

首先本地建一个仓库 使用命令:

git clone https://github.com/GeorgeSeif/Semantic-Segmentation-Suite.git


numpy: sudo pip install numpy
OpenCV Python:sudo apt-get install python-opencvpip install opencv-python
TensorFlow: sudo pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu



├── “dataset_name”
| ├── train
| ├── train_labels
| ├── val
| ├── val_labels
| ├── test
| ├── test_labels


Bicyclist,0,128, 192
Bridge,0, 128, 64
Building,128, 0, 0
Car,64, 0, 128
CartLuggagePram,64, 0, 192
Child,192, 128, 64
Column_Pole,192, 192, 128
Fence,64, 64, 128
LaneMkgsDriv,128, 0, 192
LaneMkgsNonDriv,192, 0, 64
Misc_Text,128, 128, 64
MotorcycleScooter,192, 0, 192
OtherMoving,128, 64, 64
ParkingBlock,64, 192, 128
Pedestrian,64, 64, 0
Road,128, 64, 128
RoadShoulder,128, 128, 192
Sidewalk,0, 0, 192
SignSymbol,192, 128, 128
Sky,128, 128, 128
SUVPickupTruck,64, 128,192
TrafficCone,0, 0, 64
TrafficLight,0, 64, 64
Train,192, 64, 128
Tree,128, 128, 0
Truck_Bus,192, 128, 192
Tunnel,64, 0, 64
VegetationMisc,192, 192, 0
Void,0, 0, 0
Wall,64, 192, 0


name, r, g, b
Human, 255,255,255
void, 0,0,0


可用的前端网络Frontends有:MobileNetV2, ResNet50/101/152, and InceptionV4,在运行train.py时会根据参数设定,自动下载设定的Frontends,但是有个问题是网络原因下载很慢,偶尔连接断了的话程序会异常中断,可以在utils/get_pretrained_checkpoints.py中找自己需要模型的URL,自行下载。将下载好的模型放在models中。


[-h] [--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS][--checkpoint_step CHECKPOINT_STEP][--validation_step VALIDATION_STEP] [--image IMAGE][--continue_training CONTINUE_TRAINING] [--dataset DATASET][--crop_height CROP_HEIGHT] [--crop_width CROP_WIDTH][--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--num_val_images NUM_VAL_IMAGES][--h_flip H_FLIP] [--v_flip V_FLIP] [--brightness BRIGHTNESS][--rotation ROTATION] [--model MODEL] [--frontend FRONTEND]

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
–num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of epochs to train for
–checkpoint_step CHECKPOINT_STEP
How often to save checkpoints (epochs)
–validation_step VALIDATION_STEP
How often to perform validation (epochs)
–image IMAGE
The image you want to predict on. Only valid in “predict” mode.
–continue_training CONTINUE_TRAINING
Whether to continue training from a checkpoint
–dataset DATASET Dataset you are using.
–crop_height CROP_HEIGHT
Height of cropped input image to network
–crop_width CROP_WIDTH
Width of cropped input image to network
–batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Number of images in each batch
–num_val_images NUM_VAL_IMAGES
The number of images to used for validations
–h_flip H_FLIP
Whether to randomly flip the image horizontally for data augmentation
–v_flip V_FLIP
Whether to randomly flip the image vertically for data augmentation
–brightness BRIGHTNESS
Whether to randomly change the image brightness for data augmentation. Specifies the max bightness change as a factor between 0.0 and 1.0. For example, 0.1 represents a max brightness change of 10% (±).
–rotation ROTATION
Whether to randomly rotate the image for data augmentation. Specifies the max rotation angle in degrees.
–model MODEL
The model you are using. See model_builder.py for supported models
–frontend FRONTEND
The frontend you are using. See frontend_builder.py for supported models

这里是 我的训练参数: 给大家做个样例
python train.py --num_epochs 30 --checkpoint_step 6 --validation_step 1 --dataset dataset --crop_width 512 --crop_height 512 --batch_size 1 --num_val_images 700 --h_flip 1 --v_flip 0 --model DeepLabV3 --frontend ResNet101

