hey 安装

If you love email, there’s a lot to love about HEY, the new platform, and service from the Basecamp folks, which, at $99/year (or more if you want a fancy address), has over 170,000 subscribers in its first month.

如果您喜欢电子邮件,Basecamp员工会非常喜欢HEY ,新平台和服务,该服务的年费为99美元/年(如果您希望使用精美的地址,则为更高的价格),第一个月的订阅人数就超过170,000。

HEY has a contact-based filtering system that allows you to direct important mail to your “Imbox,” send lower-priority mail to “The Feed,” or file receipts and documents away in “The Paper Trail.” It also allows you to add notes, rename and merge email, highlight and clip passages, add labels, and bulk reply. Whoa!

HEY具有基于联系人的过滤系统,可让您将重要邮件定向到“ Imbox”,将优先级较低的邮件发送至“ The Feed”,或在“ The Paper Trail”中归档收据和文件。 它还允许您添加注释,重命名和合并电子邮件,突出显示和剪辑段落,添加标签以及批量回复。 哇!

After watching Jason Fried’s demo — he’s the CEO of Basecamp, the makers of HEY — I was intrigued enough to sign up. (Note to other CEOs: Jason gives a master tutorial on how to demo and market a product.)

观看了杰森·弗里德(Jason Fried)的演示后(他是Basecamp的首席执行官,HEY的制造商),我很感兴趣可以注册。 (其他首席执行官的注意:Jason提供了有关如何演示和营销产品的主教程 。)

If you hate email, there’s also a lot to like about HEY. It separates unread mail from mail you’ve seen, you can move mail you’ve read to a “Reply Later” or “Set Aside” stack, which bundles them on your main page. And it has a dedicated view of all of your file attachments. No email service has even given you more ways to work through your torrent of email and master your workflow.

如果您讨厌电子邮件,那么HEY也有很多让人喜欢的地方。 它将未读邮件与您看到的邮件分开,您可以将已阅读的邮件移至“以后答复”或“预留”堆栈,并将其捆绑在您的主页上。 它具有所有文件附件的专用视图。 甚至没有电子邮件服务为您提供了更多方法来处理电子邮件洪流和掌握工作流程。

But for all of the problems HEY solved or attempts to solve, it creates more.


One issue is the lack of an archive or all-mail file. There’s a whole host of email from family and friends that you will want to keep but not look at. I like not having to dig, but not if it means there’s not a place for some things to go. HEY makes it amazingly easy to get to Imbox zero, but impossible to get your main page clear of clutter — like a child pretending to be done eating because the food has been flattened and spread around the plate.

一个问题是缺少存档或所有邮件文件。 您会想保留一整封来自家人和朋友的电子邮件,但不要查看。 我喜欢不必挖掘,但是如果这意味着没有地方可以去的话,那就不要。 HEY使得进入Imbox零区非常容易,但是却无法使主页整洁—就像一个孩子假装要吃东西,因为食物已经变平并散布在盘子上一样。

Sending email to the trash would be an option, but the search feature excludes the Trash for some reason. And once an email is deleted, it no longer appears in the page for that contact. Labeling email could be a solution, especially since there is a mechanism to automatically add a specific tag to a select contact, except that labels are removed from email when they are deleted.

将电子邮件发送到垃圾箱是一种选择,但是出于某些原因,搜索功能会将垃圾箱排除在外。 电子邮件一旦删除,就不再显示在该联系人的页面中。 给电子邮件添加标签可能是一种解决方案,尤其是因为有一种机制可以自动向选定的联系人添加特定标签,只是在删除标签时会从电子邮件中删除标签。

The Feed is a great feature, but not terribly different from what other services offer. One source of frustration, especially on mobile, is the navigation associated with longer email, like newsletters, of which I’m a fan. When email come in, you have to select “See more” to open it; you cannot simply click on the email or hit a shortcut. Once you open it and scroll, there’s no way to close or delete it (even with shortcuts), meaning you have to scroll back to the top to close it or move it to the trash. You have to open the edit menu and then open the email before scrolling to read it, which, again, is an extra step, if you remember to do it. You could also exit out of the Feed and reenter to manage it there.

