
Mechanical keyboards are known for their distinct sound, but that doesn’t mean that you (or those you share your living space with) are very fond of the loud clatter. Thankfully, it’s incredibly easy and inexpensive to dial down the volume with switch dampeners.

机械键盘以其独特的声音而闻名,但这并不意味着您(或与您共享生活空间的人)非常喜欢响亮的拍板。 值得庆幸的是,使用开关阻尼器调低音量非常简单且便宜。

开关阻尼器:就像按键的减震器 (Switch Dampeners: Like Shock Absorbers for Your Keys)

Mechanical keyboards are noisier than rubber dome keyboards by their very nature: the crisp action, excellent responsiveness, and tactile sensation you get while typing on their mechanical switches comes at the cost of significantly more noise. Some people, myself included, really love the machine gun-like sound of a touch typist hammering away. But if your roommates or spouse are kept up by your typing, then maybe it’s time to turn the CLACKETY-CLACK-CLACK  into a less startling  clackety-clack-clack .

机械键盘在本质上比橡胶快球键盘要嘈杂:在机械键盘上打字时,清脆的动作,出色的响应性和触感会大大增加噪音。 有些人,包括我自己在内,真的很喜欢触击打字员敲打的机枪般的声音。 但是,如果你的室友或配偶是由你的打字跟上,那么也许是时候打开传来的声音,CLACK成少惊心传来的声音,瓣

The best way to quiet the sound of your mechanical keyboard by applying tiny rubber O-rings to your keycaps. These act as little shock absorbers for each key, preventing the keycap from clattering against the surface of the switch beneath it. This won’t absolutely silence your keyboard (calling the O-rings silencers is a misnomer), but it will reduce the sound of a loud mechanical keyboard down to a similar volume as a much quieter rubber dome keyboard.

通过在键帽上涂上微小的橡胶O形圈,使机械键盘的声音静音的最佳方法。 这些按键对于每个按键来说几乎都不起震,可以防止按键帽在其下方的开关表面上摔落。 这不会绝对使您的键盘静音(称O形圈消音器是一个错误的称呼),但是它将使机械键盘的声音降低到与更安静的橡胶圆顶键盘相似的音量。

Dampeners stop the keycaps from slamming into the switch surface, seen here.

So what’s the catch? Well, this will only dampen the bottom-out sound of your keys. If you have switches that “click” at their actuation point, like Cherry MX Blues or Cherry MX Greens, this won’t do anything to quiet that click—it’ll just quiet the clack of the key hitting the keyboard plate. You may find that you need to switch to quieter keys if o-rings don’t do the trick on their own.

那么有什么收获呢? 好吧,这只会减弱按键的触底声音。 如果您有在其促动点“单击”的开关(例如Cherry MX Blues或Cherry MX Greens),则将无法使该咔嗒声安静下来-只会使敲击键盘面板的敲击声安静。 您可能会发现,如果O形圈无法自行解决问题,则需要切换到静音键。

But on non-clicky keys, when applied properly, you shouldn’t find any downsides. Some people apply the modification and find that they 1) miss the loudness and 2) find that the feeling of the keys bottoming out was part of the mechanical keyboard experience they enjoyed, and they remove the O-rings. While we can appreciate missing the loud report of the keys, if you’re properly touch typing you shouldn’t be bottoming out the key that hard in the first place, however, and we found that using switch dampeners actually improved our touch typing. The dampeners provided an additional level of subtle feedback (beyond just the tactile bump of the switch itself) that encouraged us to use an even lighter touch when typing.

但是在非单击式键上,如果正确应用,则不会发现任何缺点。 一些人进行了修改,发现他们1)错过响度,2)发现按键触底的感觉是他们享受的机械键盘体验的一部分,并且他们拆下了O形圈。 尽管我们很高兴能听到按键响亮的报告,但如果您正确地进行触摸打字,那么您首先不应触及很难的按键,但是,我们发现使用开关阻尼器实际上可以改善我们的触摸打字。 减震器提供了更高水平的细微反馈(不仅仅是开关本身的触感),这鼓励我们在打字时使用更轻的触感。

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, let’s take a look at how to select and apply switch dampeners to your mechanical keyboard.


选择阻尼器:直径,厚度和硬度有所不同 (Selecting Your Dampeners: Diameter, Thickness, and Hardness Make a Difference)

Installing dampeners is pretty trivial, but selecting the right ones requires a bit of research. There are three key elements to consider: the diameter of the O-ring, the thickness (or depth) of the O-ring, and the hardness of the material—all of which contribute to a different keyboard experience.

安装减震器很简单,但是选择合适的减震器需要一些研究。 需要考虑三个关键因素:O形圈的直径,O形圈的厚度(或深度)以及材料的硬度-所有这些都有助于获得不同的键盘体验。

直径:无可替代 (Diameter: No Substitute for Snug)

You want the ring to be snug on the keycap, but not so tight that it is difficult to apply or breaks down from stress. Selecting the right diameter O-rings is usually easy, since Cherry MX switches dominate the keycap market. Practically every search result you find for “keyboard dampeners” is for Cherry compatible O-rings, and there’s a good chance your board uses Cherry compatible keycaps.

