

55 A fresh B soft C deep D warm

13 Many economists have given in to the fatallure of mathematics.A error B puzzleC attract

Mary just told us a very fascinating story.A. strange B. frightening C. interesting D.

In Japan, the newspapers collected by childrenA.are given to poor people.B.are used

A.fact B.plan C.reason D.trip

A.fact B.plan C.reason D.trip

The change in that village was miraculous.A.conservative B.amazingC.insignificant D.

Smith's idea has extensive applications.A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

When your child asks you questions, you should give her.

第二篇Dancing in the Streets If there is one thing certain to get Brazilians on their feet

Genetically modified products are not popular in MexicoA.Right B.Wrong C.Notmention

27 Russia celebrated .28 World War Two deprived .29 China pledges herself to fol

10 The meaning is still obscure.A transparent B vague C alien D significant

下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定一个最佳选项。Sharks Perform. a Service fo

The behavior. sensor and software system built in a phoneA.could help store messages

第二篇 A New Immigration BillThe US Senate is considering a new immigration bill.It will v

53 A age B year C time D generation

57 A took up B took on C took out D took off

A.fact B.plan C.reason D.trip

You will not be about your food in time of great hunger. A.special B.particular C.

Genetically modified products are not popular in MexicoA.Right B.Wrong C.Notmention

57 A covering B putting Ccheating D tricking

He was persuaded to give up the ideaA. mention B. accept C. drop D. consider

55 A saying B sayC saidD says

32 What did he do to make her happy?A He studied much harder.B He often took her for a rid

During the experiment, the subjects were asked A.to control the sensors and the cam


34 Which of the following statements is ,NOT true of Dionisio Masso?A She has a boyfriend.

In Japan, the newspapers collected by childrenA.are given to poor people.B.are used

Paragraph 3____________

7 Mary said mildly, that she was just curiousA gently B shylyC weakly D wildly

In Japan, the newspapers collected by childrenA.are given to poor people.B.are used

A company’s efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in ________.

I am feeling a lot more healthy than I was A.many B.noC.much D.some

58 A America B Britain C CanadaD France

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