
心跳,这个词在不同人的脑袋里,第一反应会想到不同的东西,比如说医护人员,想到的是 ‘砰~砰~砰~’;linux网络编程的人想到可能是客户端与服务端的探活机制,比如TCP协议的心跳,或者应用层自己构建的心跳机制。那今天说的MySQL的复制心跳其实就属于应用层自己构建的一种探活机制。



net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = cubic
net.ipv4.tcp_dsack = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_early_demux = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_early_retrans = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_ecn = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_ecn_fallback = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fack = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_blackhole_timeout_sec = 3600
net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen_key = 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 60
net.ipv4.tcp_frto = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_fwmark_accept = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_invalid_ratelimit = 500
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200
net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_limit_output_bytes = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_low_latency = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 32768
net.ipv4.tcp_max_reordering = 300
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 256
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 32768
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 52533    70045   105066
net.ipv4.tcp_min_rtt_wlen = 300
net.ipv4.tcp_min_tso_segs = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_notsent_lowat = 4294967295
net.ipv4.tcp_orphan_retries = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_pacing_ca_ratio = 120
net.ipv4.tcp_pacing_ss_ratio = 200
net.ipv4.tcp_probe_interval = 600
net.ipv4.tcp_probe_threshold = 8
net.ipv4.tcp_recovery = 1


net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200

关于TCP心跳更多细节,请看 TCP心跳设置。


客户端使用复制协议与master建立复制链接之后,master 会启用dump线程,发送binlog到客户端,这里之所以说客户端,不说slave,意思是想说明,任何程序,无论是不是mysqld,只要遵守mysqld相关的协议,都可以向master发起binlog dump请求,master会按照客户端的需求,发送相应的binlog。那复制心跳为何物呢?主要用来做什么呢?



change master to master_hosr='',master_user='',master_password='',master_port=13307, ......

但是有很多人可能不知道心跳的配置选项,使用change 命令可以指定心跳间隔,如下。当然如果不指定,心跳也是默认开启的,间隔为15秒。



16:23:49.625836 IP localhost.13307 > localhost.39414: Flags [P.], seq 2425355868:2425355914, ack 3652228843, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549495480 ecr 549485480], length 46
16:23:49.625870 IP localhost.39414 > localhost.13307: Flags [.], ack 46, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549495480 ecr 549495480], length 016:23:59.626298 IP localhost.13307 > localhost.39414: Flags [P.], seq 46:92, ack 1, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549505480 ecr 549495480], length 46
16:23:59.626335 IP localhost.39414 > localhost.13307: Flags [.], ack 92, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549505480 ecr 549505480], length 016:24:09.627078 IP localhost.13307 > localhost.39414: Flags [P.], seq 92:138, ack 1, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549515480 ecr 549505480], length 46
16:24:09.627113 IP localhost.39414 > localhost.13307: Flags [.], ack 138, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549515480 ecr 549515480], length 016:24:19.627594 IP localhost.13307 > localhost.39414: Flags [P.], seq 138:184, ack 1, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549525480 ecr 549515480], length 46
16:24:19.627628 IP localhost.39414 > localhost.13307: Flags [.], ack 184, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549525480 ecr 549525480], length 016:24:29.628152 IP localhost.13307 > localhost.39414: Flags [P.], seq 184:230, ack 1, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549535480 ecr 549525480], length 46
16:24:29.628186 IP localhost.39414 > localhost.13307: Flags [.], ack 230, win 350, options [nop,nop,TS val 549535480 ecr 549535480], length 0



*************************** 4. row ***************************
       Number_of_lines: 25
       Master_log_name: mysql-bin.001836
        Master_log_pos: 298191716
             User_name: *********
         User_password: ************
                  Port: **********
         Connect_retry: 60
           Enabled_ssl: 0
Ssl_verify_server_cert: 0
             Heartbeat: 15      /*15秒*/
    Ignored_server_ids: 0
           Retry_count: 86400
           Ssl_crlpath:Enabled_auto_position: 1
          Channel_name: rrxdebt4

同时也可以通过show 命令查看,如下

mysql> show global status like '%heart%';
| Variable_name             | Value               |
| Slave_heartbeat_period    | 15.000              |
| Slave_last_heartbeat      | 2018-07-15 14:21:47 |
| Slave_received_heartbeats | 578024              |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysqld 复制心跳是干嘛的?


slave_net_timeout ?


