

select  t.telno as 主号,VID 副号,t.area_code 地区, t.reg_time 注册时间,t.reg_source 注册工号,t.bill_start_date 计费时间, (case state  when 0then '0 正常'  end)计费状态 from t_unreg_log t where t.bill_start_date<to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd') and t.bill_start_date>to_date('20150201','yyyymmdd')and t.unreg_time<to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd') and t.unreg_time>to_date('20150201','yyyymmdd')and t.type='9' unionselect   t.telno as 主号,VID 副号,t.area_code 地区, t.reg_time 注册时间,t.reg_source 注册工号,t.bill_start_date 计费时间, (case state  when 0then '0 正常'  end)计费状态 from t_unreg_log t where t.bill_start_date<to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd') and t.bill_start_date>to_date('20150201','yyyymmdd')and t.unreg_time>to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd')unionselect t.telno as 主号,VID 副号,t.area_code 地区, t.reg_time 注册时间,t.reg_source 注册工号,t.bill_start_date 计费时间, (case state  when 0then '0 正常'  end)计费状态  from t_unreg_log t where t.bill_start_date is not nulland t.bill_start_date<to_date('20150201','yyyymmdd')  and t.unreg_time<to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd') and t.unreg_time>to_date('20150201','yyyymmdd') and t.type='9'unionselect t.telno as 主号,VID 副号,t.area_code 地区, t.reg_time 注册时间,t.reg_source 注册工号,t.bill_start_date 计费时间, (case state  when 0then '0 正常'  end)计费状态   from t_online_info t where t.bill_start_date is not null and t.bill_start_date<to_date('20150301','yyyymmdd'))



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