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# 这是一个python实现的象棋游戏
class ChessPiece(object):def __init__(self, color, role):self.color = colorself.role = roleif self.color == "black":self.abbreviation = role[0].lower()else:self.abbreviation = role[0].upper()class ChessBoard(object):def __init__(self):self.pieces = {(0, 0): ChessPiece("black", "rook"),(0, 1): ChessPiece("black", "knight"),(0, 2): ChessPiece("black", "bishop"),(0, 3): ChessPiece("black", "queen"),(0, 4): ChessPiece("black", "king"),(0, 5): ChessPiece("black", "bishop"),(0, 6): ChessPiece("black", "knight"),(0, 7): ChessPiece("black", "rook"),(7, 0): ChessPiece("white", "rook"),(7, 1): ChessPiece("white", "knight"),(7, 2): ChessPiece("white", "bishop"),(7, 3): ChessPiece("white", "queen"),(7, 4): ChessPiece("white", "king"),(7, 5): ChessPiece("white", "bishop"),(7, 6): ChessPiece("white", "knight"),(7, 7): ChessPiece("white", "rook"),}for x in range(8):self.pieces[(1, x)] = ChessPiece("black", "pawn")self.pieces[(6, x)] = ChessPiece("white", "pawn")def __str__(self):board_string = ""for row in range(7, -1, -1):board_string += str(row + 1) + " |"for column in range(8):if (row, column) in self.pieces:board_string += self.pieces[(row, column)].abbreviation + "|"else:board_string += " |"board_string += "\n"board_string += "   ---------------\n"board_string += "    A B C D E F G H"return board_stringdef move(self, start, end):if start not in self.pieces:print("No piece at the starting position.")returnif end in self.pieces:print("There is already a piece at the end position.")returnpiece = self.pieces.pop(start)self.pieces[end] = pieceprint("Moved {} from {} to {}.".format(piece.role, start, end))def is_checkmate(self, color):king_position = Nonefor position in self.pieces:if self.pieces[position].role == "king" and self.pieces[position].color == color:king_position = positionbreakfor position in self.pieces:if self.pieces[position].color != color:if self.valid_move(position, king_position):return Truereturn Falsedef valid_move(self, start, end):if start not in self.pieces:return Falsepiece = self.pieces[start]if end in self.pieces and self.pieces[end].color == piece.color:return Falseif piece.role == "pawn":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if piece.color == "white":if x_diff == 1 and y_diff == 0:return Trueelif x_diff == 2 and y_diff == 0 and start[0] == 6:return Trueelif x_diff == 1 and y_diff == 1 and end in self.pieces:return Trueelif piece.color == "black":if x_diff == 1 and y_diff == 0:return Trueelif x_diff == 2 and y_diff == 0 and start[0] == 1:return Trueelif x_diff == 1 and y_diff == 1 and end in self.pieces:return Truereturn Falseelif piece.role == "knight":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if x_diff == 2 and y_diff == 1:return Trueelif x_diff == 1 and y_diff == 2:return Trueelse:return Falseelif piece.role == "bishop":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if x_diff == y_diff:return Trueelse:return Falseelif piece.role == "rook":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if x_diff == 0 or y_diff == 0:return Trueelse:return Falseelif piece.role == "queen":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if x_diff == y_diff or x_diff == 0 or y_diff == 0:return Trueelse:return Falseelif piece.role == "king":x_diff = abs(start[0] - end[0])y_diff = abs(start[1] - end[1])if x_diff <= 1 and y_diff <= 1:return Trueelse:return Falsedef game_over(self):black_in_check = self.is_checkmate("black")white_in_check = self.is_checkmate("white")if black_in_check and white_in_check:print("The game is a draw.")elif black_in_check:print("White wins.")elif white_in_check:print("Black wins.")else:print("The game is still in progress.")chess_board = ChessBoard()
print(chess_board)while not chess_board.game_over():start = input("Enter starting position: ")start = (int(start[1]) - 1, ord(start[0]) - 97)end = input("Enter end position: ")end = (int(end[1]) - 1, ord(end[0]) - 97)chess_board.move(start, end)print(chess_board)



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