
  • 一. 数据源介绍
  • 二. 数据预处理
    • 2.1 简单看看科比投篮的位置
    • 2.2 对数据做预处理
    • 2.3 查看特征值之间是否存在线性关系
    • 2.4 使用group by查看数据分布情况
    • 2.5 查看投篮区域和投篮范围的情况
    • 2.6 pandas独热编码
  • 三. 训练模型
  • 参考:

一. 数据源介绍



action_type 进攻方式(更具体)
combined_shot_type 进攻方式
game_event_id 比赛时间id
game_id 比赛ID
lat 投篮点
loc_x 投篮点
loc_y 投篮点
lon 投篮点
minutes_remaining 单节剩余时间(分钟)
period 表示第几节
playoffs 是否是季后赛
season 赛季
seconds_remaining 剩余时间(秒)
shot_distance 投篮距离
shot_made_flag 是否进球
shot_type 两分球或三分球
shot_zone_area 投篮区域
shot_zone_basic 投篮区域(更具体)
shot_zone_range 投篮范围
team_id 球队ID
team_name 球队名称
game_date 比赛日期
matchup 比赛双方
opponent 对手
shot_id 投篮ID

二. 数据预处理

2.1 简单看看科比投篮的位置


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 选择标签值不为null的
kobe = raw[pd.notnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]# 画图
alpha = 0.02
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))# x轴和y轴
plt.scatter(kobe.loc_x, kobe.loc_y, color='r', alpha=alpha)
plt.title('loc_x and loc_y')# 精度和维度
plt.scatter(kobe.lon, kobe.lat, color='b', alpha=alpha)
plt.title('lat and lon')plt.show()

从图中我们可以看到,loc_x和loc_y 以及 lat和lon 这些都代表了坐标,可看到kobe投篮位置的分布。

2.2 对数据做预处理


  1. shot_made_flag 这个标签值有缺失值
  2. loc_x 有为0的异常值
  3. season 特征值格式混乱
  4. 部分特征值我们需要看看唯一值



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 选择标签值不为null的
kobe = raw[pd.notnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]# 根据X轴和Y轴来计算距离,衍生一个特征
raw['dist'] = np.sqrt(raw['loc_x']**2 + raw['loc_y']**2)# 处理loc_x 为0的异常数据
loc_x_zero = raw['loc_x'] == 0
#print (loc_x_zero)
raw['angle'] = np.array([0]*len(raw))
raw['angle'][~loc_x_zero] = np.arctan(raw['loc_y'][~loc_x_zero] / raw['loc_x'][~loc_x_zero])
raw['angle'][loc_x_zero] = np.pi / 2# 将比赛剩余的分钟和秒  加起来,衍生一个特征
raw['remaining_time'] = raw['minutes_remaining'] * 60 + raw['seconds_remaining']# 查看特征的唯一值
raw['season'] = raw['season'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('-')[1]))


['Jump Shot' 'Driving Dunk Shot' 'Layup Shot' 'Running Jump Shot''Reverse Dunk Shot' 'Slam Dunk Shot' 'Driving Layup Shot''Turnaround Jump Shot' 'Reverse Layup Shot' 'Tip Shot''Running Hook Shot' 'Alley Oop Dunk Shot' 'Dunk Shot''Alley Oop Layup shot' 'Running Dunk Shot' 'Driving Finger Roll Shot''Running Layup Shot' 'Finger Roll Shot' 'Fadeaway Jump Shot''Follow Up Dunk Shot' 'Hook Shot' 'Turnaround Hook Shot' 'Jump Hook Shot''Running Finger Roll Shot' 'Jump Bank Shot' 'Turnaround Finger Roll Shot''Hook Bank Shot' 'Driving Hook Shot' 'Running Tip Shot''Running Reverse Layup Shot' 'Driving Finger Roll Layup Shot''Fadeaway Bank shot' 'Pullup Jump shot' 'Finger Roll Layup Shot''Turnaround Fadeaway shot' 'Driving Reverse Layup Shot''Driving Slam Dunk Shot' 'Step Back Jump shot' 'Turnaround Bank shot''Reverse Slam Dunk Shot' 'Floating Jump shot' 'Putback Slam Dunk Shot''Running Bank shot' 'Driving Bank shot' 'Driving Jump shot''Putback Layup Shot' 'Putback Dunk Shot' 'Running Finger Roll Layup Shot''Pullup Bank shot' 'Running Slam Dunk Shot' 'Cutting Layup Shot''Driving Floating Jump Shot' 'Running Pull-Up Jump Shot' 'Tip Layup Shot''Driving Floating Bank Jump Shot']
['Jump Shot' 'Dunk' 'Layup' 'Tip Shot' 'Hook Shot' 'Bank Shot']
['2PT Field Goal' '3PT Field Goal']
2PT Field Goal    20285
3PT Field Goal     5412
Name: shot_type, dtype: int64
[ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 97 98 99  0]

2.3 查看特征值之间是否存在线性关系



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 根据X轴和Y轴来计算距离,衍生一个特征
raw['dist'] = np.sqrt(raw['loc_x']**2 + raw['loc_y']**2)# 画散点图
# 这个两个特征值呈线性关系,用一个即可
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.scatter(raw['dist'], raw['shot_distance'], color='blue')
plt.title('dist and shot_distance')


2.4 使用group by查看数据分布情况


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 选择标签值不为null的
kobe = raw[pd.notnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]# 聚合查看数据
gs = kobe.groupby('shot_zone_area')
print (len(gs))


Center(C)                11289
Right Side Center(RC)     3981
Right Side(R)             3859
Left Side Center(LC)      3364
Left Side(L)              3132
Back Court(BC)              72
Name: shot_zone_area, dtype: int64

