1. 编程实现2-d DFT正变换和反变换
  2. 频率域陷波滤波




#pragma once
void compute_W(int n, double* W_re, double* W_im);
void permute_bitrev(int n, double* A_re, double* A_im);
int  bitrev(int inp, int numbits);
int  log_2(int n);
void fft_butterfly(int n, double* A_re, double* A_im, double* W_re, double* W_im);void fft_1d(int N, double* A_re, double* A_im);
void Notch(unsigned char* IYmoon, double* IYNotch,int moonheight, int moonwidth);
void Notch_2(double* IYmoon, double* IYNotch, int moonheight, int moonwidth);
void Notch_2(double* NY, double* IYNotch, int moonheight, int moonwidth);
void Change_Y(double* IYNotch, double* FFT2D_IM, double* FFT2D_RE, int moonheight, int moonwidth, int FFTheight,int FFTwidth);
void FFT_Column(double* FFT2D_RE, double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth);
void FFT_Row(double* FFT2D_RE, double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth);
void CreateH(double* H, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth);
void Filter(double* FFT2D_IM, double* FFT2D_RE, double* H, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth);
void Conjugate(double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTsize);
void Delete_zero(double* FFT2D_RE, double* NY, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth, int moonheight, int moonwidth);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "FFT.h"#define  M_PI 3.1415926/*频率陷波*/
void Notch(unsigned char* IYmoon, double* IYNotch, int moonheight, int moonwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < moonheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < moonwidth; j++){IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] = pow(-1,i+j) * double(IYmoon[i * moonwidth + j]);}}
void Notch_2(double* NY, double* IYNotch, int moonheight, int moonwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < moonheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < moonwidth; j++){IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] = pow(-1, i + j) * NY[i * moonwidth + j];}}
void Delete_zero(double* FFT2D_RE, double* NY, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth, int moonheight, int moonwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < moonheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < moonwidth; j++){NY[i * moonwidth + j] = FFT2D_RE[i * FFTwidth + j]/((double)FFTheight*FFTwidth);}}
void Change_Y(double* IYNotch, double* FFT2D_IM, double* FFT2D_RE, int moonheight, int moonwidth, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < FFTwidth; j++){if (i < moonheight && j < moonwidth){FFT2D_RE[i * FFTwidth + j] = IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j];}elseFFT2D_RE[i * FFTwidth + j] = 0;}}
void FFT_Column(double* FFT2D_RE, double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTwidth; i++)//对每列做FFT_1D变换{double* A_re = new double[sizeof(double) * FFTheight];double* A_im = new double[sizeof(double) * FFTheight];for (int k = 0; k < FFTheight; k++){A_re[k] = FFT2D_RE[k * FFTwidth + i];A_im[k] = FFT2D_IM[k * FFTwidth + i];}fft_1d(FFTheight, A_re, A_im);for (int k = 0; k < FFTheight; k++){FFT2D_RE[k * FFTwidth + i] = A_re[k];FFT2D_IM[k * FFTwidth + i] = A_im[k];}delete[]A_re;delete[]A_im;}
}void FFT_Row(double* FFT2D_RE, double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTheight; i++)//对每行做FFT_1D变换{double* A_re = new double[sizeof(double) * FFTwidth];double* A_im = new double[sizeof(double) * FFTwidth];for (int k = 0; k < FFTwidth; k++){A_re[k] = FFT2D_RE[i * FFTwidth + k];A_im[k] = FFT2D_IM[i * FFTwidth + k];}fft_1d(FFTwidth, A_re, A_im);for (int k = 0; k < FFTwidth; k++){FFT2D_RE[i * FFTwidth + k] = A_re[k];FFT2D_IM[i * FFTwidth + k] = A_im[k];}delete[]A_re;delete[]A_im;}
}void Filter(double* FFT2D_IM, double* FFT2D_RE, double* H, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < FFTwidth; j++){FFT2D_IM[i * FFTwidth + j] = FFT2D_IM[i * FFTwidth + j] * H[i * FFTwidth + j];}}
}void CreateH(double* H, int FFTheight, int FFTwidth)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < FFTwidth; j++){H[i * FFTwidth + j] = 1.5;if ((i == FFTheight / 2) && (j == FFTwidth / 2)){H[i * FFTwidth + j] = 0.5;}}}
}void Conjugate(double* FFT2D_IM, int FFTsize)
{for (int i = 0; i < FFTsize; i++){FFT2D_IM[i] = -FFT2D_IM[i];}
1. A_re为该序列的实部,A_im为该序列的虚部;
2. 运算结果仍然存放在A_re和A_im
3. 输入输出都是自然顺序Note:
void fft_1d(int N, double* A_re, double* A_im)
{double* W_re, * W_im;W_re = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * N / 2);W_im = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * N / 2);assert(W_re != NULL && W_im != NULL);compute_W(N, W_re, W_im);fft_butterfly(N, A_re, A_im, W_re, W_im);permute_bitrev(N, A_re, A_im);free(W_re);free(W_im);
}/* W will contain roots of unity so that W[bitrev(i,log2n-1)] = e^(2*pi*i/n)
* n should be a power of 2
* Note: W is bit-reversal permuted because fft(..) goes faster if this is done.
