1. Our catalogis merely a cross-section of what we handle.


2. danci.911cha.com

2. She recited a catalogof her husband's sins to me.


3. M51, whose name comes from being the 51st entry in Charles Messier's catalog, is considered to be one of the classic examples of a spiral galaxy.


4. Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog, but definitely not one of the least.


5. Building up a mental catalogof patterns is one of the most critical aspects of the education of an interaction designer.


6. It is only a project, that's why they are not in the 08'catalog.


7. A: Well, this is our latest catalog.


8. Well, this is our latest catalog.


9. Where can I get the catalogof your product?


10. Catalog.什么意思

10. A library catalogis a searchable collection of records of every item in a library.


11. Several of the brightest stars are identified by their catalognumbers (CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung, HD, HDE=Henry Draper Catalog), among the hottest, heaviest stars known.

一些最明亮的恒星被标出了目录号(CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung,HD,HDE=Henry Draper Catalog),跻身于已知最热、最重的恒星之列。

12. The story is a dark farce; a catalogof coincidences and near misses with characters hiding from each other, lying to each other and causing each other injury. The focus is firmly on poking fun at human greed, jealousy, cruelty and weakness.


13. Basing upon the concepts as information system etc., a reasonable catalogmethod is discussed about the varies kinds of inner information using by Agent in this paper, and giving a sort of catalogand diagram method about the intentional information emphatically.


14. The product catalogof the company consists of four series with more than one hundred types of products, which can be used in high speed numerical control equipments such as machining center, carving and milling machine, drilling and milling machine, precision grinding machine, wood routing machine and other machines.


15. Since our first catalogwas mailed out in 1992, our goal at Smarthome has been to offer home owners and contractors the widest selection


16. Unlimited Categories and Products - There is no limitation on number of catalogcategories and products.


17. Yiwu Yinxiang Exhibition Equipments Co., Ltd. is professional company engaged in developing and producing the portable displays, designing and setting up exhibition and display. Main items are as following: Retractable Banner Stand Series (including Standard Roll-up, Tabletop Roll-up, Electric Roll-up, etc.), X Banner Stand Series, Pop-Up Display Series, Promotion Counters, Promotion Tent, Water-used Flag Stand, L Banner Stand Series, Dancing Stand, Poster Stand, CatalogStand, Light Box, Back Board, etc.


18. In the meantime, the catalogsystem that group of our research and development is studying to be shared in the light of natural resources of government affairs information and commutative system, in this system frame, we are mixed from technical platform share flow to go up to be shared to information limits undertakes restraining with use regulation.


19. In addition, the our city will build whole town card to share service mechanism according to information, use the system of catalogof information natural resources of whole town and commutative system namely, the electron that card of each area, departmental door licenses the standard extends, be shared on the net that realizes card to take news and compare automatically right.


20. Our city general is a foundation with system of catalogof city natural resources and commutative system, collect administration to examine and approve, administration executes the law and public natural resources trades wait for information, choose the blacklist information that breaks his promise badly from which, make public exposure lawfully.



  1. catalog英文翻译_catalog是什么意思中文翻译

    音标:英['kætəlɔ:g]美[ˈkætlˌɔɡ, -ˌɑɡ] n.目录,目录册,目录簿:[美]大学概况一览:登记,记载:产品样本 vt.登记:为-编目:编目录:记载 v.把-按目录分类:把-编目 ...

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  3. catalog英文翻译_“目录”的英文翻译是“catalogquot;还是quot;contentsquot;

    都是正确的,使用方法不同.1.catalog常用在说明书和产品目录中.解析:catalog英 [ˈkætəlɒɡ]美 [ˈkætəlɔːɡ]  n.目录,一览表:系列:种类:产品样本.v.为-编目录, ...

  4. DL之Attention-ED:基于TF NMT利用带有Attention的 ED模型训练、测试(中英文平行语料库)实现将英文翻译为中文的LSTM翻译模型过程全记录

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