
Please forgive me this personal excursion. I had lunch with my friend Greg Hughes yesterday. It's nice when people know you well enough to really grok when something significant happens in your life. The opening part of the conversation at lunch, in person, went something like this

请原谅我这次个人旅行。 昨天我和朋友格雷格·休斯共进午餐。 当人们对您的了解足够深,使您在生活中发生重大事情时真正发呆时,真是太好。 午餐时谈话的开场部分是这样的

Greg: Hey, great to see you, what's up?


Me: D00d. I bought wood. Like, literally went to the, what's it called? The Lumberyard and purchased actual lumber. Like, trees. Then I cut them.

我: D00d。 我买木头了。 就像,从字面上看去,它叫什么? 伐木场并购买了实际的木材 像树。 然后我把它们剪了。

Greg: Holy crap. What brought this on?

格雷格:废话。 是什么带来了这个?

...and the conversation continued in this general vein. He understood immediately. I'm finding balance by moving outside my comfort zone. I'm trying to become "handy" around the house. My previous handy experience was tiling my kitchen backsplash, and this required that I use actual lasers to succeed.

……谈话就这样继续进行。 他立刻明白了 通过在舒适区域之外移动来找到平衡。 我正试图成为房子周围的“方便”。 我以前的方便经验是平铺厨房后挡板,这要求我使用实际的激光器才能成功。

What you need to understand, Dear Reader, is how profoundly not-handy I am to appreciate what I'm trying to do here. My father and brother are handy. I am not. I am not handy in the way that short people are not tall. They aren't. It's just so.

亲爱的读者,您需要了解的是,要欣赏我在这里想做的事情,我多么不方便。 我的父亲和兄弟很方便。 我不是。 我不方便矮个子矮个子的人。 他们不是。 就是这样

I have never had a hobby that didn't involve computers. This is sad, I know.

我从未有过不涉及计算机的爱好。 我知道这很可悲。

I've talked before about how it's important as a Developer to Sharpen the Saw. This is an extension of this. Go outside your comfort zone. I

我之前已经谈到了作为一名开发人员来提高“锯”的重要性。 这是对此的扩展。 走出您的舒适区。 一世

I try to travel a lot, meet different people, speak their language as a way of going outside my comfort zone. Of course, I speak about computers, so that kind of cancels that out, eh? ;)

我尝试出差很多,结识不同的人,说他们的语言,以此作为离开舒适区的一种方式。 当然,我说的是计算机,所以可以取消这种情况,是吗? ;)

赋权 (Empowerment)

When I speak to high-school students and local colleges, I tell them that I like software because of the intense sense of empowerment - the sense that I can do this - it can give you when creating. It seems silly and obvious, but I realize more now that other things can empower oneself. I intellectualized this long ago, but internalized it only recently.

当我与高中生和当地大学交流时,我告诉他们我喜欢软件,是因为强烈的赋权意识(我可以做到这一点)可以在创建时为您提供帮助。 看起来很愚蠢和显而易见,但是我现在更多地意识到其他事物可以增强自己的力量。 我很早就对此进行了智能化,但是直到最近才对其进行了内部化

Here's what I'm doing this year to push the envelope for me. This may not make me a better developer, but I hope it'll make me (and subsequently my kids) a better, more well-rounded person. Maybe that'll make me a better developer in some round-about way. I dunno, but I sure feel handy and empowered but in a new an different way.

这是我今年为我努力做到的事情。 这可能不会使我成为一个更好的开发人员,但我希望它能使我(以及后来的我的孩子)成为一个更好,更全面的人。 也许这会使我在某种程度上成为更好的开发人员。 我不知道,但是我确实感到很方便并且有能力,但是以一种新的方式。

种植平方英尺的花园 (Planting a Square Foot Garden)

One day, last week, it was sunny in Oregon. I looked at the strange yellow ball in the sky and grunted and then I went and bought lumber. I figured this is what people do when it's nice out. I've talked about a garden in the yard for years. This time, I made one.

上周的一天,俄勒冈州晴天。 我看着天空中奇怪的黄色球,咕gr了一声,然后我去买了木材。 我认为这是人们在美好的时光所做的事情。 我谈论院子里的花园已有多年了。 这次,我做了一个。

I got 9 2x12's, and 3 4x4's. The first thing I learned was that 4x4s are in fact not four inches square. Turns out the whole inches thing is just a big lie in the wood world. This was news, but now I feel informed. :)

我得到了9个2x12,和3个4x4。 我了解到的第一件事是4x4实际上不是四英寸见方的。 事实证明,整英寸的东西只是木材世界中的一个大谎言。 这是新闻,但现在我感到很了解。 :)

I ordered the dirt/compost, almost broke myself unloading two yards (not sure why it's called yards, but it was a trailer-load and a lot) and last night we planted our vegetables.


