

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="resource/script/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="resource/script/assets/countdown/jquery.countdown.js"></script>


 <p id="note"></p>



var note = $('#note'),
ts = new Date(2012, 0, 1),
newYear = true;

if((new Date()) > ts){
// The new year is here! Count towards something else.
// Notice the *1000 at the end - time must be in milliseconds
ts = endtimeemp;
newYear = false;
timestamp : ts,
callback : function(days, hours, minutes, seconds){
var message = "";

message +="<span id='time_d'>"+ days + "</span><em>天</em>" ;
message +="<span id='time_h'>"+ hours + "</span><em>时</em>" ;
message +="<span id='time_m'>"+ minutes + "</span><em>分</em>" ;
message +="<span id='time_s'>"+ seconds + "</span><em>秒</em>" + " <br />";



2 jquery.countdown.js

 * @name jQuery Countdown Plugin
 * @author Martin Angelov
 * @version 1.0
 * @url http://tutorialzine.com/2011/12/countdown-jquery/
 * @license MIT License
// Number of seconds in every time division
var days = 24*60*60,
hours = 60*60,
minutes = 60;
// Creating the plugin
$.fn.countdown = function(prop){

var options = $.extend({
callback : function(){},
timestamp : 0

var left, d, h, m, s, positions;

// Initialize the plugin
init(this, options);

positions = this.find('.position');
(function tick(){
// Time left
left = Math.floor((options.timestamp - (new Date(ot))) / 1000);

if(left < 0){
left = 0;

// Number of days left
d = Math.floor(left / days);
updateDuo(0, 1, d);
left -= d*days;

// Number of hours left
h = Math.floor(left / hours);
updateDuo(2, 3, h);
left -= h*hours;

// Number of minutes left
m = Math.floor(left / minutes);
updateDuo(4, 5, m);
left -= m*minutes;

// Number of seconds left
s = left;
updateDuo(6, 7, s);

// Calling an optional user supplied callback
options.callback(d, h, m, s);

// Scheduling another call of this function in 1s
setTimeout(tick, 1000);

// This function updates two digit positions at once
function updateDuo(minor,major,value){

return this;

function init(elem, options){

// Creating the markup inside the container
$('<span class="count'+this+'">').html(
'<span class="position">\
<span class="digit static">0</span>\
<span class="position">\
<span class="digit static">0</span>\

elem.append('<span class="countDiv countDiv'+i+'"></span>');


// Creates an animated transition between the two numbers
function switchDigit(position,number){

var digit = position.find('.digit')

return false;

if(position.data('digit') == number){
// We are already showing this number
return false;

position.data('digit', number);

var replacement = $('<span>',{

// The .static class is added when the animation
// completes. This makes it run smoother.



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  2. jquery.countdown 倒计时插件的学习

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  4. 倒计时(Jquery插件)

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  5. 6款不容错过的超棒倒计时jQuery插件

    日期:2012-11-12  来源:GBin1.com 如果你曾经开发过类似限时抢购的网站或者应用的话,或者你需要在发布一款超棒游戏之前添加一些神秘元素的话,一个超棒或者超酷的倒计时页面绝对是非 常有 ...

  6. Vue3毫秒倒计时(Countdown)

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  8. (5) 日期倒计时计算 countdown

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