My dad英语绘本.ppt

My dad My dad isn’t afraid of ANYTHING, even the Big Bad Wolf. He can jump right over the moon And walk on a tightrope (without falling off). He can wrestle with giants. What's this dad like ? He is brave 勇敢 Why is dad brave ? Because ... My dad is brave. He protects me ! He makes me safe ! He’s as strong as a gorilla, And as happy as a hippopotamus. He’s all right, my dad. My dad’s as big as a house, and as soft as my teddy. He’s as wise as an owl, He is as strong as a gorilla . He is as happy as a hippopotamus . He is as big as a house . He is as soft as my teddy . He is as wise as an owl . In my life, my dad is tall and srong, kind and soft, happy and wise. He is cool . My dad can eat like a horse, and he can swim like a fish. My dad’s a great dancer, and a brilliant singer. he’s fantastic at soccer, He can eat like a ________ . He can swim like a ________. He can dance like a ________. He can sing like a _________. He can play football like a _________. In my life, my dad can do so many things ! He is capable(能干的). except when he tries to help. He’s all right, my dad. and he makes me laugh. A lot. In my life, my dad can make me happy ! He is funny. The Croods Over-protective dad Busy dad

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