
As you get better at photography, you need to start making deliberate choices about the composition of your images. The rule of thirds just won’t cut it anymore. One of the simplest and most powerful composition techniques is leading lines. Let’s look at what they are and how to use them.

随着摄影技术的提高,您需要开始对图像的组成进行慎重的选择。 三分之二的法则不再适用 。 引导线是最简单,功能最强大的合成技术之一。 让我们看看它们是什么以及如何使用它们。

为什么组成? (Why Composition?)

Photography is an art form. Sure, there’s not a tremendous amount of art to snapshots of your dog you took with your iPhone, but there still is the potential there for an image to be more than just a disposable depiction of something that happened.

摄影是一种艺术形式。 当然,用iPhone拍摄的狗的快照没有太多的艺术作品,但是图像的潜力不只是对发生的事情的一次性描述。

Good images say something. It’s not always some big, deep point or cultural criticism; often it’s “the world is pretty awesome” or “humans can do cool stuff.” Composition is just one of the tools that serve to deliver the message.

好的形象在说些什么。 这并不总是有些大的,深刻的观点或文化批评。 通常是“世界真棒”或“人类可以做很酷的事情”。 撰写只是用来传递消息的工具之一。

Let’s look at a photo of mine.


In this shot, I wanted to say a few things:


  • Humans are small, and nature is big.人是小,自然是大。
  • Humans still do pretty epic things in nature.在自然界中,人类仍然做着史诗般的事情。

It’s not exactly a Pulitzer-Prize-winning photo, but I think I managed to get my point across with my composition. Whenever you’re taking a photo, think about what you want people looking at it to feel. Calm? Angry? Excited? Inspired? Happy? Whatever it is, the composition will either make or break the message.

这张照片并不完全是获得普利策奖的照片,但我想我的构图让我明白了。 每当您拍摄照片时,请考虑一下您希望人们看着它的感觉。 冷静? 愤怒? 激动吗 启发? 快乐? 不管是什么,组合都会使消息成败。

Right, now that we’ve addressed why composition is important, let’s dig in and look at one of the major compositional tools: leading lines.


什么是领先线? (What Are Leading Lines?)

Leading lines are any lines in an image that lead or guide the viewers’ eyes. Since they exploit the human tendency to follow a line with our gaze once we’ve looked at it, they’re powerful for directing people where to look in your image. Here are the leading lines in the photo above.

引导线是图像中任何引导或引导观众眼睛的线。 由于他们利用了人类的趋势,即一旦我们注视了他们,便会跟随我们的视线,因此它们可以有效地指引人们在您的图像中寻找位置。 这是上面照片中的引导线。

I count eight lines that all direct the viewer to the central mountain and skier. When someone first glances at the photo, if they look at any one of these lines they’ll be led right to the subject: exactly where I want them to look. It’s here that you get the contrast between human and mountain and the sense of motion and speed. It’s the part of the photo that most embodies the point I’m trying to make.

我数了八条线,所有这些线都将观众引导到中央的高山和滑雪者。 当某人第一次看照片时,如果他们看着这些线条中的任何一条,就会被直接带到主题:我想要他们看的地方。 在这里,您将获得人与山之间的对比以及运动感和速度感。 这是照片中最能体现我要表达的观点的部分。

Leading lines don’t have to be straight. They can be curved, natural lines, like the coastline or a tree.

引导线不必是直的。 它们可以是弯曲的自然线,例如海岸线或树木。

And here are the leading lines in that shot.


As you can see, most of the lines in the image guide the viewer to the subject: the lighthouse. The biggest thing that detracts from this shot is the series of lines from the sun’s rays to the left of the shot.

如您所见,图像中的大多数线条将观看者引向主题:灯塔。 减损此镜头的最大功能是从太阳光线到镜头左侧的一系列直线。

Since they angle away from the subject, they guide the viewer’s eye out of the frame which isn’t ideal. If I were a painter, I’d almost certainly have painted these lines angling the opposite direction. Sadly, I had to work within nature’s constraints.

由于它们与拍摄对象成一定角度,因此将观看者的眼睛引向框架之外,这是不理想的。 如果我是画家,几乎可以肯定我会以相反的角度画这些线。 可悲的是,我不得不在自然的约束下工作。

Leading lines can be natural or humanmade, real or implied. Take this photo.

引导线可以是自然的或人为的,是真实的或暗示的。 拍这张照片。

The most powerful leading lines in it are the shadows from the pier. The pier itself and the horizon are the two other major lines that draw the viewer’s eye to the people on the pier.

其中最强大的引导线是码头的阴影。 码头本身和地平线是另外两条主要的线,吸引了观众的目光。

Or, take this photo.


And this one.


In both images, I used a very common trick: since the world is 3D and a print or screen is 2D, if you take a photo, sets of parallel lines will appear to converge in the distance. You can use any set of parallel lines like streets, buildings, alleys, railway tracks, or whatever else, to guide your viewer’s eye into the frame and towards your subject. Just place them back in the middle of the two lines.

在这两个图像中,我使用了一个非常常见的技巧:由于世界是3D的,而打印或屏幕是2D的,因此,如果您拍摄照片,则平行线的集合似乎会在距离上收敛。 您可以使用任何平行线集合,例如街道,建筑物,小巷,铁轨或其他任何东西,将观众的视线引导到框架中并朝向目标。 只需将它们放回两行的中间即可。

Here’s the first shot with the lines added.


And the second.


使用引出线 (Using Leading Lines)

Leading lines are pretty simple to use. When you’re taking photos, you just need to look around and see if there are any pre-existing lines that you can use to direct the viewer’s gaze. For this photo, I noticed that the wooden wall had some really interesting lines so I selected an aperture that would let them stay visible and shot away.

引线非常简单易用。 拍照时,您只需要环顾四周,看看是否有任何可以用来引导观众注视的线条。 对于这张照片,我注意到木墙上有一些非常有趣的线条,因此我选择了一个光圈,使其保持可见状态并被击落。

Leading lines are very easy to find when you’re shooting landscapes. The horizon itself is one, as are any ridgelines, rivers, or paths. That’s why the lighthouse makes such a natural subject in this photo.

拍摄风景时,非常容易找到引导线。 地平线本身就是其中一个,任何山脊线,河流或小径也一样。 这就是为什么灯塔在这张照片中如此自然的主题。

The only thing you need to be careful of with leading lines is that they don’t lead the viewer away from the subject. This photo has some incredibly powerful lines, but they lead to… nowhere.

引导线需要注意的唯一一件事是,引导线不会使观看者远离主题。 这张照片有一些令人难以置信的强力线条,但它们导致……无处可去。

If there were a small boat or landmark there, this would be an incredible shot. As it is, it’s just a snapshot of a pretty cloud formation and its reflection.

如果那里有小船或地标,那将是一个不可思议的镜头。 实际上,这只是一个漂亮的云形成及其反射的快照。

Using existing lines to lead your viewer’s gaze is one of the fundamentals of composition. Play around with any lines you can find the next time you’re out shooting.

使用现有的线条引导观众的目光是构图的基本原则之一。 在下次外出拍摄时,随便找点行。




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