您希望将环紧贴在键帽上,但又不要太紧,以至于很难施加或从压力下断裂。 通常,选择合适直径的O形圈通常很容易,因为Cherry MX开关在键帽市场上占有主导地位。 实际上,您找到的“键盘减震器”的每个搜索结果都是针对Cherry兼容的O形圈的,您的面板很有可能会使用Cherry兼容的键帽。

Nonetheless, it’s good to know actual measurements if you’re shopping for O-rings somewhere other than a mechanical keyboard shop. O-rings for a Cherry MX keycap should have an inner diameter of  about 5mm. Topre switches are a little fatter and require a 7mm O-ring. When in doubt, search for your particular switch brand and see what other people are using.

尽管如此,如果您要在机械键盘商店以外的地方购买O形圈,则最好了解实际测量结果。 Cherry MX键帽的O形圈的内径应约为5mm。 Topre开关稍胖一些,需要7mm O形圈。 如有疑问,请搜索您特定的交换机品牌,并查看其他人正在使用什么。

厚度:O型圈会改变键帽的移动距离 (Thickness: O-rings Change Keycap Travel Distance)

You’ll find O-ring dampeners on the market in a wide range of sizes, but despite how tiny the differences between them seem, the impact on the feel of your keyboard is significant. On the skinniest end, you’ll find 0.2mm O-rings which are so slender as to barely change the distance the key travels. The change is very, very, subtle, and you’ll likely never even notice the difference unless you try them side-by-side. These 0.2mm O-rings from the WASD keyboard company are best sellers for a reason.

您会在市场上找到各种尺寸的O形环阻尼器,但是尽管它们之间的差异看起来很小,但对键盘手感的影响却很大。 在最细的一端,您会发现0.2毫米的O形圈,它是如此细长,以至于几乎不会改变钥匙的移动距离。 更改非常非常细微,除非您并行尝试,否则您可能根本不会注意到差异。 WASD键盘公司的这些0.2毫米O形圈是有原因的畅销产品。

Incremental changes in the thickness of the O-ring quickly reduce the travel distance and for a Cherry MX-based keyboard. You’ll rarely want to venture beyond 0.4mm, though you’ll find O-rings as thick as 2.0mm.

对于基于Cherry MX的键盘,O形圈厚度的递增变化会Swift缩短行程距离。 尽管您会发现厚达2.0毫米的O形圈,但您很少想冒险超过0.4毫米。

硬度:湿滑,弯曲或介于两者之间 (Hardness: Squishy, Snappy, or Somewhere In Between)

Whether you’re buying a bundle of O-rings marketed as switch dampeners or just ordering them from a specialty supply shop, you’ll see labels like “50A” and “80A” in the specs. The “A” refers to the “Shore A hardness” scale used to measure the flexibility of rubber substances, named after the man who created it, Alfred Shore. Different scales, like D and R, are used for different rubber applications, but O-rings are measured with the A scale.

无论您是购买捆绑开关阻尼器销售的O形圈,还是只是从专业的供应店订购,在规格中都会看到“ 50A”和“ 80A”这样的标签。 “ A”是指用来测量橡胶物质的柔韧性的“邵氏A硬度”标尺,以创建它的人Alfred Shore命名。 对于不同的橡胶应用,使用了不同的刻度,例如D和R,但是O形圈是使用A刻度测量的。

On the scale, 0 is incredibly squishy and 100 is rock hard. When selecting O-rings for use with your keyboard, you’ll want to look for a hardness of 30-40A on the soft side to 70-80A on the very firm size. We recommend sticking with 40-50A, as once you get into the higher numbers, the ring is firm enough that it tends to lose its sound reducing abilities.

在规模上,0是难以置信的松软,而100是坚硬的。 选择与键盘一起使用的O形圈时,您需要在软侧上寻找30-40A的硬度,在非常牢固的尺寸上寻找70-80A的硬度。 我们建议您坚持使用40-50A,因为一旦您接触到更大的数字,该振铃就足够牢固,以至于往往会失去其降低声音的能力。

次要注意事项:材料,颜色和数量 (Minor Considerations: Materials, Color, and Number)

Lastly, you’ll find O-rings in two primary materials: EDPM and nitrile rubber. Which material you choose is pretty much irrelevant, as the properties that differentiate the two rubbers (such as temperature and chemical resistance) will never come into play during their lives attached to your keycaps—either material is perfectly well suited for the task and plenty durable.

最后,您会发现两种主要材料的O型圈:EDPM和丁腈橡胶。 选择哪种材料几乎无关紧要,因为区分两种橡胶的特性(例如,耐高温性和耐化学性)在它们附着在键帽上的过程中将永远不会发挥作用-两种材料都非常适合完成任务,并且非常耐用。

The second (very minor) consideration is color. In most instances, the color of the O-ring doesn’t matter at all, as the only time you’ll see it is during the application process to the underside of the keycap. Whether that ring is blue, red, and black—the most common dampener colors—won’t matter.