*       see that function for more details on why we treat 'i' as a (log2n-1) bit number.
void compute_W(int n, double* W_re, double* W_im)
{int i, br;int log2n = log_2(n);for (i = 0; i < (n / 2); i++){br = bitrev(i, log2n - 1);W_re[br] = cos(((double)i * 2.0 * M_PI) / ((double)n));W_im[br] = -sin(((double)i * 2.0 * M_PI) / ((double)n));}}/* permutes the array using a bit-reversal permutation */
void permute_bitrev(int n, double* A_re, double* A_im)
{int i, bri, log2n;double t_re, t_im;log2n = log_2(n);for (i = 0; i < n; i++){bri = bitrev(i, log2n);/* skip already swapped elements */if (bri <= i) continue;t_re = A_re[i];t_im = A_im[i];A_re[i] = A_re[bri];A_im[i] = A_im[bri];A_re[bri] = t_re;A_im[bri] = t_im;}
}/* treats inp as a numbits number and bitreverses it.
* inp < 2^(numbits) for meaningful bit-reversal
int bitrev(int inp, int numbits)
{int i, rev = 0;for (i = 0; i < numbits; i++){rev = (rev << 1) | (inp & 1);inp >>= 1;}return rev;
}/* returns log n (to the base 2), if n is positive and power of 2 */
int log_2(int n)
{int res;for (res = 0; n >= 2; res++)n = n >> 1;return res;
}/* fft on a set of n points given by A_re and A_im. Bit-reversal permuted roots-of-unity lookup table
* is given by W_re and W_im. More specifically,  W is the array of first n/2 nth roots of unity stored
* in a permuted bitreversal order.
* FFT - Decimation In Time FFT with input array in correct order and output array in bit-reversed order.
* REQ: n should be a power of 2 to work.
* Note: - See www.cs.berkeley.edu/~randit for her thesis on VIRAM FFTs and other details about VHALF section of the algo
*         (thesis link - http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~randit/papers/csd-00-1106.pdf)
*       - See the foll. CS267 website for details of the Decimation In Time FFT implemented here.
