


其次,下载一个rcS生成器:,这是一个Perl脚本,很多Linux发行版默认安装了Perl,只需赋予用户该文件的可执行权限即可,源文件的最后注明了用法。PARSEC wiki页面最后也有个别程序的用法。



rcS文件内容可供参考,参考其命令格式,可以通过运行 ./bench --help-all 查看程序的其他用法。


blackscholes;<nthreads> <inputdir>in_4.txt <inputdir>prices.txt;<nthreads> <inputdir>in_16.txt <inputdir>prices.txt;<nthreads> <inputdir>in_4K.txt <inputdir>prices.txt;<nthreads> <inputdir>in_16K.txt <inputdir>prices.txt;<nthreads> <inputdir>in_64K.txt <inputdir>prices.txt
bodytrack;<inputdir>sequenceB_1 4 1 5 1 0 <nthreads>;<inputdir>sequenceB_1 4 1 100 3 0 <nthreads>;<inputdir>sequenceB_1 4 1 1000 5 0 <nthreads>;<inputdir>sequenceB_2 4 2 2000 5 0 <nthreads>;<inputdir>sequenceB_4 4 4 4000 5 0 <nthreads>
canneal;<nthreads> 5 100 <inputdir>10.nets 1;<nthreads> 100 300 <inputdir>100.nets 2;<nthreads> 10000 2000 <inputdir>100000.nets 32;<nthreads> 15000 2000 <inputdir>200000.nets 64;<nthreads> 15000 2000 <inputdir>400000.nets 128
dedup;-c -p -f -t <nthreads> -i <inputdir>test.dat -o <inputdir>output.dat.ddp;-c -p -f -t <nthreads> -i <inputdir>hamlet.dat -o <inputdir>output.dat.ddp;-c -p -f -t <nthreads> -i <inputdir>medias.dat -o <inputdir>output.dat.ddp;-c -p -f -t <nthreads> -i <inputdir>mediam.dat -o <inputdir>output.dat.ddp;-c -p -f -t <nthreads> -i <inputdir>medial.dat -o <inputdir>output.dat.ddp
facesim;-h;-timing -threads <nthreads>;-timing -threads <nthreads>;-timing -threads <nthreads>;-timing -threads <nthreads>
ferret;<inputdir>corelt lsh <inputdir>queriest 1 1 <nthreads> <inputdir>output.txt;<inputdir>coreld lsh <inputdir>queriesd 5 5 <nthreads> <inputdir>output.txt;<inputdir>corels lsh <inputdir>queriess 10 20 <nthreads> <inputdir>output.txt;<inputdir>corelm lsh <inputdir>queriesm 10 20 <nthreads> <inputdir>output.txt;<inputdir>corell lsh <inputdir>queriesl 10 20 <nthreads> <inputdir>output.txt
fluidanimate;<nthreads> 1 <inputdir>in_5K.fluid <inputdir>out.fluid;<nthreads> 3 <inputdir>in_15K.fluid <inputdir>out.fluid;<nthreads> 5 <inputdir>in_35K.fluid <inputdir>out.fluid;<nthreads> 5 <inputdir>in_100K.fluid <inputdir>out.fluid;<nthreads> 5 <inputdir>in_300K.fluid <inputdir>out.fluid
freqmine;<inputdir>T10I4D100K_3.dat 1;<inputdir>T10I4D100K_1k.dat 3;<inputdir>kosarak_250k.dat 220;<inputdir>kosarak_500k.dat 410;<inputdir>kosarak_990k.dat 790
rtview;<inputdir>octahedron.obj -nodisplay -automove -nthreads <nthreads> -frames 1 -res 1 1;<inputdir>bunny.obj -nodisplay -automove -nthreads <nthreads> -frames 1 -res 16 16;<inputdir>happy_buddha.obj -nodisplay -automove -nthreads <nthreads> -frames 3 -res 480 270;<inputdir>happy_buddha.obj -nodisplay -automove -nthreads <nthreads> -frames 3 -res 960 540;<inputdir>happy_buddha.obj -nodisplay -automove -nthreads <nthreads> -frames 3 -res 1920 1080
streamcluster;2 5 1 10 10 5 none <inputdir>output.txt <nthreads>;3 10 3 16 16 10 none <inputdir>output.txt <nthreads>;10 20 32 4096 4096 1000 none <inputdir>output.txt <nthreads>;10 20 64 8192 8192 1000 none <inputdir>output.txt <nthreads>;10 20 128 16384 16384 1000 none <inputdir>output.txt <nthreads>
swaptions;-ns 1 -sm 5 -nt <nthreads>;-ns 3 -sm 50 -nt <nthreads>;-ns 16 -sm 5000 -nt <nthreads>;-ns 32 -sm 10000 -nt <nthreads>;-ns 64 -sm 20000 -nt <nthreads>
vips;im_benchmark <inputdir>barbados_256x288.v <inputdir>output.v;im_benchmark <inputdir>barbados_256x288.v <inputdir>output.v;im_benchmark <inputdir>pomegranate_1600x1200.v <inputdir>output.v;im_benchmark <inputdir>vulture_2336x2336.v <inputdir>output.v;im_benchmark <inputdir>bigben_2662x5500.v <inputdir>output.v
x264;--quiet --qp 20 --partitions b8x8,i4x4 --ref 5 --direct auto --b-pyramid --weightb --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --me umh --subme 7 --analyse b8x8,i4x4 --threads <nthreads> -o <inputdir>eledream.264 <inputdir>eledream_32x18_1.y4m;--quiet --qp 20 --partitions b8x8,i4x4 --ref 5 --direct auto --b-pyramid --weightb --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --me umh --subme 7 --analyse b8x8,i4x4 --threads <nthreads> -o <inputdir>eledream.264 <inputdir>eledream_64x36_3.y4m;--quiet --qp 20 --partitions b8x8,i4x4 --ref 5 --direct auto --b-pyramid --weightb --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --me umh --subme 7 --analyse b8x8,i4x4 --threads <nthreads> -o <inputdir>eledream.264 <inputdir>eledream_640x360_8.y4m;--quiet --qp 20 --partitions b8x8,i4x4 --ref 5 --direct auto --b-pyramid --weightb --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --me umh --subme 7 --analyse b8x8,i4x4 --threads <nthreads> -o <inputdir>eledream.264 <inputdir>eledream_640x360_32.y4m;--quiet --qp 20 --partitions b8x8,i4x4 --ref 5 --direct auto --b-pyramid --weightb --mixed-refs --no-fast-pskip --me umh --subme 7 --analyse b8x8,i4x4 --threads <nthreads> -o <inputdir>eledream.264 <inputdir>eledream_640x360_128.y4m

Benchmark input cpu_threads start_from sim_seconds ROI time cpu_threads start_from sim_seconds ROI time
blackscholes small 1   0.4799s  0.480s 2     0.24s
bodytrack       1.4s 1.4s        
canneal       0.774s 0.772s        
dedup       2.913s 2.912s        
fluidanimate       2.597s 2.6s        
freqmine       1.536s 1.54s        
streamcluster       2.532s 2.532s        
x264       0.4699s 0.468s        


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