
# 数据增广,包括:平移,水平/垂直翻转,旋转,缩放,剪切,对比度,噪声 #
# 2021/3/8 13:40                                                      #
#######################################################################import os
import cv2
import copy
import json
import skimage
import numpy as np
from random import choiceclass DataAugment:def __init__(self, debug=False):self.debug=debugprint("Data augment...")# 基础变换矩阵def basic_matrix(self, translation):        return np.array([[1,0,translation[0]],[0,1,translation[1]],[0,0,1]])    # translation = center = [width/2, height/2]# 基础变换矩阵def adjust_transform_for_image(self, img, trans_matrix):        transform_matrix=copy.deepcopy(trans_matrix)       # deep copyprint("trans_matrix is \n", trans_matrix)# ################# trans_matrix ################# 平移: #                      [1, 0, a]#   transform_matrix = [0, 1, b] #                      [0, 0, 1]## 垂直反转:#                      [1,  0, 0]#   flip_matrix   =    [0, -1, 0]#                      [0,  0, 1]## 水平反转:#                      [-1, 0, 0]#   flip_matrix   =    [ 0, 1, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]## 旋转a度(顺):#                      [cos(a), -sin(a), 0]#   rotate_matrix  =   [sin(a),  cos(a), 0]#                      [   0  ,     0  , 1]## 图片缩放:#                      [ a, 0, 0]#   scale_matrix  =    [ 0, b, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]## 图片错切:#                      [ 1, a, 0]#   crop_matrix   =    [ b, 1, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]height, width, channels = img.shapetransform_matrix[0:2, 2] *= [width, height]print("transform_matrix is \n", transform_matrix)# ################# trans_matrix ################# 平移: #                      [1, 0, aw]#   transform_matrix = [0, 1, bh] #                      [0, 0,  1]## 垂直反转:#                      [1,  0, 0]#   flip_matrix   =    [0, -1, 0]#                      [0,  0, 1]## 水平反转:#                      [-1, 0, 0]#   flip_matrix   =    [ 0, 1, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]## 旋转a度(顺):#                      [cos(a), -sin(a), 0]#   rotate_matrix  =   [sin(a),  cos(a), 0]#                      [   0  ,     0  , 1]## 图片缩放:#                      [ a, 0, 0]#   scale_matrix  =    [ 0, b, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]## 图片错切:#                      [ 1, a, 0]#   crop_matrix   =    [ b, 1, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]center = np.array((0.5 * width, 0.5 * height))transform_matrix = np.linalg.multi_dot([self.basic_matrix(center), transform_matrix, self.basic_matrix(-center)])# ################# trans_matrix ################# 平移: 沿x轴平移aw个像素,沿y轴平移bh个像素#                      [1, 0, aw]#   transform_matrix = [0, 1, bh] #                      [0, 0,  1]## 垂直反转:#                      [1,  0, 0]#   flip_matrix   =    [0, -1, h]#                      [0,  0, 1]## 水平反转:#                      [-1, 0, w]#   flip_matrix   =    [ 0, 1, 0]#                      [ 0, 0, 1]## 旋转a度(顺):以(w/2, h/2)为中心,顺时针旋转a度#                      [cos(a), -sin(a), w/2-(w/2)cos(a)+(h/2)sin(a)]#   rotate_matrix  =   [sin(a),  cos(a), h/2-(h/2)cos(a)-(w/2)sin(a)]#                      [   0  ,     0  ,             1              ]## 图片缩放:沿x轴放大a个像素,沿y轴放大b个像素#                      [ a, 0, w/2-(w/2)*a]#   scale_matrix  =    [ 0, b, h/2-(h/2)*b]#                      [ 0, 0,       1    ]## 图片错切:#                      [ 1, a, -(h/2)*a]#   crop_matrix   =    [ b, 1, -(w/2)*b]#                      [ 0, 0,     1   ]print("transform_matrix np.linalg.multi_dot is \n", transform_matrix, '\n')        return transform_matrix# 仿射变换def apply_transform(self, img, transform):        output = cv2.warpAffine(img, transform[:2, :], dsize=(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]),flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENT, borderValue=0,)# ################################ borderMode ############################################ [1] cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT  填充边界时使用常数填充# [2] cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE: 使用边界最接近的像素填充,也就是用边缘像素填充# [3] cv2.BORDER_REFLECT, 反射法,是指对图像的像素两边进行复制# [4] cv2.BORDER_REFLECT101: 反射法,把边缘的像素作为轴,对称的复制# [5] cv2.BORDER_WRAP: 用另一边的像素进行填充# [6] cv2.BORDER_TRANSPARENTreturn output# 应用变换def apply(self, img, trans_matrix):        tmp_matrix=self.adjust_transform_for_image(img, trans_matrix)out_img=self.apply_transform(img, tmp_matrix)        if