在房子周围方便 (Being Handy Around the House)

When I get in over my head with home improvements and things, I usually call my family or a handyman. I've stopped doing that, setup a toolbox and work area and started drilling holes in the wall. I've painted/stained 400 feet of fence, weeded until my hands hurt, and moved giant rocks, all in the last two weeks.

当我对房屋装修和其他事情不屑一顾时,我通常会打电话给家人或杂工。 我已停止这样做,设置了工具箱和工作区域,并开始在墙上钻Kong。 在过去的两个星期中,我已经对400英尺高的篱笆进行了油漆/染色,除草直到我的手受伤,并且移动了巨大的岩石。

I'm starting to get ideas for other things I want to do around the house. Why, just today, I added two small towel holders in the upstairs bathroom. Changes the whole room, I say! And, as a plus, I did not electrocute myself.

我开始对我想在房子周围做的其他事情有所构想。 为什么仅在今天,我在楼上的浴室里增加了两个小毛巾架。 我说改变整个房间! 另外,我并没有给自己上电。

建立一个Arcade控制台 (Building an Arcade Console)

I checked on Craigslist and found an ancient 1984 Video Trivia Arcade Console. With my friend John Batdorf we took it to the garage and gutted it. I'm putting a PC inside it, and maybe an Xbox and dubbing it the Hanselcade.

我查看了Craigslist,发现了一个古老的1984 Video Trivia Arcade控制台。 和我的朋友约翰·巴特多夫( John Batdorf),我们把它带到车库去掉了。 我要在其中安装一台PC,也许是Xbox,然后将其称为Hanselcade 。

This is yet another project that I'd always meant to do, but hadn't because it seemed too large, too complex, too intense to attack. I can attach large, complex and intense computer problems, but this...this was physical.

这是我一直打算做的另一个项目,但并不是因为它看起来太大,太复杂,太激烈而无法攻击。 我可以附加大型,复杂和激烈的计算机问题,但这是物理上的。

But, I'd cut wood! I'd planted plants! I just did it. I took uncomfortable action and I started to make plans. What's nice about this project - all of these, in fact - is that they are large, but they can be broken up and aren't time-urgent.

但是,我会砍柴! 我种了植物! 我刚刚做完。 我采取了不舒服的动作,开始制定计划。 这个项目的好处-实际上所有这些-很大,但是可以分解并且不紧迫。

It also kind of involved computers, indirectly, in that there's a computer inside. However, stuff like hooking up LEDs, buying resistors, drilling holes in steel and keeping the whole thing stock and clean - this is all outside my zone of comfort.

它也间接涉及计算机,因为里面有计算机。 但是,诸如挂上LED灯,购买电阻器,在钢上钻Kong以及保持整个物品库存和清洁之类的东西,这些都超出了我的舒适范围。

重点 (The Point)

I'm learning, as I always am, but I'm exercising VERY different parts of my brain. I'm reminding myself of things I'd forgotten, and filling in gaps. I'm synthesizing bits of information that I'd thought unrelated into larger solutions. I'm getting a substantial and ongoing sense of satisfaction. I'm realizing that I can be good, well, adequate, at other things that aren't computers.

我一如既往地在学习,但是我在锻炼大脑的不同部分。 我让自己想起我忘记的事情,并填补了空白。 我正在将一些我认为不相关的信息综合到更大的解决方案中。 我正在获得持续的充实感。 我意识到我可以在其他非计算机方面做得很好,很好,足够。

If there's something you've been meaning to do, especially if it's outside your expertise, go do it now. Pull a weed. Build a fort. Start a blog. Lift a weight. Maybe two.

如果您一直想做某件事,尤其是超出您的专业知识,请现在就去做。 拉杂草。 建立一个堡垒。 创建一个博客。 举重。 也许两个。

This must be what having a hobby is like! Ah, to be well-rounded and balanced.

这一定是业余爱好! 嗯,要全面而平衡。

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  • Sharpen the Saw for Developers


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/paint-fence-cut-wood-pull-weed-plant-tree-finding-geek-balance-outside-my-comfort-zone



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