Feed是一项很棒的功能,但与其他服务所提供的功能并没有很大不同。 沮丧的一个根源,尤其是在移动设备上,是与较长电子邮件相关的导航(例如新闻通讯),我是其中的粉丝。 收到电子邮件后,您必须选择“查看更多”来打开它; 您不能简单地单击电子邮件或点击快捷方式。 一旦打开并滚动它,就无法关闭或删除它(即使有快捷方式),这意味着您必须返回到顶部才能将其关闭或将其移至垃圾箱。 您必须先打开编辑菜单,然后再打开电子邮件,然后再滚动以阅读它,如果您记得这样做的话,这又是一个额外的步骤。 您也可以退出Feed,然后重新输入以在那里进行管理。

If HEY eliminated a level with the lack of an archive option, here it eliminated a horizontal viewing option to make all-vertical navigation simpler, which might make filing easier, but makes navigation more cumbersome.


Also, there’s no way to reply directly from an email in the Feed. You have to move it to the Reply Later stack, which seems like a glitch that could be corrected.

此外,您也无法直接通过Feed中的电子邮件进行回复。 您必须将其移至“稍后答复”堆栈,这似乎是可以纠正的故障。

If you’re a chronic email checker, the Feed becomes a source of frustration since there is no notification on the main page (unless you set one for that contact) for you to know whether there’s anything new in it. It’s a viable workaround but somewhat defeats the purpose of the Feed.

如果您是一位长期的电子邮件检查员,那么由于主页上没有任何通知(除非您为该联系人设置了通知),因此Feed会让您感到沮丧,因为您无法知道其中是否有新内容。 这是可行的解决方法,但在某种程度上违背了Feed的目的。

HEY lacks a dedicated task manager, although you could rig a system to use labels or clips as tasks, if you didn’t need a calendar view, which HEY does not have. This might be a deal breaker for Google Calendar addicts.

HEY缺少专门的任务管理器,尽管如果不需要日历视图(尽管HEY不需要),您可以装配系统以将标签或剪辑用作任务。 对于Google日历上瘾者来说,这可能是一个大问题。

HEY has a Twitter-like dark mode, which is quite pleasing, but lacks a lights-out, darker version for you sensitive night owls. Unfortunately, its dark mode does not always extend to the contents of email, including email from HEY.

HEY具有类似Twitter的黑暗模式,这非常令人愉悦,但对于敏感的夜猫子而言,它没有一个较亮的黑暗版本。 不幸的是,其暗模式并不总是扩展到电子邮件的内容,包括来自HEY的电子邮件。

You can bulk import contacts into HEY, even if the management is not great — there’s no field for phone numbers or addresses, for example — and I do love the contact page, where all of that contact’s email appear.


You cannot, however, fully integrate other accounts, which means, unlike Outlook, for example, you cannot send email from other accounts, which might preclude those of us needing to use specific business accounts from making full use of the service — thus making the yearly subscription a questionable proposition.


Some of these features might be on HEY’s road map, and I hope they are. But you should never adopt a service, especially one as important and difficult to transition to as email, based on what a company might do. In any event, it’s great to see some real innovation, especially with something as pervasive and suboptimal as email.

这些功能中的某些功能可能会出现在HEY的路线图上,希望如此。 但是,您绝不应该采用服务,尤其是根据公司可能会采取的与电子邮件一样重要和困难的服务。 无论如何,很高兴看到一些真正的创新,尤其是与电子邮件一样普遍和次优的事物。

HEY is open to everyone for a free 14-day trial. Give it a test drive, and see what you think. If it does everything you need it to, then it’s well worth the price.

HEY向所有人开放免费的14天试用期。 试一下,看看您的想法。 如果它能够满足您的所有需求,那么它绝对物有所值。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/hey-is-probably-not-the-email-service-youve-been-looking-for-2abbece9a3f1

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