I remember watching a friend play Stardew Valley for the first time on Twitch. I chuckled, “This game is NOT for me.” I was too much into “real” RPGs at the time, like Nier Automata (which is an amazing game), and the plethora of classic JRPGs I constantly replay. And then one day it went on sale, so I decided to prove to myself that I’d get bored, and leave it to rot in the pile of other Steam games that I own.

记得第一次在Twitch上看到一个朋友在Stardew Valley玩。 我笑着说:“这个游戏不适合我。” 当时我对“真正的” RPG太感兴趣了,例如Nier Automata(这是一个了不起的游戏),以及我不断重播的大量经典JRPG。 然后有一天它开始发售,所以我决定向自己证明自己会觉得无聊,然后把它丢在我拥有的其他Steam游戏中。

That did not happen. This is the story of how Stardew Valley changed my life.

那没有发生。 这是星露谷如何改变我生活的故事。

起点 (The Beginning)

When I first booted up the game, I remember simply taking the standard male avatar and starting a river farm (I had decided that I would at least have fish if I couldn’t cut it as a farmer). The game began, I planted my crops, watered them, cut up some trees, met a few of the villagers, and then had my guy go to bed.

当我第一次启动游戏时,我记得只是简单地使用了标准的男性头像并开始了一个河川农场(我决定,如果我不能以农夫的身份砍掉它,至少要有鱼)。 游戏开始了,我种了庄稼,给它们浇水,砍了几棵树,遇到了一些村民,然后让我的男人上床睡觉。

Wow, so exciting.


I kept going. I foraged for flowers, found some spring onions in the middle of nowhere, got my fishing pole(!), watered my crops, hung out at the Saloon, and then went to bed.

我一直走。 我到处觅食,在茫茫荒野中发现一些葱,拿起我的钓鱼竿(!),给我的农作物浇水,在沙龙里闲逛,然后上床睡觉。

I paused the game and thought for a moment. Okay, I love how this game looks and the music is good but is this it? How can anyone become addicted to this game? It’s just living your life on a farm. How great can this game be? Is there more to it than what I’m doing?

我暂停了游戏,想了一会儿。 好吧,我喜欢这款游戏的外观,而且音乐很好,但这是吗? 谁能上瘾这个游戏? 它只是在农场上生活。 这个游戏有多棒? 除了我正在做的事情以外,还有什么呢?

Yes. Yes, there is.

是。 就在这里。

真正的开始 (The Real Beginning)

I had decided to give the game a shot through one season in-game. I wasn’t doing so hot on my crops, and fishing was tough. On the 20th of Spring, my character woke up and stepped outside. Marnie was waiting there and had a dog next to her. She asked me if I wanted to adopt the dog, and of course, being the dog lover I am, I accepted.

我决定在整个游戏一个赛季中试一试。 我的庄稼没有那么热,钓鱼很艰难。 在Spring20日,我的角色醒来并走到外面。 玛妮在那儿等着,旁边有一条狗。 她问我是否要收养狗,当然,作为我的爱犬者,我接受了。

I had to name the dog. My fingers moved across the keyboard slowly “K-r-a-t-o-s”, and I paused for a moment. Let me explain why I had chosen such a name for such a cute electronic pup.

我不得不给狗起名字。 我的手指缓慢地在键盘上移动“ Kratos”,我停了片刻。 让我解释一下为什么我为如此可爱的电子小狗选择了这样的名字。

Kratos was a dog we adopted from a rescue. He was living on a farm and looked part husky, part shepherd. When he was a puppy, he was chained to a pallet for the first 9 months of his life. He was the most gentle soul to ever grace this planet, even with the way he had been treated early on. One day, we noticed he didn’t have the energy he typically would have. We brought him to the vet the day after Christmas, and that was when I received some of the worst news of my life: Kratos had lung cancer. I asked for treatment options, and we went with the most aggressive. We wanted to give Kratos every chance in the world to go on and live his life. He responded to the treatment! He had more energy!

克雷托斯(Kratos)是我们从营救中领养的狗。 他住在一个农场里,看上去有些沙哑,有些牧羊人。 当他还是小狗时,他生命的前9个月被拴在托盘上。 即使是他早期得到的对待,他还是有史以来最优雅的灵魂。 有一天,我们注意到他没有通常拥有的精力。 圣诞节后的第二天,我们把他带到了兽医那里,那一天我收到了我一生中最糟糕的消息:克拉托斯患有肺癌。 我要求治疗选择,我们采取了最积极的态度。 我们希望为Kratos提供世界上一切继续生活的机会。 他对治疗有React! 他有更多的精力!

A month and a half later, he could barely walk. He was falling down when he tried to turn. I brought him back to our vet, and she was about to leave for the day but said she’d meet us there to give him a quick checkup. We get there and we wait. The doctor comes into the room, explains that he’s bleeding internally. I stumbled over words, trying to avoid what’s staring us in the face. The vet put a hand on my arm, and said, “Remember when I said I would tell you it’s time?” I said goodbye to my best friend that day. To this day, it’s hard to even type that out.