The number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave connection before aborting the read. Setting this variable has no immediate effect. The state of the variable applies on all subsequent START SLAVE commands.





Thread 74 (Thread 0x7fc2ac271700 (LWP 25290)):
#0  0x00007fc2e823674d in poll () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x0000000001ed8303 in vio_io_wait (vio=0x7fc250010d00, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ, timeout=30000) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/vio/viosocket.c:786
#2  0x0000000001ed6f69 in vio_socket_io_wait (vio=0x7fc250010d00, event=VIO_IO_EVENT_READ) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/vio/viosocket.c:77
#3  0x0000000001ed7054 in vio_read (vio=0x7fc250010d00, buf=0x7fc250010f20 "*", size=16384) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/vio/viosocket.c:132
#4  0x0000000001ed7238 in vio_read_buff (vio=0x7fc250010d00, buf=0x7fc250014f50 "", size=4) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/vio/viosocket.c:166
#5  0x000000000152151d in net_read_raw_loop (net=0x7fc25000e1f0, count=4) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/net_serv.cc:672
#6  0x0000000001521721 in net_read_packet_header (net=0x7fc25000e1f0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/net_serv.cc:762
#7  0x0000000001521803 in net_read_packet (net=0x7fc25000e1f0, complen=0x7fc2ac270c18) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/net_serv.cc:822
#8  0x00000000015219ba in my_net_read (net=0x7fc25000e1f0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/net_serv.cc:899
#9  0x000000000174650f in cli_safe_read_with_ok (mysql=0x7fc25000e1f0, parse_ok=0 '\000', is_data_packet=0x0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql-common/client.c:1055
#10 0x0000000001746882 in cli_safe_read (mysql=0x7fc25000e1f0, is_data_packet=0x0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql-common/client.c:1188
#11 0x000000000191d4bc in read_event (mysql=0x7fc25000e1f0, mi=0x561ebe0, suppress_warnings=0x7fc2ac270d71) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_slave.cc:4455
#12 0x0000000001920fdb in handle_slave_io (arg=0x561ebe0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_slave.cc:5713
#13 0x0000000001e4a621 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x7fc2340d4d50) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2188
#14 0x00007fc2e8dad6ba in start_thread (arg=0x7fc2ac271700) at pthread_create.c:333
#15 0x00007fc2e824241d in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:109


POLL(2)                                                                                  Linux Programmer's Manual                                                                                 POLL(2)NAMEpoll, ppoll - wait for some event on a file descriptorSYNOPSIS#include <poll.h>int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout);#define _GNU_SOURCE         /* See feature_test_macros(7) */#include <signal.h>#include <poll.h>int ppoll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds,const struct timespec *tmo_p, const sigset_t *sigmask);DESCRIPTIONpoll() performs a similar task to select(2): it waits for one of a set of file descriptors to become ready to perform I/O.The set of file descriptors to be monitored is specified in the fds argument, which is an array of structures of the following form:struct pollfd {int   fd;         /* file descriptor */short events;     /* requested events */short revents;    /* returned events */};The caller should specify the number of items in the fds array in nfds.The  field  fd  contains a file descriptor for an open file.  If this field is negative, then the corresponding events field is ignored and the revents field returns zero.  (This provides an easyway of ignoring a file descriptor for a single poll() call: simply negate the fd field.  Note, however, that this technique can't be used to ignore file descriptor 0.)The field events is an input parameter, a bit mask specifying the events the application is interested in for the file descriptor fd.  This field may be specified as zero, in which case the  onlyevents that can be returned in revents are POLLHUP, POLLERR, and POLLNVAL (see below).The  field  revents  is an output parameter, filled by the kernel with the events that actually occurred.  The bits returned in revents can include any of those specified in events, or one of thevalues POLLERR, POLLHUP, or POLLNVAL.  (These three bits are meaningless in the events field, and will be set in the revents field whenever the corresponding condition is true.)If none of the events requested (and no error) has occurred for any of the file descriptors, then poll() blocks until one of the events occurs.The timeout argument specifies the number of milliseconds that poll() should block waiting for a file descriptor to become ready.  The call will block until either:*  a file descriptor becomes ready;*  the call is interrupted by a signal handler; or*  the timeout expires.Note that the timeout interval will be rounded up to the system clock granularity, and kernel scheduling delays mean that the blocking interval may overrun by a small amount.  Specifying a  nega‐tive value in timeout means an infinite timeout.  Specifying a timeout of zero causes poll() to return immediately, even if no file descriptors are ready.


