
模块r.futures.potential 有两种运行模式,如果没有-d标志,它将使用所有给定的预测器来构建模型,而如果使用-d标志,它评估所有预测器的不同组合,并根据AIC选择最佳组合。

  • 输入数据

  • 输出数据


  • 源码解析

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# MODULE:       r.futures.potential
# AUTHOR(S):    Anna Petrasova (kratochanna gmail.com)
# PURPOSE:      FUTURES Potential submodel
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2016 by the GRASS Development Team
#               This program is free software under the GNU General Public
#               License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
#               for details.
#% description: Module for computing development potential as input to r.futures.pga
#% keyword: raster
#% keyword: statistics
#%option G_OPT_V_INPUT
#%option G_OPT_F_OUTPUT
#% description: Output Potential file
#% description: Names of attribute columns representing sampled predictors
#% required: yes
#%option G_OPT_DB_COLUMN
#% key: developed_column
#% description: Name of attribute column representing development
#% required: yes
#%option G_OPT_DB_COLUMN
#% key: subregions_column
#% description: Name of attribute column representing subregions
#% required: yes
#% type: integer
#% key: min_variables
#% description: Minimum number of predictors considered
#% required: no
#% answer: 1
#% options: 1-20
#% type: integer
#% key: max_variables
#% description: Maximum number of predictors considered
#% required: no
#% options: 1-20
#% key: d
#% description: Use dredge fuction to find best model
#%endimport sys
import atexit
import subprocess
import grass.script as gscript#R 语言脚本
rscript = """
# load required libraries
for (package in c("MuMIn", "lme4", "optparse")) {if (!(is.element(package, installed.packages()[,1]) ))stop(paste("Package", package, " not found"))}
option_list = list(make_option(c("-i","--input"), action="store", default=NA, type='character', help="input CSV file"),make_option(c("-o","--output"), action="store", default=NA, type='character', help="output CSV file"),make_option(c("-l","--level"), action="store", default=NA, type='character', help="level variable name"),make_option(c("-r","--response"), action="store", default=NA, type='character', help="binary response variable name"),make_option(c("-d","--usedredge"), action="store", default=NA, type='logical', help="use dredge to find best model"),make_option(c("-m","--minimum"), action="store", default=NA, type='integer', help="minimum number of variables for dredge"),make_option(c("-x","--maximum"), action="store", default=NA, type='integer', help="maximum number of variables for dredge")
)opt = parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))# 模型调用
# import data
input_data = read.csv(opt$input)
# create global model with all variables
predictors <- names(input_data)
if (!is.na(opt$level)) {predictors <- predictors[predictors != opt$level]
predictors <- predictors[predictors != opt$response]if (is.na(opt$level)) {fmla <- as.formula(paste(opt$response, " ~ ", paste(c(predictors), collapse= "+")))model = glm(formula=fmla, family = binomial, data=input_data, na.action = "na.fail")
} else {interc <- paste("(1|", opt$level, ")")fmla <- as.formula(paste(opt$response, " ~ ", paste(c(predictors, interc), collapse= "+")))model = glmer(formula=fmla, family = binomial, data=input_data, na.action = "na.fail")
}if(opt$usedredge) {#create all possible models, always include county as the levelif (is.na(opt$level)) {select.model <- dredge(model, evaluate=TRUE, rank="AIC", m.lim=c(opt$minimum, opt$maximum), trace=FALSE)} else {select.model <- dredge(model, evaluate=TRUE, rank="AIC", fixed=~(1|opt$level), m.lim=c(opt$minimum, opt$maximum), trace=FALSE)}# save the best modelmodel.best <- get.models(select.model, 1)if (is.na(opt$level)) {model = glm(formula(model.best[[1]]), family = binomial, data=input_data, na.action = "na.fail")} else {model = glmer(formula(model.best[[1]]), family = binomial, data=input_data, na.action = "na.fail")}
if (is.na(opt$level)) {coefs <- t(as.data.frame(coef(model)))
} else {coefs <- as.data.frame(coef(model)[[1]])
write.table(cbind(rownames(coefs), coefs), opt$output, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
"""TMP_CSV = None
TMP_POT = None
TMP_RSCRIPT = Nonedef cleanup():gscript.try_remove(TMP_CSV)gscript.try_remove(TMP_POT)gscript.try_remove(TMP_RSCRIPT)def main():vinput = options['input']columns = options['columns'].split(',')binary = options['developed_column']level = options['subregions_column']minim = int(options['min_variables'])dredge = flags['d']# 相关因子的数量判断if options['max_variables']:maxv = (options['max_variables'])else:maxv = len(columns)if dredge and minim > maxv:gscript.fatal(_("Minimum number of predictor variables is larger than maximum number"))global TMP_CSV, TMP_RSCRIPT, TMP_POT# 临时csv文件TMP_CSV = gscript.tempfile(create=False) + '.csv'# TMP_RSCRIPT = gscript.tempfile()include_level = True#distinct = gscript.read_command('v.db.select', flags='c', map=vinput,columns="distinct {l}".format(l=level)).strip()#组织输入文件if len(distinct.splitlines()) <= 1:include_level = Falsesingle_level = distinct.splitlines()[0]with open(TMP_RSCRIPT, 'w') as f:f.write(rscript)TMP_POT = gscript.tempfile(create=False) + '_potential.csv'columns += [binary]if include_level:columns += [level]where = "{c} IS NOT NULL".format(c=columns[0])for c in columns[1:]:where += " AND {c} IS NOT NULL".format(c=c)gscript.run_command('v.db.select', map=vinput, columns=columns, separator='comma', where=where, file=TMP_CSV)if dredge:gscript.info(_("Running automatic model selection ..."))else:gscript.info(_("Computing model..."))#调用R包cmd = ['Rscript', TMP_RSCRIPT, '-i', TMP_CSV,  '-r', binary,'-m', str(minim), '-x', str(maxv), '-o', TMP_POT, '-d', 'TRUE' if dredge else 'FALSE']if include_level:cmd += [ '-l', level]p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)stdout, stderr = p.communicate()print(stderr)if p.returncode != 0:print(stderr)gscript.fatal(_("Running R script failed, check messages above"))gscript.info(_("Best model summary:"))gscript.info("-------------------------")print(stdout)# 输出潜力文件with open(TMP_POT, 'r') as fin, open(options['output'], 'w') as fout:i = 0for line in fin.readlines():row = line.strip().split('\t')row = [each.strip('"') for each in row]if i == 0:row[0] = "ID"row[1] = "Intercept"if i == 1 and not include_level:row[0] = single_levelfout.write('\t'.join(row))fout.write('\n')i += 1if __name__ == "__main__":options, flags = gscript.parser()atexit.register(cleanup)sys.exit(main())

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