




# 1级缓存
j2cache.L1.provider_class = ehcache
ehcache.configXml = ehcache.xml# 2级缓存
j2cache.L2.provider_class =
j2cache.L2.config_section = redis
redis.hosts = localhost:6379# 1级缓存中的数据如何到达二级缓存
j2cache.broadcast =




public class SMSCodeServiceImpl implements SMSCodeService {@Autowiredprivate CodeUtils codeUtils;@Autowiredprivate CacheChannel cacheChannel;public String sendCodeToSMS(String tele) {String code = codeUtils.generator(tele);cacheChannel.set("sms",tele,code);return code;}public boolean checkCode(SMSCode smsCode) {String code = cacheChannel.get("sms",smsCode.getTele()).asString();return smsCode.getCode().equals(code);}



#J2Cache configuration
# Cache Broadcast Method
# values:
# jgroups -> use jgroups's multicast
# redis -> use redis publish/subscribe mechanism (using jedis)
# lettuce -> use redis publish/subscribe mechanism (using lettuce, Recommend)
# rabbitmq -> use RabbitMQ publisher/consumer mechanism
# rocketmq -> use RocketMQ publisher/consumer mechanism
# none -> don't notify the other nodes in cluster
# xx.xxxx.xxxx.Xxxxx your own cache broadcast policy classname that implement net.oschina.j2cache.cluster.ClusterPolicy
j2cache.broadcast = redis# jgroups properties = j2cache
jgroups.configXml = /network.xml# RabbitMQ properties = j2cache = localhost
rabbitmq.port = 5672
rabbitmq.username = guest
rabbitmq.password = guest# RocketMQ properties = j2cache
rocketmq.topic = j2cache
# use ; to split multi hosts
rocketmq.hosts =
# Level 1&2 provider
# values:
# none -> disable this level cache
# ehcache -> use ehcache2 as level 1 cache
# ehcache3 -> use ehcache3 as level 1 cache
# caffeine -> use caffeine as level 1 cache(only in memory)
# redis -> use redis as level 2 cache (using jedis)
# lettuce -> use redis as level 2 cache (using lettuce)
# readonly-redis -> use redis as level 2 cache ,but never write data to it. if use this provider, you must uncomment `j2cache.L2.config_section` to make the redis configurations available.
# memcached -> use memcached as level 2 cache (xmemcached),
# [classname] -> use custom provider
#########################################j2cache.L1.provider_class = caffeine
j2cache.L2.provider_class = redis# When L2 provider isn't `redis`, using `L2.config_section = redis` to read redis configurations
# j2cache.L2.config_section = redis# Enable/Disable ttl in redis cache data (if disabled, the object in redis will never expire, default:true)
# NOTICE: redis hash mode ( = hash) do not support this feature)
j2cache.sync_ttl_to_redis = true# Whether to cache null objects by default (default false)
j2cache.default_cache_null_object = true#########################################
# Cache Serialization Provider
# values:
# fst -> using fast-serialization (recommend)
# kryo -> using kryo serialization
# json -> using fst's json serialization (testing)
# fastjson -> using fastjson serialization (embed non-static class not support)
# java -> java standard
# fse -> using fse serialization
# [classname implements Serializer]
#########################################j2cache.serialization = json = net.oschina.j2cache.demo.Person#########################################
# Ehcache configuration
########################################## ehcache.configXml = /ehcache.xml# ehcache3.configXml = /ehcache3.xml
# ehcache3.defaultHeapSize = 1000#########################################
# Caffeine configuration
# caffeine.region.[name] = size, xxxx[s|m|h|d]
######################################### = /
# Redis connection configuration
# Redis Cluster Mode
# single -> single redis server
# sentinel -> master-slaves servers
# cluster -> cluster servers (数据库配置无效,使用 database = 0)
# sharded -> sharded servers  (密码、数据库必须在 hosts 中指定,且连接池配置无效 ; redis://user:password@
#########################################redis.mode = single#redis storage mode (generic|hash) = generic## redis pub/sub channel name = j2cache
## redis pub/sub server (using redis.hosts when empty) =#cluster name just for sharded
redis.cluster_name = j2cache## redis cache namespace optional, default[empty]
redis.namespace =## redis command scan parameter count, default[1000]
#redis.scanCount = 1000## connection
# Separate multiple redis nodes with commas, such as,, =
redis.timeout = 2000
redis.password =
redis.database = 0
redis.ssl = false## redis pool properties
redis.maxTotal = 100
redis.maxIdle = 10
redis.maxWaitMillis = 5000
redis.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000
redis.minIdle = 1
redis.numTestsPerEvictionRun = 10
redis.lifo = false
redis.softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 10
redis.testOnBorrow = true
redis.testOnReturn = false
redis.testWhileIdle = true
redis.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 300000
redis.blockWhenExhausted = false
redis.jmxEnabled = false#########################################
# Lettuce scheme
# redis -> single redis server
# rediss -> single redis server with ssl
# redis-sentinel -> redis sentinel
# redis-cluster -> cluster servers
# Lettuce Mode
# single -> single redis server
# sentinel -> master-slaves servers
# cluster -> cluster servers (数据库配置无效,使用 database = 0)
# sharded -> sharded servers  (密码、数据库必须在 hosts 中指定,且连接池配置无效 ; redis://user:password@
########################################### redis command scan parameter count, default[1000]
#lettuce.scanCount = 1000
lettuce.mode = single
lettuce.namespace = = hash = j2cache
lettuce.scheme = redis
lettuce.hosts =
lettuce.password =
lettuce.database = 0
lettuce.sentinelMasterId =
lettuce.maxTotal = 100
lettuce.maxIdle = 10
lettuce.minIdle = 10
# timeout in milliseconds
lettuce.timeout = 10000
# redis cluster topology refresh interval in milliseconds
lettuce.clusterTopologyRefresh = 3000#########################################
# memcached server configurations
# refer to
#########################################memcached.servers =
memcached.username =
memcached.password =
memcached.connectionPoolSize = 10
memcached.connectTimeout = 1000
memcached.failureMode = false
memcached.healSessionInterval = 1000
memcached.maxQueuedNoReplyOperations = 100
memcached.opTimeout = 100
memcached.sanitizeKeys = false


  1. j2cache是一个缓存框架,自身不具有缓存功能,它提供多种缓存整合在一起使用的方案
  2. j2cache需要通过复杂的配置设置各级缓存,以及缓存之间数据交换的方式
  3. j2cache操作接口通过CacheChannel实现


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