前言: UT Austin Villa是近几年Robocup仿真3D项目中稳稳当当的世界冠军,他们每年拿了冠军之后都会发1到2篇论文来阐述他们的进步,其论文内容已经形成了固定模板。首先是Introduction,说一下他们近几年拿了多少个冠军等等,不用细看;然后是Domain Description,缀述一下RoboCup仿真3D的运行环境等等,不用细看;然后是Changes for 20xx,这个是介绍他们当年的进步的实现方法,重点看 ;再后面是Main Competition Results and Analysis、Technical Challenges,是各种秀战绩,不用细看。

一句话,只看Changes for 20xx就够了。

论文中有些不明白的部分,我发邮件给了论文的作者,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的教授Peter Stone,他帮我抄送给了他们团队的负责人,Patrick MacAlpine 博士后,从他那得到了非常耐心而详细的解答,非常感谢他们,并体会到了我们与世界冠军之间的巨大差距(例如原文标题为“品读”,现在改成了“拜读”)。

注: 本文只是一些注释和理解,原文还是要自己看几遍的。



One significant change for the 2019 RoboCup 3D Simulation League competition was penalizing self-collisions. While the simulator’s physics model can detect and simulate self-collisions—when a robot’s body part such as a leg or
arm collides with another part of its own body—having the physics model try
to process and handle the large number of self-collisions occurring during games
often leads to instability in the simulator causing it to crash. To preserve stability of the simulator self-collisions are purposely ignored by the physics model.
However, not modeling self-collisions can result in robots performing physically
impossible motions such as one leg passing through the other when kicking the
ball. In order to discourage teams from having robots with self-colliding behaviors, a new feature was added to the simulator this year to detect and penalize
self-collisions when they happen. This feature signals a self-collision as having
occurred if two body parts of a robot overlap by more than 0.04 meters, and
then all joints in any arm or leg of the robot involved in the self-collision are
frozen and not allowed to move for one second. Freezing the joints in an arm or
leg that has started to collide with another body part is an approximation of the
physics model preventing body parts from moving through each other, and also
detracts from the performance of the robot due to its limb being “numb” and immobile. After the second passes, the joints are unfrozen, and the robot is allowed to move its self-colliding body parts for two seconds without any self-collisions
being reported. This two second period, during which previously collided body
parts are no longer penalized and frozen for self-collisions, allows a robot time
to reposition its body to no longer have a self-collision.


A player may initiate the pass play mode as long as the following conditions are all met:
– The current play mode is PlayOn.
– The agent is within 0.5 meters of the ball.
– No opponents are within a meter of the ball.
– The ball is stationary as measured by having a speed no greater than 0.05
meters per second.
– At least three seconds have passed since the last time a player’s team has
been in pass mode.
Once pass mode for a team has started the following happens:
– Players from the opponent team are prevented from getting within a meter
of the ball.
– The pass play mode ends as soon as a player touches the ball or four seconds
have passed.
– After pass mode has ended the team who initiated the pass mode is unable
to score for ten seconds—this prevents teams from trying to take a shot on
goal out of pass mode.

  • 减少自我碰撞的方法



When a self-collision occurs, the simulator reports which body parts
of a robot collided with each other. For kicking skills the body parts that
matter the most are those in the legs, so if a robot’s arm is involved in a self-collision the arm’s movement can probably be adjusted without affecting
the kicking motion. Roughly half the kicking skills that had self-collisions
involved the robots’ arms in the self-collisions, so we were able to manually
adjust the arms’ joint angle positions to no longer self-collide while still
exhibiting the same kicking motion through the ball.


In many cases it is not easy
to hand adjust the motions of a skill to avoid a self-collision as doing so fundamentally changes the performance of the skill (e.g. adjusting the position
of the legs of a robot for a kicking skill when the robot’s legs self-collide).
Instead of trying to fix things by hand, the current skill can be relearned
with CMA-ES using the current self-colliding behavior as a starting point
for learning, while also adding a large penalty value to the fitness of an agent
if it has any self-collisions while performing the optimization task it is trying
to learn.


: If the previous strategy does
not work—possibly because the current behavior has too many self-collisions
such that it is hard to find a behavior that does not have self-collisions when
using the current self-colliding behavior as a starting point—one can instead
attempt to learn using a similar related skill (e.g. similar distance kick) that
has fewer collisions as a starting point for learning.

