
Recently, Facebook has renewed its efforts to force users to use their real names, annoying many and causing a lot of confusion. Here’s how to add an other name such as a nickname, alias, or maiden name to your Facebook profile.

最近,Facebook再次努力迫使用户使用其真实姓名,这使许多人烦恼并引起很多混乱。 这是在您的Facebook个人资料中添加其他名称(例如昵称,别名或娘家姓)的方法。

You may not use your so-call real life name for any variety of reasons. Maybe you simply don’t go by your given name, or maybe your pseudonym is how you self-identify. Whatever your particular circumstance, Facebook apparently knows better and will send you the following tersely worded warning that you need to update your name.

出于各种原因,您不得使用所谓的真实姓名。 也许您只是不按自己的名字命名,或者您的化名是您自我识别的方式。 无论您的具体情况如何,Facebook显然都知道更好,并且会向您发送以下措辞简洁的警告,提示您需要更新名称。

Facebook can be pretty annoying, and we’ve covered some of the more notable irritations, such as disabling birthday reminders or blocking game and app requests but, these are things that you can attend to at your convenience. Unfortunately, the “real life” name policy requires more immediate attention.

Facebook可能很烦人,我们已经涵盖了一些更明显的烦恼,例如禁用生日提醒或阻止游戏和应用程序请求,但是您可以在方便时进行这些操作。 不幸的是,“现实生活”名称政策需要更多的关注。

Luckily, you can add another name, such as a nickname, pseudonym, maiden name, and others to your account, which (if you want) will be displayed at the top of your account in parenthesis next to your “real life” name.


To add other names, you want to click “About” at the top of your timeline.


Next click the “Details About You” category and note the “Other Names” settings.


From here you can add a nickname, birth name, and any other of a number of option.


Understand that Other Names are “always public and help people find you on Facebook,” so if your privacy is super important to you then this option may not be the best choice.


From here, if you want your other name shown at the top of your profile in parenthesis next to your “real life” name, you should check “Show at top of profile.” You’ll be able to preview what this will look like before you commit to it.

从这里开始,如果您想在您的“真实生活”名称旁边的括号中显示您的其他名称,则应选中“在配置文件顶部显示”。 提交之前,您将可以预览它的外观。

That’s how you add other names to your Facebook profile using the main website. Here’s how to do it on Android devices.

这就是您使用主网站将其他名称添加到Facebook个人资料的方式。 这是在Android设备上执行操作的方法。

在Android上添加其他名称 (Adding Other Names on Android)

Using the Android app, tap the three lines in the upper-right corner, scroll down, tap “Account Settings.”


Next, on the Settings screen, tap “General.”


Now, tap “Name.”


Just like on the website, there will be an option to add “Add or change other names” so tap that.


Tap “Add a nickname, a birth name…” and you can follow the same procedure as detailed above.


From hereon, it is largely the same across other platforms but let’s very briefly show you how to do it on your iPhone or iPad.


在iOS上添加其他名称 (Adding Other Names on iOS)

If you’re using an iPad or iPhone then the steps are largely the same as on other platforms. First tap the arrow in the upper-right corner and from the resulting menu, tap “Settings.”

如果您使用的是iPad或iPhone,则步骤与其他平台上的步骤基本相同。 首先,点击右上角的箭头,然后从出现的菜单中,点击“设置”。

Now, on the Settings screen tap “Name.”


And, here we are again at the Change Name screen. Under the Other Names option, you now just need to tap “Add or change other names.”

而且,这里我们再次出现在“更改名称”屏幕上。 在“其他名称”选项下,您现在只需点击“添加或更改其他名称”。

Then, same as on Android, tap “Add a nickname, a birth name…”


Hopefully this is a suitable compromise between displaying your “real life” name and the identity by which you actually want to go by. In any event, if you’ve gotten one of Facebook’s warnings, then this is the your best option to appease them.

希望这是在显示“现实生活”名称和您实际要通过的身份之间进行的适当折衷。 无论如何,如果您收到了Facebook的警告之一,那么这是平息它们的最佳选择。

We could write long-winded screeds about Facebook’s “real life” name policy or just Facebook in general, but this is a how-to article so we’ll leave the rants and complaints to you. Have you been targeted by Facebook because your name doesn’t adhere to their “real life” name policy? Please feel free to let it rip in our discussion forum.

我们可以写一些关于Facebook的“真实生活”名称政策的冗长冗长的句子,也可以只写Facebook,但这是一篇介绍性文章,因此我们会把烦恼和抱怨留给您。 您是否因为您的名字不遵守他们的“现实生活”名字政策而成为Facebook的目标? 请随时在我们的讨论论坛中放开它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/209580/how-to-add-nicknames-to-your-facebook-profile/



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