文章作者:姜南(Slyar) 文章来源:Slyar Home (www.slyar.com) 转载请注明,谢谢合作。



void qsort ( void * base, size_t num, size_t size, int ( * comparator ) ( const void *, const void * ) );


Sorts the num elements of the array pointed by base, each element size bytes long, using the comparator function to determine the order.

The sorting algorithm used by this function compares pairs of values by calling the specified comparator function with two pointers to elements of the array.

The function does not return any value, but modifies the content of the array pointed by base reordering its elements to the newly sorted order.

base Pointer to the first element of the array to be sorted.(数组起始地址)
num Number of elements in the array pointed by base.(数组元素个数)
size Size in bytes of each element in the array.(每一个元素的大小)
comparator Function that compares two elements.(函数指针,指向比较函数)
1、The function must accept two parameters that are pointers to elements, type-casted as void*. These parameters should be cast back to some data type and be compared.
2、The return value of this function should represent whether elem1 is considered less than, equal to, or greater than elem2 by returning, respectively, a negative value, zero or a positive value.
Return Value none (无返回值)


int num[100];

int cmp ( const void *a , const void *b )
return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;



char word[100];

int cmp( const void *a , const void *b )
return *(char *)a - *(int *)b;



double in[100];

int cmp( const void *a , const void *b )
return *(double *)a > *(double *)b ? 1 : -1;



struct Sample
double data;
int other;


int cmp( const void *a ,const void *b)
return (*(Sample *)a).data > (*(Sample *)b).data ? 1 : -1;



struct Sample
int x;
int y;


int cmp( const void *a , const void *b )
struct Sample *c = (Sample *)a;
struct Sample *d = (Sample *)b;
if(c->x != d->x) return c->x - d->x;
else return d->y - c->y;



struct Sample
int data;
char str[100];


int cmp ( const void *a , const void *b )
return strcmp( (*(Sample *)a).str , (*(Sample *)b).str );



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char s[2001][1001];

int cmp(const void *a, const void *b){
return strcmp((char *)a,(char *)b);

int main(){
int i,n;
for(i=0;i<n;i++) gets(s[i]);
for(i=0;i<n;i++) puts(s[i]);
return 0;

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