If you’re looking to make customized labels, look no further than Microsoft Word. Whether for personal or professional use, Word provides a comprehensive feature set for creating personalized mailing labels. Here’s how to do it.

如果您要制作自定义标签,那就不要错过Microsoft Word。 无论是个人使用还是专业用途,Word都提供了用于创建个性化邮件标签的全面功能集。 这是操作方法。

在Word中制作自定义标签 (Making Custom Labels in Word)

When you consider how long Word has been around, it’s no surprise the application has evolved past creating only simple documents. Not only does it provide the tools to create personalized envelopes it also comes equipped to make custom labels to go with them.

当您考虑Word已有多长时间时,应用程序已经发展到仅创建简单文档就不足为奇了。 它不仅提供创建个性化信封的工具,还配备了制作自定义标签的功能。

Go ahead and open a blank Word doc and head over to the “Mailings” tab.


Next, click the “Labels” button.


In the Envelopes and Labels window that opens, you’ll find yourself already on the “Labels” tab. Type the information you want on the label into the “Address” box. If you’ve previously created an envelope and saved your return address, then you can tick the box next to “Use return address,” and it will transfer the information for you.

在打开的“信封和标签”窗口中,您已经在“标签”选项卡上发现了自己。 在标签的“地址”框中键入所需的信息。 如果您之前已经创建了一个信封并保存了您的寄信人地址,则可以勾选“使用寄信人地址”旁边的框,它将为您传送信息。

In the “Print” section, you can specify that you’d like to print a full page of the same label. Alternatively, you can select the “Single Label” option and specify the rows and columns if you want to print a specific number of labels.

在“打印”部分中,您可以指定要打印具有相同标签的整页。 或者,如果您要打印特定数量的标签,则可以选择“单个标签”选项并指定行和列。

The “Label” section gives you a description of your current label selection. To change it, you’ll need to select “Options.” Let’s go ahead and do that.

“标签”部分为您提供了当前标签选择的描述。 要更改它,您需要选择“选项”。 让我们继续做。

In the Label Options window, you can tell Word how you’ll be printing the labels and the brand of the label. Under “Product number,” you can select the label type from the provided list. You’ll notice the specifications of the labels will appear under “Label information.” The information displayed here is relative to the selected product number. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can select “New Label” and type the exact details of what you need.

在“标签选项”窗口中,您可以告诉Word您将如何打印标签和标签品牌。 在“产品编号”下,您可以从提供的列表中选择标签类型。 您会注意到标签的规格将显示在“标签信息”下。 此处显示的信息是相对于所选产品编号的。 如果找不到所需的内容,则可以选择“新标签”,然后键入所需内容的确切详细信息。

When you’re happy with your setup, click “OK.”


Make sure you have your labels loaded into the appropriate tray in your printer and then click “Print.”


创建不同标签的单页 (Creating a Single Page of Different Labels)

Now let’s assume you want to print a bunch of labels on a single page, but print different information on each label. No worries—Word has you covered.

现在,假设您要在单个页面上打印一堆标签,但是在每个标签上打印不同的信息。 不用担心-您已经了解了单词。

Open a new Word document, head over to the “Mailings” tab, and then click the “Labels” button.


In the Envelopes and Labels window, click the “Options” button at the bottom.


In the Label Options window that opens, select an appropriate style from the “Product Number” list. In this example, we’ll use the “30 Per Page” option. Click “OK” when you’ve made your selection.

在打开的“标签选项”窗口中,从“产品编号”列表中选择适当的样式。 在此示例中,我们将使用“每页30个”选项。 选择后,单击“确定”。

Back in the Envelopes and Labels window, click the “New Document” button.


A new Word document will appear, displaying a blank label template.


Now, type the information you want into each label and print them out when you’re finished!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408499/how-to-create-and-print-labels-in-word/


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