
在虚拟机中安装了CentOS时安装了Nami版的Rendmine,没有设置MySQL自动启动,手动启动时出现 Please read “Security” section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!错误,根据提示,查了 /opt/redmine-1.2.1-1/mysql/docs/mysql.info的Security部分,发现是因为MySQL为了安全,不希望root用户直接启动mysql。下面是文档中的原文:

*Never run the MySQL server as the Unix root' user. This is
extremely dangerous, because any user with the
FILE’ privilege is
able to cause the server to create files as root' (for example,
~root/.bashrc’). To prevent this, *Note mysqld': mysqld. refuses
to run as
root’ unless that is specified explicitly using the
--user=root' option.
永远不要使用root帐号启动MySQL Server。这样做很微笑,因为拥有FILE'权限的用户会使得MySQL Server使用root帐户创建文件(比如,~root/.bashrc),为了防止类似的事情发生,mysqld默认拒绝用户使用root帐户启动,但root用户可以通过在命令后面加上"--user=root"选项来强行启动mysqld。
mysqld’: mysqld. can (and should) be run as an ordinary,
unprivileged user instead. You can create a separate Unix account
named mysql' to make everything even more secure. Use this
account only for administering MySQL. To start *Note
mysqld. as a different Unix user, add a user' option that
specifies the user name in the
[mysqld]’ group of the `my.cnf’
option file where you specify server options. For example:


This causes the server to start as the designated user whether you
start it manually or by using *Note mysqld_safe': mysqld-safe. or
mysql.server’: mysql-server. For more details, see *Note
Running *Note mysqld': mysqld. as a Unix user other thanroot’
does not mean that you need to change the root' user name in the
user’ table. _User names for MySQL accounts have nothing to do
with user names for Unix accounts_.

Please read Security section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!错误解决相关推荐

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