
项目地址 https://github.com/cbergoon/merkletree



type Content interface {CalculateHash() ([]byte, error)Equals(other Content) (bool, error)
}//MerkleTree is the container for the tree. It holds a pointer to the root of the tree,
//a list of pointers to the leaf nodes, and the merkle root.
type MerkleTree struct {Root         *NodemerkleRoot   []byteLeafs        []*NodehashStrategy func() hash.Hash
}//Node represents a node, root, or leaf in the tree. It stores pointers to its immediate
//relationships, a hash, the content stored if it is【 a leaf, and other metadata.
type Node struct {Tree   *MerkleTreeParent *NodeLeft   *NodeRight  *Nodeleaf   booldup    boolHash   []byteC      Content


//buildWithContent is a helper function that for a given set of Contents, generates a
//corresponding tree and returns the root node, a list of leaf nodes, and a possible error.
//Returns an error if cs contains no Contents.
// 这里先计算了所有的叶子节点的hash,然后在递归调用 buildIntermediate 来构建整个树
func buildWithContent(cs []Content, t *MerkleTree) (*Node, []*Node, error) {if len(cs) == 0 {return nil, nil, errors.New("error: cannot construct tree with no content")}var leafs []*Nodefor _, c := range cs {hash, err := c.CalculateHash()if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}leafs = append(leafs, &Node{Hash: hash,C:    c,leaf: true,Tree: t,})}if len(leafs)%2 == 1 {duplicate := &Node{Hash: leafs[len(leafs)-1].Hash,C:    leafs[len(leafs)-1].C,leaf: true,dup:  true,Tree: t,}leafs = append(leafs, duplicate)}root, err := buildIntermediate(leafs, t)if err != nil {return nil, nil, err}return root, leafs, nil
}//buildIntermediate is a helper function that for a given list of leaf nodes, constructs
//the intermediate and root levels of the tree. Returns the resulting root node of the tree.
func buildIntermediate(nl []*Node, t *MerkleTree) (*Node, error) {var nodes []*Nodefor i := 0; i < len(nl); i += 2 {h := t.hashStrategy()var left, right int = i, i + 1if i+1 == len(nl) {right = i}chash := append(nl[left].Hash, nl[right].Hash...)if _, err := h.Write(chash); err != nil {return nil, err}n := &Node{Left:  nl[left],Right: nl[right],Hash:  h.Sum(nil),Tree:  t,}nodes = append(nodes, n)nl[left].Parent = nnl[right].Parent = nif len(nl) == 2 {return n, nil}}return buildIntermediate(nodes, t)


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