一个半月后,他几乎不能走路了。 他试图转身时摔倒了。 我把他带回我们的兽医那里,她正要离开那一天,但她说她会在那儿与我们见面,以便他进行快速检查。 我们到达那里,我们等待。 医生走进房间,解释说他内部出血。 我迷迷糊糊地说,试图避免什么东西盯着我们。 兽医把手放在我的手臂上,说:“还记得我说过要告诉你的时间吗?” 那天我和我最好的朋友说了再见。 直到今天,甚至都很难输入。

Coming back to the game, I hit “Ok” to name the dog. While this most definitely would never heal the wound on my heart from that day in February, it seemed appropriate. I smiled to see “Kratos” running around the farm, sleeping on the rug in the cabin, and giving a heart when I could pet him. The game connected with me at that moment. I wasn’t fully sold yet, but I felt something developing for this game.

回到游戏中,我点击“确定”为狗命名。 尽管从二月份的那一天起,这绝对不会治愈我心上的伤口,但这似乎是适当的。 我笑着看到“ Kratos”在农场里跑来跑去,睡在机舱的地毯上,在我可以抚摸他的时候给予一颗心。 那时游戏与我联系在一起。 我还没有被全部卖掉,但是我觉得这款游戏有一些发展。

钩子 (The Hook)

The Flower Dance.

A few days after adopting the dog in-game was the Flower Dance. I decided to attend the event and mingled. The single characters all had an extra piece of dialogue, which was to ask them to dance. I smiled and then frowned as I was rejected by one and all.

在游戏中领养狗后的几天是“花舞”。 我决定参加活动并混在一起。 单个角色都有一个额外的对话,那就是要求他们跳舞。 我微笑着然后皱着眉头,因为我遭到了所有人的拒绝。

You see, I had not cultivated any friendship with these characters other than talking to them. I did not do any side-quests or deliver any presents. So I watched all of the singles dance together. I fumed. How could no one want to dance with me?!

您知道,除了和他们聊天以外,我没有与这些角色培养任何友谊。 我没有做任何附带问题或提供任何礼物。 所以我看着所有的单打一起跳舞。 我发火了。 没有人愿意和我跳舞吗?

And then it all clicked. I swore it was audible. This game was completely up to me. Whatever I wanted to happen in it WOULD happen.

然后全部单击。 我发誓这是听得见的。 这场比赛完全取决于我。 无论我想发生什么,都会发生。

Want a big farm? Boom! Work towards that!

想要一个大农场吗? 繁荣! 为此努力!

Want to fish all day? Boom! Just go fishing!

想整天钓鱼吗? 繁荣! 只是去钓鱼!

Want to foster awesome relationships with the others? Find the right items to gift!

是否想与他人建立良好的关系? 找到合适的礼物!

This game was simply a sandbox that held potential in every direction. I realized this, and was ready to make this “My Game”.

这个游戏只是一个沙盒,在各个方向上都具有潜力。 我意识到了这一点,并准备制作“我的游戏”。

That save game file became a life with the blue-haired hippie Emily, who has a heart of gold. We had two kids. I never made the biggest farm or most profitable farm, but I had fun with that game. While I feel that I’m done with that one, it’s still nice to see what my humble beginnings were in Pelican Town.

保存下来的游戏文件成为了拥有金色心脏的蓝发嬉皮士艾米丽(Emily)的生活。 我们有两个孩子。 我从来没有做过最大的农场或最赚钱的农场,但是我玩这个游戏很有趣。 虽然我觉得自己已经完成了,但仍然很高兴看到我在鹈鹕镇的卑微经历。

现在 (The Present)

The Night Market.

ConcernedApe, the developer and also publisher of the game, has continued to update Stardew Valley at no cost to the player. There’s been so much new content that I’m constantly drawn back into the world. I’ll create a new farm here and there to start a new game and see what new things I can discover.

游戏的开发者兼发行者ConcernedApe继续免费更新Stardew Valley 。 太多的新内容使我不断被吸引回世界。 我将在这里和那里创建一个新服务器场,以开始新游戏,并查看可以发现的新事物。

Life during his pandemic has been hard, you feel like you have no control over some of the things going on in your life. However, when I boot up a new farm or a saved file in Stardew, I’m back in a place where it’s okay to make things happen and let them go. It has made me fall in love with the farm life that resides on my solid-state drive.

大流行期间他的生活一直很艰难,您会感觉自己无法控制生活中发生的某些事情。 但是,当我在Stardew中启动新服务器场或保存的文件时,我又回到了可以进行事情并放手的地方。 它让我爱上了固态硬盘上的农场生活。

Has Stardew Valley affected you in any way? If so, let me know!

星露谷有没有以任何方式影响您? 如果是这样,请告诉我!

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/how-stardew-valley-changed-my-life-60508b76f3f0



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