

  • Win10系统在vmware/virtualbox上使用packer和vagrant安装Metasploitable3
    • Installation win10 - vmware-iso / virtualbox-iso
      • 迁移vmx
    • Operation


Installation win10 - vmware-iso / virtualbox-iso

Preparation: metasploitable3, packer, vmware/[virtualbox, vagrant, vagrant-reload].
注:若使用 vitualbox-iso, 须在C盘安装 virtualbox, packer, vagrant.


packer build --only=vmware-iso ./packer/templates/windows_2008_r2.json   # vmawre
.\build.ps1 windows2008  # powershell - virtualbox

其中在这一步会出现很多问题。 中的packer/templates出了很多问题,可能是因为packer的版本不匹配,听说packer v1.5.3可以解决这个问题,但没有尝试,以下是自己遇到的问题的记录。

  • 问题一

    在使用中直接下载的packer -> templates 时,

    unknown configuration key: '"iso_checksum_type"'


    Deprecated configuration key: 'iso_checksum_type'. Please call `packer fix`
    against your template to update your template to be compatible with the current
    version of Packer. Visit for more

    于是使用packer fix 文件夹packer\templates 中的windows_2008_r2.json, ubuntu_1404.json, 文件夹packer\templates\pro 中的windows_2008_r2_pro.json, ubuntu_1404_pro.json

  • 问题二


    Failed to parse file as legacy JSON template: if you are using an HCL template, check your file extensions; they should be either *.pkr.hcl or *.pkr.json; see the docs for more details:
    Original error: Error parsing JSON: invalid character 'ÿ' looking for beginning of value
    At line 1, column 1 (offset 1):1: �^


    Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages.
    所在位置 D:\Virtual Machines\Metasploitable3\metasploitable3\build.ps1:157 字符: 10
    +          throw "Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please c ...
    +          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Error building ...error messages.:String) [], RuntimeException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages.

    查询一番有说linux的LF没有换成windows的CRLF(我打开文件,原本即是CRLF,确定更换后问题没有改变),也有可能是编码没设为UTF-8,于是对于packer fix的两个windows文件(fix的另外两个linux忽略)都进行了更换。

  • 问题三


    Warning: Warning when preparing build: "vmware-iso"Your vmx data contains the following variable(s), which Packer normally sets
    when it generates its own default vmx template. This may cause your build to
    fail or behave unpredictably: numvcpus, memsize, scsi0.virtualDevvmware-iso: output will be in this color.==> vmware-iso: Retrieving ISO
    ==> vmware-iso: Trying
    ==> vmware-iso: Trying
    ==> vmware-iso: Download failed bad response code: 404
    ==> vmware-iso: error downloading ISO: [bad response code: 404]
    Build 'vmware-iso' errored after 1 second 859 milliseconds: error downloading ISO: [bad response code: 404]==> Wait completed after 1 second 859 milliseconds==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
    --> vmware-iso: error downloading ISO: [bad response code: 404]==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.


    virtualbox-iso: output will be in this color.==> virtualbox-iso: Retrieving Guest additions
    ==> virtualbox-iso: Trying C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    ==> virtualbox-iso: Trying file://C:/Program%20Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    ==> virtualbox-iso: file://C:/Program%20Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso => C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    ==> virtualbox-iso: Retrieving ISO
    ... # same as above except 'virtualbo-iso' rather than 'vmware-iso'
    # And some more info
    Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages.
    所在位置 D:\Virtual Machines\Metasploitable3\metasploitable3\build.ps1:157 字符: 10
    +          throw "Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please c ...
    +          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Error building ...error messages.:String) [], Runtime Exception+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages.

    报错汇总:vmware: 含有已有默认数据的部分vmx data(后文忽略了);Retrieving ISO : 404
    virtualbox:Retrieving ISO : 404Error building the Vagrant box using Packer - 文件位置:metasploitable3\build.ps1:157 字符: 10。

    先看错误Error building the Vagrant box using Packer用Packer搭建时出现问题,源于从未修改的metasploitable3\build.ps1:157 字符: 10,代码如下:

    If ($(Test-Path "packer\builds\$($os_full)_virtualbox_$") -eq $True) {Write-Host "It looks like the Vagrant box already exists. Skipping the Packer build."} else {cmd.exe /c $packer build --only=virtualbox-iso packer\templates\$os_full.jsonif($?) {Write-Host "Box successfully built by Packer."} else {throw "Error building the Vagrant box using Packer. Please check the output above for any error messages."}}

    但其实这应该和 Retrieving ISO : 404 是同一个问题。可以看到两个渠道都有的很明显的 Retrieving ISO : 404 的错误,在一处CSDN博客Metasploitable3 + VMware 安装教程上发现了重要的有关404的消息:文件windows_2008_r2.json中的下载链接(windows Server 2008 r2.iso的iso_url: , iso_checksum: 4263be2cf3c59177c45085c0a7bc6ca5 )已经被微软官方移除了,无法使用。

所以在网上寻找windows_2008_r2.iso并下载至本地(注意各种虚拟机iso等类型映像和文件的管理),并改变windows_2008_r2.json中的iso_url, iso_checksum。

此时输入packer build --only=vmware-iso ./packer/templates/windows_2008_r2.json.\build.ps1 windows2008,成功。之后都用vmware进行iso安装方法的操作,virtualbox的iso安装方法大致相同。










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