1)、文件夹utils里存放utils.py,train.py中导入utils文件夹中的utils.py和helpers.py时用from utils import utils,helpers,这里注意一下,程序会不晓得到底是utils还是utils.py的;哪里报错改一下就好了

2)、如果没有用命令sudo pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu更新gpu的TensorFlow版本的话,就会使用cpu进行训练。



def build_gcn(inputs, num_classes, preset_model='GCN', frontend="ResNet101", weight_decay=1e-5, is_training=True, upscaling_method="bilinear", pretrained_dir="models"):"""Builds the GCN model. Arguments:inputs: The input tensorpreset_model: Which model you want to use. Select which ResNet model to use for feature extraction num_classes: Number of classesReturns:GCN model"""logits, end_points, frontend_scope, init_fn  = frontend_builder.build_frontend(inputs, frontend, pretrained_dir=pretrained_dir, is_training=is_training)res = [end_points['pool5'], end_points['pool4'],end_points['pool3'], end_points['pool2']]###size = 15?down_5 = GlobalConvBlock(res[0], n_filters=21, size=3)down_5 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_5, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_5 = ConvUpscaleBlock(down_5, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3], scale=2)down_4 = GlobalConvBlock(res[1], n_filters=21, size=3)down_4 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_4, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_4 = tf.add(down_4, down_5)down_4 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_4, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_4 = ConvUpscaleBlock(down_4, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3], scale=2)down_3 = GlobalConvBlock(res[2], n_filters=21, size=3)down_3 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_3, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_3 = tf.add(down_3, down_4)down_3 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_3, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_3 = ConvUpscaleBlock(down_3, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3], scale=2)down_2 = GlobalConvBlock(res[3], n_filters=21, size=3)down_2 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_2, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_2 = tf.add(down_2, down_3)down_2 = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_2, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])down_2 = ConvUpscaleBlock(down_2, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3], scale=2)net = BoundaryRefinementBlock(down_2, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])net = ConvUpscaleBlock(net, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3], scale=2)net = BoundaryRefinementBlock(net, n_filters=21, kernel_size=[3, 3])net = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None, scope='logits')return net, init_fn



def build_bisenet(inputs, num_classes, preset_model='BiSeNet', frontend="ResNet101", weight_decay=1e-5, is_training=True, pretrained_dir="models"):"""Builds the BiSeNet model. Arguments:inputs: The input tensor=preset_model: Which model you want to use. Select which ResNet model to use for feature extraction num_classes: Number of classesReturns:BiSeNet model"""### The spatial path### The number of feature maps for each convolution is not specified in the paper### It was chosen here to be equal to the number of feature maps of a classification### model at each corresponding stage spatial_net = ConvBlock(inputs, n_filters=64, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=2)spatial_net = ConvBlock(spatial_net, n_filters=128, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=2)spatial_net = ConvBlock(spatial_net, n_filters=256, kernel_size=[3, 3], strides=2)### Context pathlogits, end_points, frontend_scope, init_fn  = frontend_builder.build_frontend(inputs, frontend, pretrained_dir=pretrained_dir, is_training=is_training)##resnet101-pool4 16x应该是1024个通道吧,不过这里改成1024会报错?net_4 = AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool4'], n_filters=512)net_5 = AttentionRefinementModule(end_points['pool5'], n_filters=2048)global_channels = tf.reduce_mean(net_5, [1, 2], keep_dims=True)net_5_scaled = tf.multiply(global_channels, net_5)#这里跟论文不大一样,全局池化应该与net_5连接concat,这里竟然直接相乘了,我的修改是将全局池化的结果global_channels上采样到与net_5相同大小然后进行concat### Combining the pathsnet_4 = Upsampling(net_4, scale=2)net_5_scaled = Upsampling(net_5_scaled, scale=4)context_net = tf.concat([net_4, net_5_scaled], axis=-1)net = FeatureFusionModule(input_1=spatial_net, input_2=context_net, n_filters=num_classes)### Final upscaling and finishnet = Upsampling(net, scale=8)net = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None, scope='logits')return net, init_fn





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