原文:SQL Server 自定义字符串分割函数

 1 create function Func_StrArrayLength
 2 (
 3   @str varchar(1024),  --要分割的字符串
 4   @split varchar(10)  --分隔符号
 5 )
 6 returns int
 7 as
 8 begin
 9   declare @location int
10   declare @start int
11   declare @length int
13   set @str=ltrim(rtrim(@str))
14   set @location=charindex(@split,@str)
15   set @length=1
16   while @location<>0
17   begin
18     set @start=@location+1
19     set @location=charindex(@split,@str,@start)
20     set @length=@length+1
21   end
22   return @length
23 end
24 go

调用示例:select dbo.Func_StrArrayLength('78,1,2,3',',')  
 1 create function Func_StrArrayStrOfIndex
 2 (
 3   @str varchar(1024),  --要分割的字符串
 4   @split varchar(10),  --分隔符号
 5   @index int --取第几个元素
 6 )
 7 returns varchar(1024)
 8 as
 9 begin
10   declare @location int
11   declare @start int
12   declare @next int
13   declare @seed int
15   set @str=ltrim(rtrim(@str))
16   set @start=1
17   set @next=1
18   set @seed=len(@split)
20   set @location=charindex(@split,@str)
21   while @location<>0 and @index>@next
22   begin
23     set @start=@location+@seed
24     set @location=charindex(@split,@str,@start)
25     set @next=@next+1
26   end
27   if @location =0 select @location =len(@str)+1
28  --这儿存在两种情况:、字符串不存在分隔符号2、字符串中存在分隔符号,跳出while循环后,@location为,那默认为字符串后边有一个分隔符号。
30   return substring(@str,@start,@location-@start)
31 end
32 go

调用示例:select dbo.Func_StrArrayStrOfIndex('8,9,4',',',2)  
 1 create function Func_SplitStr(@SourceSql varchar(8000), @StrSeprate varchar(100))
 2   returns @temp table(F1 varchar(100))
 3   as
 4   begin
 5   declare @ch as varchar(100)
 6   set @SourceSql=@SourceSql+@StrSeprate
 7   while(@SourceSql<>'')
 8   begin
 9     set @ch=left(@SourceSql,charindex(',',@SourceSql,1)-1)
10     insert @temp values(@ch)
11     set @SourceSql=stuff(@SourceSql,1,charindex(',',@SourceSql,1),'')
12   end
13   return
14   end
15 go

select * from dbo.Func_SplitStr('1,2,3,4',',')   


 1 create function Func_SplitStr(@str nvarchar(2000),@split nvarchar(2))
 2 returns @t table(AccountCodeID int )
 3 as
 4 begin
 5 declare @tmpAccountCodeID int,@getIndex int
 6 set  @getIndex=charindex(',',@str)
 7 while(@getIndex<>0)
 8 begin
 9     set @tmpAccountCodeID=convert(int,substring(@str,1,@getIndex-1))
10     insert into @t(AccountCodeID) values (@tmpAccountCodeID)
11     set @str=stuff(@str,1,@getIndex,'')
12     set  @getIndex=charindex(',',@str)
13 end
14 insert into @t(AccountCodeID) values (@str)
15 return
16 end
17 go

select * from dbo.Func_SplitStr('1,2,3,4',',')   


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