
Update VI. Fix “WIS is not available on this system” error when click F6 in DAS ver 1.1 for 2019-09.


if you click F6 in DAS then you get “WIS is not available on this system” error, you have to apply this fix to get the help documents in wis.

As there is an known obstacle on installing wis standalone on XDOS, you can use wis net as replacement of it. But when you click F6, you will get this famous sentence “WIS is not available on this system”

1. I change the “s” file only but to sustain compatibility i include the cnt too.
2. It should be able to be used for DAS call WIS standalone in Xenty XP, but i have not tested it yet. i don’t have the Xentry xp system right now.
3. You have to run wis net before run xentry.
4. DIY, No Support, All Risks are yours, it is for education only.

Compatibility: ALL XDOS version, Xentry xp (not check yet).
Vehicle: passenger car, smart, transp/van.

For passenger car (pkw):

extract to

xdos: (x32/x64)

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\pkw\programm\wis_link



Don’t forget to backup the original files please.

For smart:

extract to

xdos: (x32/x64)

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\smart\SpecialF\WIS



For transp/van

extract to

xdos: (x32/x64)

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\transp\037\programm\wis_link

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\transp\157\programm\wis_link

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\transp\960\programm\

c:\program files (xxx)\mercedes-benz\das\trees\transp\909\programm\






Don’t forget to backup the original files please.


When you update java, don’t forget to edit


For example: xdos 05-2017 version, here is the fix:
Xentry Help and DAS F6 Call WIS added fix for 2017-05.rar

Fix DAS F6 Call WIS is not available on this system ver 1_1.rar

it’s still valid for xdos 2018-12 with wis 2018-11. when you update java,

don’t forget to edit xentry\bin\

The patch above is valid too for 03-2017 xdos version.

Hope this help.

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