
mysqld --defaults-file=/myfolder/my.cnf --defaults-extra-file=/myfolder2/my.cnf

The /myfolder/my.cnf file has option set:



/myfolder2/my.cnf has this option set:


log-bin = /valid/path/to/mysqlbinlog



使用--defaults-file=FILE,mysql server仅从这个配置文件读取参数。(READ only the given option file.)








MySQL makes no guarantee about the order in which option files in the directory are read.

To work properly, each of these options must be given before other options.

When specifying file names as option values, avoid the use of the ~ shell metacharacter because it might not be interpreted as you expect.


nohup /apps/svr/mysql57/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/apps/conf/mysql/mysql57_3306.cnf --skip-log-bin   --user=apps &

参考自:Mysql配置文件读取顺序 https://www.cnblogs.com/yangliheng/p/6475079.html


mysqld --defaults-file=/myfolder/my.cnf --defaults-extra-file=/myfolder2/my.cnf相关推荐

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