  1. 当某个动作只有很少的自碰撞,在学习试验中不经常出现,但是在比赛中仍然会产生不少次,那么就减小自碰撞阈值进行优化,例如假设比赛规定当胳膊与躯干交叠了10层时视为发生了自我碰撞,现在将其减小为5层进行优化,这样在优化时就能检测到该动作的自碰撞。

Some skills have
infrequent enough self-collisions that they do not always occur during a learning trial, but still experience a significant number of self-collisions during
games. It can be especially hard to reduce the number of self-collisions for
skills when self-collisions are not always detected during learning. As a way
to decrease the chance of the robot assuming body positions that are right on
the border of having self-collisions, one can decrease the allowed amount of
overlap between body parts in the simulator before a self-collision is considered to have occurred. By decreasing the amount of allowed overlap between
body parts during learning it is less likely that a learned behavior will have
self-collisions exceeding the actual allowed amount of overlap.

  • 传球模式的策略
    下面是UT使用pass mode的策略:
    1.只在敌人离球1.25米以内时启用传球模式。因为如果敌人离得很远,不会对我们踢球造成威胁,这时候开启传球模式是没有必要的,而且越晚开启pass mode,留下的在pass mode最终结束之前的踢球时间就越长(我觉得这个的作用是,比如说我方球员现在离球0.4m,敌方球员离球1.2m,这时候开启pass mode的时间越晚,我方球员就可以走的离球更近,或者已经做出了踢球前的准备动作,这样可以节省在开启pass mode之后的踢球时间)。

Only activate pass mode when an opponent is within 1.25 meters of the
ball. Activating pass mode before the opponent is close is unnecessary as
the opponent is not yet a threat to interfere with a kick, and the later pass
mode is activated the later it will time out leaving more time to kick the ball
before pass mode eventually ends.

2.不要在球员离敌方球门足够近,可以直接射门得分时开启pass mode,否则必须要等10s才能射门。

Do not use pass mode when a player is close enough to take a shot on goal
and score. Goals cannot be scored for ten seconds after pass mode ends, so
it is better to attempt a shot and try to score than to pass the ball and then
have to wait ten seconds to score.

3.当球员不在球后面时,即使离敌方球门很近,可以直接射门,也要使用pass mode,因为球员从球前走到球后面的踢球点需要一定的时间,如果不开启pass mode敌人就会对我们踢球造成潜在威胁。

Do use pass mode if a player is not behind the ball even if the player is close
enough to the opponent’s goal to take a shot and score. The player will have
to take some time to walk around the ball to get in position to take a shot,
and at that point it is likely the opponent will have gotten close enough to
the ball to interfere with a potential shot.



3.踢球时间太长 (超过12s没有接触球)造成超时


优化结果:fitness > -1,即球最终到达位置离目标点的平均距离小于一米。

  • 深度学习传球策略

数据集的获取方法: 设SSS是一个大小为m的数据集:{(xi,yi)}i=1m\{(x^i,y^i)\}^m_{i=1}{(xi,yi)}i=1m​,其中单输入xix^ixi是一个49维的特征向量,用来表示比赛状态,即比赛模式、22个球员的坐标,球的坐标和潜在的传球坐标(我的理解是:比赛模式为1维,22个球员的x坐标和y坐标一共是44维,球的x坐标和y坐标一共2维,再加上潜在的传球x坐标和y坐标2维,一共49维);输出yiy^iyi是一个[0,1]之间的单标量值,用来表示潜在传球位置的值(译为“得分”更为恰当)。在数据采集过程中,先根据xix^ixi将赛场恢复到一个确定的比赛状态,通过10次重复来确定yiy^iyi的值,在每一次采集时,如果在20s内进球了,就给一个+1的奖励,否则奖励为0,yiy^iyi就是这10次奖励的平均值。显然,对于每一种球员和球的站位状态,都有很多有效的传球位置;因此对于一种站位状态有很多的训练例子。(在这里,一个有效的传球位置是在距离球的初始坐标20m以内,而且球场范围内)


优化传球的细节: 首先要确定合适的神经网络的大小,影响我们选择的有两个因素,一个是它是否会过拟合,另一个是它是否能在0.02s内完成计算。


当我们收集数据集时,首先,将xix ^ ixi设置为输入; 其次,我们需要根据xix ^ ixi在RoboCup3D仿真平台上构建一个环境,并设计一种策略来测试它是否在20秒内达到目标。 最后,根据测试结果得到yiy ^ iyi。

Patrick MacAlpine 博士给出的详细回答(翻译了会变味,直接贴上原文):







附: UT所有文献的网址


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