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写一个 RecentCounter 类来计算最近的请求。

它只有一个方法:ping(int t),其中 t 代表以毫秒为单位的某个时间。

返回从 3000 毫秒前到现在的 ping 数。

任何处于 [t - 3000, t] 时间范围之内的 ping 都将会被计算在内,包括当前(指 t 时刻)的 ping。

保证每次对 ping 的调用都使用比之前更大的 t 值。

输入:inputs = ["RecentCounter","ping","ping","ping","ping"], inputs = [[],[1],[100],[3001],[3002]]



  • 每个测试用例最多调用 10000 次 ping。
  • 每个测试用例会使用严格递增的 t 值来调用 ping。
  • 每次调用 ping 都有 1 <= t <= 10^9。

Write a class RecentCounter to count recent requests.

It has only one method: ping(int t), where t represents some time in milliseconds.

Return the number of pings that have been made from 3000 milliseconds ago until now.

Any ping with time in [t - 3000, t] will count, including the current ping.

It is guaranteed that every call to ping uses a strictly larger value of t than before.

Input: inputs = ["RecentCounter","ping","ping","ping","ping"], inputs = [[],[1],[100],[3001],[3002]]

Output: [null,1,2,3,3]


  • Each test case will have at most 10000 calls to ping.
  • Each test case will call ping with strictly increasing values of t.
  • Each call to ping will have 1 <= t <= 10^9.


该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客【比特飞】,单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/4134 访问。

public class Program {public static void Main(string[] args) {var count = new RecentCounter();Console.WriteLine(count.Ping(1));Console.WriteLine(count.Ping(100));Console.WriteLine(count.Ping(3001));Console.WriteLine(count.Ping(3002));Console.WriteLine();var count2 = new RecentCounter2();Console.WriteLine(count2.Ping(1));Console.WriteLine(count2.Ping(100));Console.WriteLine(count2.Ping(3000));Console.WriteLine(count2.Ping(5000));Console.ReadKey();}public class RecentCounter {public RecentCounter() {_list = new List<int>();}private List<int> _list = null;public int Ping(int t) {//列表法,思路简单暴力_list.Add(t);var last = _list[_list.Count - 1];var count = 1;for(var i = _list.Count - 2; i >= 0; i--) {if(last - _list[i] <= 3000) {count++;} else {break;}}return count;}}public class RecentCounter2 {public RecentCounter2() {_queue = new Queue<int>();}private Queue<int> _queue = null;public int Ping(int t) {//队列法_queue.Enqueue(t);//干掉时间差大于 3000 的,它们没有必要参与运算while(t - _queue.Peek() > 3000) _queue.Dequeue();return _queue.Count;}}}


该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客【比特飞】,单击链接 https://www.byteflying.com/archives/4134 访问。



显而易见,以上2种算法的时间复杂度均为:  。

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