const dispatch = useDispatch();   // 这里const dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>useEffect(() => {dispatch(getProductDetail(touristRouteId));}, []) 

getProductDetail的类型是 AsyncThunk<void, string, {}>,但是const dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>。

export const getProductDetail=createAsyncThunk("productDetail/getProductDetail",async (touristRouteId:string, thunkAPI) => {const fetchData = async () => {thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchStart());try {const { data } = await axios.get(`${touristRouteId}`);thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchSuccess(data));} catch (error) {thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchFail(error.message));}};fetchData();}



export const getProductDetail:any=createAsyncThunk("productDetail/getProductDetail",async (touristRouteId:string, thunkAPI) => {const fetchData = async () => {thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchStart());try {const { data } = await axios.get(`${touristRouteId}`);thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchSuccess(data));} catch (error) {thunkAPI.dispatch(productDetailSlice.actions.fetchFail(error.message));}};fetchData();}


const store = configureStore ({reducer:rootReducer,// 不要用展开运算符这种写法 middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => [...getDefaultMiddleware(), actionLog, changeLanguage],middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(actionLog,changeLanguage), devTools:true

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