问您的读者感兴趣的事物。记住也要索要照片。

9. Interview customers about how they use your products


Potential customers are eager to see what other customers think about the product they are interested in. An interview which explains how a range of customers use the product can be interesting, funny and, importantly, convincing. Kelloggs has an advert which might give you inspiration.

潜在客户渴望看到其他客户对他们感兴趣的产品有何看法。采访解释了一系列客户如何使用该产品会变得有趣,有趣,并且最重要的是说服力。 凯洛格斯(Kelloggs)的广告可能会给您带来启发。

10. Write about hot or trending topics


If something is trending, it means there is a lot of interest in that subject. Writing a post about it while it is hot means you have a great chance to get lots of views and even go viral. This could be an industry hot topic or something more general that you can make a link with. Keep your eye on the media and Twitter.

如果有什么趋势,那就意味着对该主题有很多兴趣。 在炙手可热的时候写一篇有关它的文章意味着您有很大的机会获得很多观点,甚至传播开来。 这可能是一个行业热门话题,或者是您可以链接的更一般的话题。 密切关注媒体和Twitter。

11. Write about seasonal topics


As a blogger, you should create a calendar that reminds you to write about seasonal events as they crop up. We’ve just had Halloween. Have you had a Halloween themed post? Make sure you’ve got something in the pipeline for Christmas and New Year.

作为博客作者,您应该创建一个日历,提醒您在季节性事件出现时写下有关这些事件的信息。 我们刚刚度过了万圣节。 你有万圣节主题的帖子吗? 确保圣诞节和新年准备中的东西。

12. Write a long-form, detailed guide


The average length of an article on Google’s first page is over 2000 words, so detailed posts can do wonders for your SEO. These explainer articles are also very helpful for users. Think of ‘Beginners’ guide to…’ or ‘Ultimate guide to…’ articles. Always use images to illustrate your ideas. ‘The Beginners’ Guide to Perfect Yorkshire Puddings’.

Google首页上一篇文章的平均篇幅超过2000字,因此详细的帖子可以为您的SEO锦上添花。 这些解释器文章对用户也很有帮助。 考虑一下“入门指南”或“……的最终指南”文章。 始终使用图像来说明您的想法。 ' 初学者指南,以完美的约克郡布丁 '。

13. Share your mistakes and what you’ve learned from them


Henry Ford went bankrupt several times before being successful, JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers. Giving a personal insight into how you failed and then overcome your problems to succeed can help build relationships between you and the reader. It can also be inspirational.

亨利·福特(Henry Ford)在破产之前曾多次破产,但JK罗琳(JK Rowling)被12家出版商拒绝。 亲自了解您如何失败,然后克服难题才能成功,这可以帮助您与读者建立关系。 这也可能是鼓舞人心的。

14. Write about your social and community contributions


If you support charities or do any work in the local community, let your readers know about it. It makes engaging reading, can help garner more support for the people you help, and is great for showing the caring side of your brand.

如果您支持慈善机构或在当地社区从事任何工作,请告知您的读者。 它使阅读更具吸引力,可以帮助您帮助的人们获得更多支持,并且非常适合展示您品牌的关怀一面。

15. Share research from within your field


When the results of new research projects are published, it can make very interesting reading for your customers. Writing this up in an interesting and informative way can make a great article. Alternatively, do your own research using a questionnaire or a quiz and share those results.  Remember to include statistics, readers love these. ‘Recent research shows that 85% of bloggers…’

当新的研究项目的结果发布时,它可以为您的客户带来非常有趣的阅读。 以一种有趣且有益的方式写这篇文章可以写一篇很棒的文章。 另外,您可以使用问卷或测验进行自己的研究,并分享这些结果。 请记住要包括统计数据,读者喜欢这些。 “最近的研究表明,有85%的博客作者……”

16. Create posts that remove barriers to buying your products


There are always customers who have a reason for not buying your products: too expensive, bad for the environment, etc. One way to overcome this is to write a blog post that takes on those objections and explains why they are wrong. This is the same reason McDonalds has ads that explain what goes into their food. Here’s one about burgers.

总是有一些客户有理由不购买您的产品:太贵,对环境不利等。克服这一问题的一种方法是写一篇博客文章,阐述这些异议并解释其错误原因。 这与麦当劳的广告可以解释食物中所含食物的原因相同。 这是关于汉堡的一个。



It can be hard work constantly coming up with ideas for new blog content. Hopefully, the suggestions in this post can trigger your imagination and help you think of lots of articles for the future.

不断地提出有关新博客内容的想法可能很困难。 希望本文中的建议可以激发您的想象力,并帮助您考虑将来的许多文章。

If you write a WordPress blog and are looking for the ideal hosting solution, check out our WordPress hosting packages.

如果您编写WordPress博客并正在寻找理想的托管解决方案,请查看我们的WordPress托管软件包 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/16-great-content-ideas-for-blogs/

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