
  • 前言
  • 快速应用
    • 存储与加载,简单示例
    • 存储的文件
    • tf.train.Saver与存储文件的讲解
      • 核心定义
    • 存储文件的讲解
  • 保存图与模型进阶
    • 按迭代次数保存
    • 按时间保存
    • 更详细的解释


自己学Tensorflow,现在看的书是《TensorFlow技术解析与实战》,不得不说这书前面的部分有点坑,后面的还不清楚.图与模型的加载写的不清楚,书上的代码还不能运行=- =,真是BI…咳咳.之后还是开始了查文档,翻博客的填坑之旅



# 一般而言我们是构建模型之后,session运行,但是这次不同之处在于我们是构件好之后存储了模型
# 然后在session中加载存储好的模型,再运行
import tensorflow as tf
import osos.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2'# 声明两个变量
v1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 2]), name='v1')
v2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 3]), name='v2')
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() # 初始化全部变量
# saver = tf.train.Saver(write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V1) # 声明tf.train.Saver类用于保存模型
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# 只存储图
if not os.path.exists('save/model.meta'):saver.export_meta_graph('save/model.meta')print()
with tf.Session() as sess:sess.run(init_op)print('v1:', sess.run(v1)) # 打印v1、v2的值一会读取之后对比print('v2:', sess.run(v2))saver_path = saver.save(sess, 'save/model.ckpt')  # 将模型保存到save/model.ckpt文件print('Model saved in file:', saver_path)print()
with tf.Session() as sess:saver.restore(sess, 'save/model.ckpt') # 即将固化到硬盘中的模型从保存路径再读取出来,这样就可以直接使用之前训练好,或者训练到某一阶段的的模型了print('v1:', sess.run(v1)) # 打印v1、v2的值和之前的进行对比print('v2:', sess.run(v2))print('Model Restored')print()
# 只加载图,
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('save/model.ckpt.meta')
with tf.Session() as sess:saver.restore(sess, 'save/model.ckpt')# 通过张量的名称来获取张量,也可以直接运行新的张量print('v1:', sess.run(tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('v1:0')))print('v2:', sess.run(tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name('v2:0')))


v1: [[-0.78213912 -0.72646964]]
v2: [[-0.36301413 -0.99892306  0.21593148][-1.09692276 -0.06931346  0.19474344]]
Model saved in file: save/model.ckptv1: [[-0.78213912 -0.72646964]]
v2: [[-0.36301413 -0.99892306  0.21593148][-1.09692276 -0.06931346  0.19474344]]
Model Restoredv1: [[-0.78213912 -0.72646964]]
v2: [[-0.36301413 -0.99892306  0.21593148][-1.09692276 -0.06931346  0.19474344]]









Protocol Buffer.

Protocol Buffer定义的。MetaGraphDef




# 在1000次迭代时存储
saver.save(sess, 'my_test_model',global_step=1000)




#saves a model every 2 hours and maximum 4 latest models are saved.
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=4, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=2)



