After reading the title, you’re surely thinking “…uh?”. We don’t blame you, we found ourselves needing to take a few moments to take it in too.

阅读标题后,您肯定会在思考“……嗯?”。 我们不怪您,我们发现自己也需要花一些时间来接受它。

At the Consumer Electronics Show 2015, Intel surprised quite a few people with their announcement of a new device the size of a pen drive that connects to your HDMI monitor or TV – and instantly transforms your HDMI monitor into a fully functioning computer. This nifty “Compute Stick” – as Intel calls it – will be available some time later this year, with rumours at the trade show suggesting a March/April timeframe.

2015年美国消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上 ,英特尔宣布推出了一种新设备,该设备具有可连接到您的HDMI监视器或电视的笔驱动器大小的功能,并立即将您的HDMI监视器转换为功能全面的计算机,这让很多人感到惊讶。 英特尔称其为“漂亮的计算棒”,将于今年晚些时候面市,有传言称该展会将于三月/四月上市。

Intel’s new Computer Stick will come with an Intel Atom Z3735F quad-core processor, up to 2 GB RAM and up to 32 GB eMMC storage. While the hardware offered is very much low end – for a device that’s the size of a slightly-oversized pen, it’s not to be understated either.

英特尔的新款Computer Stick将配备英特尔Atom Z3735F四核处理器,高达2 GB的RAM和高达32 GB的eMMC存储。 虽然提供的硬件非常低端-对于像一支稍大笔的大小的设备,也不要低估它。

What about the software, you ask? Good news – you’ll be able to choose between Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, with the Ubuntu version coming with half the RAM at 1 GB, and a lower capacity 8 GB eMMC card for storage.

您问软件如何? 好消息–您将能够在Windows 8.1和Ubuntu 14.04 LTS之间进行选择,其中Ubuntu版本随附一半的RAM(1 GB)和容量较低的8 GB eMMC卡用于存储。

英特尔Compute Stick规格 (Intel Compute Stick Specifications)

  • 1.33 GHz Intel Atom Z3735F quad-core processor (1.88 GHz Turboboost)

    1.33 GHz Intel Atom Z3735F四核处理器(1.88 GHz Turboboost)

  • Integrated Intel HD Graphics (casual games only!)


  • 2GB RAM (Windows 8.1), 1 GB RAM (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

    2GB RAM(Windows 8.1),1 GB RAM(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

  • 32 GB eMMC Storage (Windows 8.1), 8 GB eMMC Storage (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

    32 GB eMMC存储(Windows 8.1),8 GB eMMC存储(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

  • 1x USB 2.0 (Full Size), 1x Micro-USB

    1个USB 2.0(完整大小),1个Micro-USB

  • Micro-SD Card Slot (storage sold separately, useful for adding extra storage)


  • Bluetooth 4.0 (useful for external keyboards and mice)


  • Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n (nope, no 802.11ac)

    Wi-Fi 802.11b / g / n(没有,没有802.11ac)

With a full size HDMI connector at the end, it’ll be easy to plug in to most HDMI monitors or TVs. Intel will also include an extension wire, useful if there isn’t enough room to plug in the Compute Stick directly with the screen you want to hook it up to.

末端带有标准尺寸的HDMI连接器,可轻松插入大多数HDMI监视器或电视。 英特尔还将提供一根延长线,如果没有足够的空间直接将Compute Stick插入要连接的屏幕,则该线很有用。

So what about pricing? Intel has only announced pricing and release plans for the U.S. market, with no word as to whether they plan to or will offer the Computer Stick in Europe, Asia and/or the Middle East. Set to be released at some point this year, the Windows version is set to be priced at $149 U.S., with the Ubuntu version naturally being cheaper at $89 U.S.

那么价格呢? 英特尔仅宣布了针对美国市场的定价和发布计划,没有透露他们是否计划或将在欧洲,亚洲和/或中东提供计算机棒。 Windows版本定于今年的某个时候发布,定价为149美元,而Ubuntu版本自然要便宜一些,为89美元。

Find out more about the Intel Compute Stick here:

在此处找到有关Intel Compute Stick的更多信息: http : //


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