2.5 查看投篮区域和投篮范围的情况


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
import matplotlib.cm as cm# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 处理loc_x 为0的异常数据
loc_x_zero = raw['loc_x'] == 0
#print (loc_x_zero)
raw['angle'] = np.array([0]*len(raw))
raw['angle'][~loc_x_zero] = np.arctan(raw['loc_y'][~loc_x_zero] / raw['loc_x'][~loc_x_zero])
raw['angle'][loc_x_zero] = np.pi / 2# 将比赛剩余的分钟和秒  加起来,衍生一个特征
raw['remaining_time'] = raw['minutes_remaining'] * 60 + raw['seconds_remaining']# 选择标签值不为null的
kobe = raw[pd.notnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]# 画图
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))def scatter_plot_by_category(feat):alpha = 0.1gs = kobe.groupby(feat)cs = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(gs)))for g, c in zip(gs, cs):plt.scatter(g[1].loc_x, g[1].loc_y, color=c, alpha=alpha)# shot_zone_area
plt.title('shot_zone_area')# shot_zone_basic
plt.title('shot_zone_basic')# shot_zone_range


2.6 pandas独热编码


data : array-like, Series, or DataFrame 输入的数据
prefix : string, get_dummies转换后,列名的前缀,默认为None
columns : 指定需要实现类别转换的列名 否则转换所有类别性的列
dummy_na : bool, default False 增加一列表示空缺值,如果False就忽略空缺值
drop_first : bool, default False 获得k中的k-1个类别值,去除第一个,防止出现多重共线性

三. 训练模型


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, log_loss
import time# 读取数据源
filename = "E:/file/data.csv"
raw = pd.read_csv(filename)
#print(raw.head(10))# 将不需要的特征值进行删除
drops = ['shot_id', 'team_id', 'team_name', 'shot_zone_area', 'shot_zone_range', 'shot_zone_basic', \'matchup', 'lon', 'lat', 'seconds_remaining', 'minutes_remaining', \'shot_distance', 'loc_x', 'loc_y', 'game_event_id', 'game_id', 'game_date']
for drop in drops:raw = raw.drop(drop, 1)#print(raw['combined_shot_type'].value_counts())
#pd.get_dummies(raw['combined_shot_type'], prefix='combined_shot_type')[0:2]categorical_vars = ['action_type', 'combined_shot_type', 'shot_type', 'opponent', 'period', 'season']
for var in categorical_vars:raw = pd.concat([raw, pd.get_dummies(raw[var], prefix=var)], 1)raw = raw.drop(var, 1)# 划分训练集和测试集
train_kobe = raw[pd.notnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]
train_label = train_kobe['shot_made_flag'].astype(np.int64)
train_kobe = train_kobe.drop('shot_made_flag', 1)
test_kobe = raw[pd.isnull(raw['shot_made_flag'])]
test_kobe = test_kobe.drop('shot_made_flag', 1)print('Finding best n_estimators for RandomForestClassifier...')
min_score = 100000
best_n = 0
scores_n = []
range_n = np.logspace(0, 2, num=3, dtype=np.int64).astype(np.int64)
for n in range_n:print("the number of trees : {0}".format(n))t1 = time.time()rfc_score = 0.rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=n)skfolds = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3,random_state=42,  # 设置随机种子shuffle=True)for train_k, test_k in skfolds.split(train_kobe, train_label):rfc.fit(train_kobe.iloc[train_k], train_label.iloc[train_k])# rfc_score += rfc.score(train.iloc[test_k], train_y.iloc[test_k])/10pred = rfc.predict(train_kobe.iloc[test_k])rfc_score += log_loss(train_label.iloc[test_k], pred) / 10scores_n.append(rfc_score)if rfc_score < min_score:min_score = rfc_scorebest_n = nt2 = time.time()print('Done processing {0} trees ({1:.3f}sec)'.format(n, t2 - t1))
print(best_n, min_score)# find best max_depth for RandomForestClassifier
print('Finding best max_depth for RandomForestClassifier...')
min_score = 100000
best_m = 0
scores_m = []
range_m = np.logspace(0, 2, num=3, dtype=np.int64).astype(np.int64)
for m in range_m:print("the max depth : {0}".format(m))t1 = time.time()skfolds = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3,random_state=42,  # 设置随机种子shuffle=True)rfc_score = 0.rfc = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=m, n_estimators=best_n)for train_k, test_k in skfolds.split(train_kobe, train_label):rfc.fit(train_kobe.iloc[train_k], train_label.iloc[train_k])# rfc_score += rfc.score(train.iloc[test_k], train_y.iloc[test_k])/10pred = rfc.predict(train_kobe.iloc[test_k])rfc_score += log_loss(train_label.iloc[test_k], pred) / 10scores_m.append(rfc_score)if rfc_score < min_score:min_score = rfc_scorebest_m = mt2 = time.time()print('Done processing {0} trees ({1:.3f}sec)'.format(m, t2 - t1))
print(best_m, min_score)plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(range_n, scores_n)
plt.xlabel('number of trees')plt.subplot(122)
plt.plot(range_m, scores_m)
plt.xlabel('max depth')


Finding best n_estimators for RandomForestClassifier...
the number of trees : 1Done processing 1 trees (0.556sec)
the number of trees : 10
Done processing 10 trees (1.138sec)
the number of trees : 100Done processing 100 trees (10.486sec)
100 3.9020328477633024
Finding best max_depth for RandomForestClassifier...
the max depth : 1Done processing 1 trees (1.294sec)
the max depth : 10Done processing 10 trees (3.215sec)
the max depth : 100Done processing 100 trees (10.556sec)
10 3.316936324282448


  1. https://study.163.com/course/introduction.htm?courseId=1003590004#/courseDetail?tab=1


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