*         (www.cs.berkeley.edu/~demmel/cs267/lecture24/lecture24.html)
*       - Also, look "Cormen Leicester Rivest [CLR] - Introduction to Algorithms" book for another variant of Iterative-FFT
void fft_butterfly(int n, double* A_re, double* A_im, double* W_re, double* W_im)
{double w_re, w_im, u_re, u_im, t_re, t_im;int m, g, b;int mt, k;/* for each stage */for (m = n; m >= 2; m = m >> 1){/* m = n/2^s; mt = m/2; */mt = m >> 1;/* for each group of butterfly */for (g = 0, k = 0; g < n; g += m, k++){/* each butterfly group uses only one root of unity. actually, it is the bitrev of this group's number k.* BUT 'bitrev' it as a log2n-1 bit number because we are using a lookup array of nth root of unity and* using cancellation lemma to scale nth root to n/2, n/4,... th root.** It turns out like the foll.*   w.re = W[bitrev(k, log2n-1)].re;*   w.im = W[bitrev(k, log2n-1)].im;* Still, we just use k, because the lookup array itself is bit-reversal permuted.*/w_re = W_re[k];w_im = W_im[k];/* for each butterfly */for (b = g; b < (g + mt); b++){/* t = w * A[b+mt] */t_re = w_re * A_re[b + mt] - w_im * A_im[b + mt];t_im = w_re * A_im[b + mt] + w_im * A_re[b + mt];/* u = A[b]; in[b] = u + t; in[b+mt] = u - t; */u_re = A_re[b];u_im = A_im[b];A_re[b] = u_re + t_re;A_im[b] = u_im + t_im;A_re[b + mt] = u_re - t_re;A_im[b + mt] = u_im - t_im;}}}


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include "FFT.h"using namespace std;
int main()
{int moonwidth = 464;int moonheight = 538;int FFTwidth = 512;int FFTheight = 1024;int FFTsize = FFTheight * FFTwidth;int moonsize = moonheight * moonwidth * 3;int moonYsize = moonheight * moonwidth;int moonEsize = moonheight * moonwidth * 2;ifstream Imoonfile("moon.yuv", ios::binary);ofstream Omoonfile("outmoon.yuv", ios::binary);if (!Imoonfile) { cout << "error to open moonfile!" << endl; }if (!Omoonfile) { cout << "error to create moonfile!" << endl; }unsigned char* IYmoon = new unsigned char[moonYsize];//moon的Y分量unsigned char* IEmoon = new unsigned char[moonEsize];//moon的其他分量unsigned char* OYmoon = new unsigned char[moonYsize];double* IYNotch = new double[moonYsize];//中心化后的Y分量double* FFT2D_RE = new double[FFTsize];//FFT以后的矩阵实部double* FFT2D_IM = new double[FFTsize];//FFT以后的矩阵虚部double* NY = new double[moonYsize];//反变换以后的Y分量Imoonfile.read((char*)IYmoon, moonYsize);Imoonfile.read((char*)IEmoon, moonEsize);Notch(IYmoon,IYNotch, moonheight,moonwidth);//补零Change_Y(IYNotch, FFT2D_IM, FFT2D_RE,moonheight,moonwidth,FFTheight,FFTwidth);//进行每列的FFT_1D变换FFT_Column(FFT2D_RE,FFT2D_IM, FFTheight, FFTwidth);FFT_Row(FFT2D_RE, FFT2D_IM, FFTheight, FFTwidth);//用滤波器函数H(u, v)乘以F(u, v)double* H = new double[FFTsize];CreateH(H,FFTheight,FFTwidth);Filter(FFT2D_IM, FFT2D_RE, H, FFTheight, FFTwidth);//虚部取共轭Conjugate(FFT2D_IM, FFTsize);FFT_Column(FFT2D_RE, FFT2D_IM, FFTheight, FFTwidth);FFT_Row(FFT2D_RE, FFT2D_IM, FFTheight, FFTwidth);Conjugate(FFT2D_IM, FFTsize);//去零Delete_zero(FFT2D_RE, NY, FFTheight, FFTwidth, moonheight, moonwidth);//去中心化Notch_2(NY, IYNotch, moonheight, moonwidth);//强制类型转换for (int i = 0; i < moonheight; i++){for (int j = 0; j < moonwidth; j++){if (IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] > 255){IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] = 255;}else if (IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] < 0){IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j] = 0;}OYmoon[i * moonwidth + j] = unsigned char(IYNotch[i * moonwidth + j]);}}//写文件Omoonfile.write((char*)OYmoon, moonYsize);Omoonfile.write((char*)IEmoon, moonEsize);delete[]IYmoon;delete[]IEmoon;delete[]IYNotch;delete[]FFT2D_IM;delete[]FFT2D_RE;delete[]NY;delete[]H;Imoonfile.close();Omoonfile.close();return 0;




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