self.debug:self.show(out_img)return tmp_matrix, out_img# 生成范围矩阵def random_vector(self, min, max):        min=np.array(min)max=np.array(max)print(min.shape,max.shape)assert min.shape==max.shapeassert len(min.shape) == 1return np.random.uniform(min, max)# 可视化def show(self, img):        cv2.imshow("outimg",img)cv2.waitKey()# 平移变换def random_transform(self, img, min_translation, max_translation):       factor=self.random_vector(min_translation,max_translation)trans_matrix=np.array([[1, 0, factor[0]],[0, 1, factor[1]],[0, 0, 1]])tmp_matrix, out_img=self.apply(img,trans_matrix)return tmp_matrix, trans_matrix, out_img# 水平或垂直翻转def random_flip(self, img, factor):        # 垂直: factor=[1.0, -1.0]# 水平: factor=[-1.0, 1.0]flip_matrix = np.array([[factor[0], 0, 0],[0, factor[1], 0],[0, 0, 1]])_, out_img=self.apply(img,flip_matrix)return flip_matrix, out_img# 随机旋转(顺)def random_rotate(self, img, factor):  # 除了以下方法,还可以考虑cv2.getRotationMatrix2D这个函数angle=np.random.randint(factor[0],factor[1])print("angle : {}°".format(angle))angle = np.pi / 180.0 * angle        rotate_matrix=np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]])  # 顺时针_, out_img=self.apply(img,rotate_matrix) return angle, rotate_matrix, out_img# 随机缩放def random_scale(self, img, min_translation, max_translation):        factor=self.random_vector(min_translation, max_translation)scale_matrix = np.array([[factor[0], 0, 0],[0, factor[1], 0],[0, 0, 1]])_, out_img=self.apply(img,scale_matrix)return factor, scale_matrix, out_img# 随机剪切,包括横向和众向剪切def random_shear(self, img, factor):        angle = np.random.uniform(factor[0], factor[1])print("fc:{}".format(angle))crop_matrix = np.array([[1, factor[0], 0], [factor[1], 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])_, out_img=self.apply(img,crop_matrix)return angle, crop_matrix, out_img# 设置对比度和亮度def brightness_contrast_ratio(self, im):brightness = [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]contrast_ratio = [1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8]a = choice(contrast_ratio)b = choice(brightness)print(f"brightness is {b}, contrast is {a}")img = np.array(im)mean = np.mean(img)temp = img - meanimg = temp * a + mean * bif self.debug:self.show(img)return img# 随机噪声def random_noise(self, im):noise_img = skimage.util.random_noise(im, mode='gaussian', var=0.01)  # 原图像素为float,skimage操作后控制在[0,1]内,返回时需扩大到[0,255]      img = noise_img * 255   if self.debug:self.show(img)return imgclass DataAugmen_Json:def __init__(self, readPath, savePath):        self.width = Noneself.height = Noneself.shapes = Noneself.json_file = Noneself.read_path = readPathself.save_path = savePathprint("Change json...")# 读取json文件,并存放在类变量中def openjson(self, name):path = os.path.join(self.read_path, name)with open(path, 'r') as f:self.json_file = json.load(f)        self.width = self.json_file['imageWidth']self.height = self.json_file['imageHeight']self.shapes = self.json_file['shapes']# 保存修改后的json文件def savejson(self, name):path = os.path.join(self.save_path, name)with open(path, 'w') as f:json.dump(self.json_file, f)# 图片平移操作,修改相应标注点坐标def random_transform_json(self, trans_matrix):newShapes = []        x_offset, y_offset = trans_matrix[0:2, 2]for shape in self.shapes:tempdic = {"label": shape['label'], "group_id": shape['group_id'], "shape_type": "polygon", "flags": {}}newpoints = []for point in shape['points']:x = point[0] + x_offsety = point[1] + y_offset
#                x = width if x > width else x
#                y = height if y > height else ynewpoints.append([x, y])tempdic['points'] = newpointsnewShapes.append(tempdic)self.json_file['shapes'] = newShapes# 图片翻转操作,修改相应标注点坐标def random_flip_json(self, factor):newShapes = []for shape in self.shapes:tempdic = {"label": shape['label'], "group_id": shape['group_id'], "shape_type": "polygon", "flags": {}}newpoints = []for point in shape['points']:if factor == (-1.0, 1.0) :x = self.width - point[0]y = point[1]elif factor == (1.0, -1.0):x = point[0]y = self.height - point[1]               newpoints.append([x, y])tempdic['points'] = newpointsnewShapes.append(tempdic)self.json_file['shapes'] = newShapes# 图片旋转操作,修改相应标注点坐标def random_rotate_json(self, angle):"""点point1绕点point2旋转angle后的点======================================在平面坐标上,任意点P(x1,y1),绕一个坐标点Q(x2,y2)旋转θ角度后,新的坐标设为(x, y)的计算公式:x= (x1 - x2)*cos(θ) - (y1 - y2)*sin(θ) + x2 ;y= (x1 - x2)*sin(θ) + (y1 - y2)*cos(θ) + y2 ;======================================将图像坐标(x,y)转换到平面坐标(x`,y`):x`=xy`=height-y:param point1::param point2: base point (基点):param angle: 旋转角度,正:表示逆时针,负:表示顺时"""newShapes = []cx, cy = self.width/2, self.height/2for shape in self.shapes:tempdic = {"label": shape['label'], "group_id": shape['group_id'], "shape_type": "polygon", "flags": {}}newpoints = []for point in shape['points']:x1 = point[0]y1 = point[1]# 将图像坐标转换到平面坐标y1 = self.height - y1cy = self.height - cy#                # 逆时针
#                x = (x1 - cx) * np.cos(angle) - (y1 - cy) * np.sin(angle) + cx
#                y = (x1 - cx) * np.sin(angle) + (y1 - cy) * np.cos(angle) + cy# 顺时针x = (x1 - cx) * np.cos(angle) + (y1 - cy) * np.sin(angle) + cxy = -1*(x1 - cx) * np.sin(angle) + (y1 - cy) * np.cos(angle) + cy# 将平面坐标转换到图像坐标y = self.height - y                newpoints.append([x, y])tempdic['points'] = newpointsnewShapes.append(tempdic)self.json_file['shapes'] = newShapes# 图片缩放操作,修改相应标注点坐标def random_scale_json(self, factor):newShapes = []w, h = self.width/2, self.height/2for shape in self.shapes:tempdic = {"label": shape['label'], "group_id": shape['group_id'], "shape_type": "polygon", "flags": {}}newpoints = []for point in shape['points']:                x = point[0] * factor[0] + w * (1-factor[0])y = point[1] * factor[1] + h * (1-factor[1])         newpoints.append([x, y])tempdic['points'] = newpointsnewShapes.append(tempdic)self.json_file['shapes'] = newShapes# 图片错切操作,修改相应标注点坐标def random_shear_json(self, factor):newShapes = []w, h = self.width/2, self.height/2for shape in self.shapes:tempdic = {"label": shape['label'], "group_id": shape['group_id'], "shape_type": "polygon", "flags": {}}newpoints = []for point in shape['points']:                x = point[0] + point[1] * factor[0] - h * factor[0]y = point[1] + point[0] * factor[1] - w * factor[1]     newpoints.append([x, y])tempdic['points'] = newpointsnewShapes.append(tempdic)self.json_file['shapes'] = newShapes# 设置对比度和亮度, 不需要修改标注文件def brightness_contrast_ratio_json(self):pass# 随机噪声, 不需要修改标注文件def random_noise_json(self):passif __name__=="__main__":daPic = DataAugment(debug=True)daJson = DataAugmen_Json(readPath='E:/Desktop/images', savePath='E:/Desktop/augment')img=cv2.imread("E:/Desktop/images/0001.jpg")#    a = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]])
#    print(a[0:2, 2])
#    min=np.array((0.1,0.1))
#    print(min)
#    max=np.array((0.2,0.2))
#    print(max)
#    print(np.random.uniform(min, max))# 平移测试
#    trans_matrix, _, outimg=daPic.random_transform(img,(0.1,0.1),(0.2,0.2))  #(-0.3,-0.3),(0.3,0.3)
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_transform_json(trans_matrix)
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 翻转测试
#    factor  = (-1.0, 1.0)      # 垂直: (1.0, -1.0) ; 水平:(-1.0, 1.0)
#    _, outimg = daPic.random_flip(img, factor)
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_flip_json(factor)
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 旋转变换测试
#    angle, _, outimg = daPic.random_rotate(img, (10, 350))  # 在10°到350°之间顺时针旋转
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_rotate_json(angle)
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 缩放变换测试
#    factor, _, outimg = daPic.random_scale(img, (1.2, 1.2), (1.3,1.3))
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    print(f"factor is {factor}")
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_scale_json(factor)
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 随机裁剪测试
#    factor = (0.2,0.3)
#    _, _, outimg = daPic.random_shear(img, factor)
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_shear_json(factor)
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 组合变换
#    _, t1, _=daPic.random_transform(img, (-0.3,-0.3), (0.3,0.3))
#    angle, t2, _=daPic.random_rotate(img, (10, 350))
#    factor, t3, _=daPic.random_scale(img, (1.5,1.5), (1.7,1.7))
#    tmp=np.linalg.multi_dot([t1,t2,t3])
#    print("tmp:{}".format(tmp))
#    out=daPic.apply(img, tmp)# 对比度和亮度测试
#    outimg = daPic.brightness_contrast_ratio(img)
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.brightness_contrast_ratio_json()
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')# 高斯噪声测试
#    outimg = daPic.random_noise(img)
#    cv2.imwrite('E:/Desktop/augment/0001.jpg', outimg)
#    daJson.openjson('0001.json')
#    daJson.random_noise_json()
#    daJson.savejson('test.json')

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