  def __init__(self,var_list=None,reshape=False,sharded=False,max_to_keep=5,keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000.0,# 默认时间是一万小时,有趣# 但我们只争朝夕name=None,restore_sequentially=False,saver_def=None,builder=None,defer_build=False,allow_empty=False,write_version=saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2,pad_step_number=False,save_relative_paths=False):"""Creates a `Saver`.The constructor adds ops to save and restore variables.`var_list` specifies the variables that will be saved and restored. It canbe passed as a `dict` or a list:* A `dict` of names to variables: The keys are the names that will beused to save or restore the variables in the checkpoint files.* A list of variables: The variables will be keyed with their op name inthe checkpoint files.For example:```pythonv1 = tf.Variable(..., name='v1')v2 = tf.Variable(..., name='v2')# Pass the variables as a dict:saver = tf.train.Saver({'v1': v1, 'v2': v2})# Or pass them as a list.saver = tf.train.Saver([v1, v2])# Passing a list is equivalent to passing a dict with the variable op names# as keys:saver = tf.train.Saver({v.op.name: v for v in [v1, v2]})```The optional `reshape` argument, if `True`, allows restoring a variable froma save file where the variable had a different shape, but the same numberof elements and type.  This is useful if you have reshaped a variable andwant to reload it from an older checkpoint.The optional `sharded` argument, if `True`, instructs the saver to shardcheckpoints per device.Args:var_list: A list of `Variable`/`SaveableObject`, or a dictionary mappingnames to `SaveableObject`s. If `None`, defaults to the list of allsaveable objects.reshape: If `True`, allows restoring parameters from a checkpointwhere the variables have a different shape.sharded: If `True`, shard the checkpoints, one per device.max_to_keep: Maximum number of recent checkpoints to keep.Defaults to 5.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: How often to keep checkpoints.Defaults to 10,000 hours.name: String.  Optional name to use as a prefix when adding operations.restore_sequentially: A `Bool`, which if true, causes restore of differentvariables to happen sequentially within each device.  This can lowermemory usage when restoring very large models.saver_def: Optional `SaverDef` proto to use instead of running thebuilder. This is only useful for specialty code that wants to recreatea `Saver` object for a previously built `Graph` that had a `Saver`.The `saver_def` proto should be the one returned by the`as_saver_def()` call of the `Saver` that was created for that `Graph`.builder: Optional `SaverBuilder` to use if a `saver_def` was not provided.Defaults to `BaseSaverBuilder()`.defer_build: If `True`, defer adding the save and restore ops to the`build()` call. In that case `build()` should be called beforefinalizing the graph or using the saver.allow_empty: If `False` (default) raise an error if there are novariables in the graph. Otherwise, construct the saver anyway and makeit a no-op.write_version: controls what format to use when saving checkpoints.  Italso affects certain filepath matching logic.  The V2 format is therecommended choice: it is much more optimized than V1 in terms ofmemory required and latency incurred during restore.  Regardless ofthis flag, the Saver is able to restore from both V2 and V1 checkpoints.pad_step_number: if True, pads the global step number in the checkpointfilepaths to some fixed width (8 by default).  This is turned off bydefault.save_relative_paths: If `True`, will write relative paths to thecheckpoint state file. This is needed if the user wants to copy thecheckpoint directory and reload from the copied directory.Raises:TypeError: If `var_list` is invalid.ValueError: If any of the keys or values in `var_list` are not unique."""

5.1 Tensorflow:图与模型的加载与存储相关推荐

  1. tensorflow中保存模型、加载模型做预测(不需要再定义网络结构)

    下面用一个线下回归模型来记载保存模型.加载模型做预测 参考文章: http://blog.csdn.net/thriving_fcl/article/details/71423039 训练一个线下回归 ...

  2. 5.2 TensorFlow:模型的加载,存储,实例

    背景 之前已经写过TensorFlow图与模型的加载与存储了,写的很详细,但是或闻有人没看懂,所以在附上一个关于模型加载与存储的例子,CODE是我偶然看到了,就记下来了.其中模型很巧妙,比之前nump ...

  3. Three.js(十四)—— 模型文件加载

    文章目录 14.Three.js 加载外部模型文件 14.1 Three.js 数据结构.导入导出 Threejs导出模型信息 自定义模型加载器文件 加载Three.js导出的模型数据 14.2 加载 ...

  4. 3D模型的加载与使用

     http://www.hewebgl.com/article/getarticle/126 1.感谢词 亲爱的朋友: 您们好.感谢您阅读WebGL中文网的初级课程,学习到本课,我们假设您已经学习 ...

  5. Matlab编程技巧:打开模型时加载数据字典

    本文研究通过回调函数,在打开模型时加载数据字典到工作空间中. 文章目录 1 问题引入 2 简单例程 2.1 模型配置 2.2 数据字典表格 2.3 创建脚本 3 效果演示 4 总结 1 问题引入 在& ...

  6. Python图片转gif(将静态图转化为分块加载的动态图)

    简介 将静态图转化为分块加载的动态图 方案 1. PIL: 1. 创建背景图2. 将原图拆分成N块并依次合成到背景图的相应位置, 得到N张素材图3. 将N张素材图合成GIF2. pygifsicle对 ...

  7. 火云开发课堂 - 《使用Cocos2d-x 开发3D游戏》系列 第五节:模型的加载与渲染

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  8. 借由ARM CORTEX-M芯片分析C程序加载和存储模型

    https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/22048373 写文章 借由ARM CORTEX-M芯片分析C程序加载和存储模型 王小军 1 年前 阿军最近在忙着血氧手环嵌入式系统的技术预 ...

  9. Python之pandas数据加载、存储

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