Purpose of this project
Analyze, design, implement, and document a database system application. You will use the
methodology for database development learned in class. The system must be implemented on
a DBMS with any language as a host-language for the application. The system must be menudriven
and include the basic functionality described below.
The Online Computer Store
The following specifications are intended as a guide; they are not the complete specifications.
These are intended to be a basis for you to get started in the right direction in designing your
system. You as the designer must analyze and decide what other details or features should be
specified for your system. Thus, individual group implementations will differ in terms of design
and implementation styles. Every group has to mention clearly in its report what other
specifications are assumed. However: (a) they should not contradict the assumptions described
below, and (b) they have to be clearly stated in your report.
(Specifications for the design of the database)
Newark-IT is a company that sells computers all over the world. It is a web-based company. All
sales are managed via a website. The company wants to build a database system for customers,
products, and sales transactions. You have been approached to help Newark-IT with the
database design and application development.
1. A customer has an ID, a first name and a surname.
2. Each customer has a home address, a telephone number, and an email address.
3. A customer can have one or many credit cards. Each credit card has a number, a security
number, the name of its owner, the billing address, the type of credit card, and an expiry date.
4. A customer can specify multiple shipping addresses. A shipping address is identified by the
name the customer choses for this address (which is unique among the shipping addresses of
this customer) and the ID of the customer. For a shipping address the zip code, street name,
street number, city, state and country are provided. If a customer is deleted, we need not keep
track of her shipping addresses any longer.
5. Customers have a status (regular, silver, gold and platinum). A status level corresponds to
different advantages. In particular, a credit line is offered to the customers of silver status and
above. In addition, the company proposes each month special offers (reduced prices) for some
products exclusively for gold and platinum status customers.
6. An offer is the combination of a particular product and a price.
7. Each product has a unique product type.
8. Each product has its own product ID, a name, a recommended price, and a brief textual
9. A customer can collect several products in a shopping basket each at a different quantity. If
the product is on offer and the customer is of gold or platinum status, she is charged the
reduced price for this product.
10. A shopping basket is always non-empty. It is created with the first item added.
11. A successful sales transaction is recorded in the database, when a customer buys a shopping
basket (with products), choses one and only one of her shipping addresses and the payment is
confirmed. The price and the quantity of every product in the transaction should be available as
well as the total amount of the transaction.
12. The payment of a sales transaction is done with a credit card. It can be one of the credit
cards stored by the customer, or a credit card whose information is stored for this particular
13. As soon as a sales transaction is confirmed, the shipment is started. If a product is not
delivered successfully, for instance because the cargo got lost, the transaction gets tagged with
not-delivered tag.
14. There are three main categories of product types: Desktop computers, laptops, and
15. There are also product types that do not belong to any of these main categories (e.g.,
different kinds of accessories).
16. Product types of main categories have specific attributes: Desktop computers and laptops
have both a CPU type, and laptops have also a weight and a battery running time. Printers have
a resolutions and a printer-type.
(Specifications for the development of the application programs)
The Newark-IT is interested in an online application program interface that is easy to use so
that they do not have to spend time unnecessarily to train their employees. Newark-IT would
also like the program interface to be easy for the customers. In particular Newark-IT is
interested in the next three applications: Customer registration and management, Online sales,
and Collection of statistics. The last application is crucial in decision making by the analysts,
managers and knowledge workers of the company. For instance, it will allow the introduction of
new products in certain categories or the discontinuation of certain products, or the suggestion
of new offers to increase the profit of the company. As database and application program
designers you are expected to write a menu-based main program which consists of the
following three application programs for the daily transactions of the company and is open to
the inclusion of additional functionality in the future. Note that many functions are left out in
order to reduce the size and the complexity of the project.
1. Registration and Management
Every customer has to register before being able to place an order. This interface will help the
customers register and manage/edit their registration information.
2. Online Sale
The online sale program will manage the shopping basket, and help the customer place an
order. When an order is placed, the customer should be able to check and inquiry about the
status of his/her order. The status of an order is updated as the company processes it. The
customer should be able to view his transaction history, and pull up specific transactions based
on different criteria (for instance, based on the name of the customer and the name of a
product involved in the transaction).
3. Sale statistics
This program provides statistics and is used by Newark-IT to analyze its sales and customers. In
particular, this program should be able to make the following computations:
1. For a given time period (begin date and end date) compute the most frequently sold
2. For a given time period (begin date and end date) compute the products which are sold to
the highest number of distinct customers.
3. For a given time period (begin date and end date) compute the 10 best customers (in terms
of money spent) in descending order.
4. For a given time period (begin date and end date) compute the 5 best zip codes (in terms of
shipments made).
5. For a given time period (begin date and end date) compute the average selling product price
per product type for desktops, laptops and printers.
Deliverable 3 Requirements
Phase 3 Deliverable must contain the goal of this phase of the project, and a description of the
creation of the database schema and instance and of the application programs. It must also
provide any revisions made to the specifications described in Phase 2 Deliverable. It must
further describe the problems encountered in Phase 3 and justify the solutions.
? The program must run
? Make sure you have ample sample data in your tables so that you can sufficiently perform
and illustrate all required tasks.
? You do not have to design a fancy interface.
1. Run SQL commands for creating tables including primary keys, secondary keys and foreign
keys. Run SQL command files that populate each table. Each table is required to have a
sufficient number of tuples. Keep in mind the relationships between tables, and plan your data
accordingly. You should be able to run these command files successfully with no errors and no
integrity violations.
2. You are to develop a menu driven application system for the Newark-IT database as
described in the functional requirements.
What is expected:
1. Description of implementation, problems faced.
2. Users guide (Less than 3 pages)
3. The SQL commands that create your tables
4. The SQL commands that populate your tables
5. The source code.
6. A printout of the use of the program.
If you miss a task mention which one. In this case if you have implemented a task with a similar
functionality it helps (mention it).
You should demonstrate your project. The demonstration has to be done the dates provided on
the web page of the class. You will have to reserve a time slot for your demo.

我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全  汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写代做编程语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:











Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写


Machine Learning 作业 代写

Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导



Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代


Computer Computational method代做

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:99515681@qq.com




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