第二个(非常次要的)考虑因素是颜色。 在大多数情况下,O形圈的颜色根本不重要,因为您唯一看到的时间是在键帽下面的应用过程中。 那个环是蓝色,红色和黑色(最常见的阻尼器颜色)并不重要。

If, however, you have semi-opaque or transparent custom keycaps, then you may want to consider the visibility of the ring through the keycap. You’ll either want one that matches the color of your board’s LED lights, if it has any, or clear rings like these. If your keys are only partially transparent (like on the letters themselves), it’s unlikely the O-ring color will matter.

但是,如果您具有半透明或半透明的自定义键帽,则您可能需要考虑通过键帽看到环的可见性。 您可能想要一个与您的板上LED灯颜色匹配的颜色(如果有的话),或者想要像这样的透明环。 如果您的按键仅是部分透明的(例如字母本身),则O形圈的颜色不太可能起作用。

Finally, unless you’re buying your O-rings from a specialty O-ring shop, you don’t really need to worry about the number in the package. Obviously you need enough O-rings for your keyboard (be it an 87-key or 108-key board), but almost all packets of O-rings marketed for keyboards have 125-130 O-rings in them—more than enough for the keyboard plus some spares if an air vent near your desk eats a few while you’re installing them.

最后,除非您要从专业的O形圈商店购买O形圈,否则您实际上不必担心包装中的数量。 显然,您的键盘需要足够的O形圈(无论是87键还是108键的面板),但是几乎所有销售用于键盘的O形圈包中都包含125-130个O形圈,这对于键盘来说已经绰绰有余了。键盘和一些备用部件(如果您在办公桌附近的通风Kong在安装时会吃掉一些部件)。

安装交换机阻尼器 (Installing Your Switch Dampeners)

Compared to agonizing over what size and hardness of O-rings you want, installation is a snap. To install your dampeners, all you need is a keycap remover and a little patience. Rather than rehash the entire keycap removal and reinstallation process here, we’ll direct you to our guide on replacing the keyscaps. Once you’ve removed the keycaps as descried in that guide, come back here to install your O-rings.

与烦恼想要的O形圈的大小和硬度相比,安装非常容易。 要安装减震器,您只需要一个键帽拆卸器和一点耐心。 与其在这里重新介绍整个键帽的移除和重新安装过程,不如将其引向我们有关更换键帽的指南。 按照指南中的说明卸下键帽后,请回到此处安装O形圈。

With the keycaps removed, simply flip them all over and place the O-rings onto the keycap stems. when you seat the O-ring onto the stem of the keycap, try to seat it very evenly and without twisting or distorting the ring. If you press unevenly then you’ll find that the keycap travel is adversely affected and feels weirdly mushy, as the dampener doesn’t strike the switch evenly.

卸下键帽后,只需将它们全部翻转,然后将O形圈放在键帽杆上即可。 将O形圈放在键帽的杆上时,请尽量均匀地放置它,而不会扭曲或扭曲形圈。 如果不均匀地按一下,则会发现键帽行程受到不利影响,并且感觉像糊糊的泥泞,因为阻尼器不能均匀地撞击开关。

You want the O-rings to look like the rightmost cap in the photo above—fully pressed down against the edge of the stem. While it’s pretty easy to gently push them down with your fingernails, some people like to take apart a cheap ballpoint pen and use the cap or the body of the pen as a tool to push the ring down evenly.

您希望O形环看起来像上面照片中最右边的盖—完全向下压到杆的边缘。 用指甲轻轻地将它们向下推很容易,但有些人喜欢拆开便宜的圆珠笔,并使用笔帽或笔身作为工具来均匀地向下推环。

You do not need to apply O-rings to the non-switch support posts on your keys—seen to the left and right of the dampened keycap stem below—as they won’t be striking the surface of a switch, but merely attaching to the support spring for that key.


Once you’ve applied the dampeners to the keycap stems, simply align and keys in their proper locations on the board and press them firmly back into place, taking extra care with the keys, such as the spacebar and shift keys, that have support springs. (Again, see our guide to replacing keycaps for more info).

将减震器应用到键帽杆上后,只需将其对准并键在板上的适当位置,然后将它们牢固地按回原位,请格外小心带有支撑弹簧的键,例如空格键和Shift键。 (再次,请参见我们的更换键帽指南以获取更多信息)。

That’s it! You’ll have spent far more time research which O-rings you want and waiting for them to arrive in the mail than you will have spent actually installing them. Now’s the time to enjoy your quieter keyboard without the risk of waking everyone in your house.

而已! 与实际安装它们相比,您将花费更多的时间来研究所需的O形圈并等待它们到达邮件中。 现在是时候享受更安静的键盘了,而又不用唤醒屋内所有人的风险了。

Image Credits: WASD, MechanicalKeyboards.com

图片来源: WASD , MechanicalKeyboards.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/293659/how-to-quiet-your-mechanical-keyboard-with-switch-dampeners/



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