dump线程等待binlog位点更新,如果设置了心跳间隔,则在等待超时后,发送heartbeat event。其实就是最近的binlog file name+pos。

Thread 24 (Thread 0x7fbd44050700 (LWP 6474)):
#0  pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/pthread_cond_timedwait.S:225
#1  0x0000000001985490 in native_cond_timedwait (cond=0x2db7fa0 <mysql_bin_log+1824>, mutex=0x2db7ee8 <mysql_bin_log+1640>, abstime=0x7fbd4404de50) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/include/thr_cond.h:129
#2  0x00000000019857f6 in safe_cond_timedwait (cond=0x2db7fa0 <mysql_bin_log+1824>, mp=0x2db7ec0 <mysql_bin_log+1600>, abstime=0x7fbd4404de50, file=0x224ec38 "/data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/binlog.cc", line=7683) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/mysys/thr_cond.c:88
#3  0x00000000018d9126 in my_cond_timedwait (cond=0x2db7fa0 <mysql_bin_log+1824>, mp=0x2db7ec0 <mysql_bin_log+1600>, abstime=0x7fbd4404de50, file=0x224ec38 "/data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/binlog.cc", line=7683) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/include/thr_cond.h:180
#4  0x00000000018d96c3 in inline_mysql_cond_timedwait (that=0x2db7fa0 <mysql_bin_log+1824>, mutex=0x2db7ec0 <mysql_bin_log+1600>, abstime=0x7fbd4404de50, src_file=0x224ec38 "/data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/binlog.cc", src_line=7683) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/include/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h:1229
#5  0x00000000018eb4ba in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::wait_for_update_bin_log (this=0x2db7880 <mysql_bin_log>, thd=0x7fbcfc000950, timeout=0x7fbd4404de50) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/binlog.cc:7683
#6  0x000000000190e4ca in Binlog_sender::wait_with_heartbeat (this=0x7fbd4404e5d0, log_pos=919) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_binlog_sender.cc:620
#7  0x000000000190e3f7 in Binlog_sender::wait_new_events (this=0x7fbd4404e5d0, log_pos=919) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_binlog_sender.cc:599
#8  0x000000000190e058 in Binlog_sender::get_binlog_end_pos (this=0x7fbd4404e5d0, log_cache=0x7fbd4404e020) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_binlog_sender.cc:365
#9  0x000000000190bd00 in Binlog_sender::send_binlog (this=0x7fbd4404e5d0, log_cache=0x7fbd4404e020, start_pos=123) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_binlog_sender.cc:313
#10 0x000000000190b8d4 in Binlog_sender::run (this=0x7fbd4404e5d0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_binlog_sender.cc:225
#11 0x0000000001909470 in mysql_binlog_send (thd=0x7fbcfc000950, log_ident=0x7fbd4404f230 "", pos=4, slave_gtid_executed=0x7fbd4404f000, flags=0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_master.cc:412
#12 0x0000000001909307 in com_binlog_dump_gtid (thd=0x7fbcfc000950, packet=0x7fbcfc0098a1 "", packet_length=86) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/rpl_master.cc:396
#13 0x000000000161b15c in dispatch_command (thd=0x7fbcfc000950, com_data=0x7fbd4404fe00, command=COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/sql_parse.cc:1677
#14 0x00000000016194aa in do_command (thd=0x7fbcfc000950) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/sql_parse.cc:999
#15 0x000000000175ba57 in handle_connection (arg=0x4d71eb0) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:300
#16 0x0000000001e49759 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x5012a50) at /data/mysql-server-explain_ddl/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:2188
#17 0x00007fbd67c746ba in start_thread (arg=0x7fbd44050700) at pthread_create.c:333
#18 0x00007fbd6710941d in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:109

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